
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Return Of Qi

The beliefs of people could affect reality. It's said that those with high enough cultivation, and simple thoughts were enough to reshape reality. with billions of humans now knowing about cultivation, and the government supporting this. this would lead to Qi returning to this world faster than one would expect.

Alex had to speed up just about everything he was doing and was even opening up restaurants within all 50 states. Many people began supporting him, leading to him having a bunch of money that he used to expand. Collin took over the fish farm and was responsible for everything related to food.

Abdi was buying land left and right and was using this land to build forms of income for him to get while looking to keep expanding.

Abel began releasing something never seen before to the market, a Qi phone. this caused countless people to look towards him in shock, it was on a level of its own, above the likes of the iPhone and Samsung, but it couldn't be released to the public just yet.

For a time, the world was calm, everything was calm. that was until march of 2019. Qi burst into our world, the huge wave of Qi caused many people worldwide to grow sick and ill. To heal, doctors all over the world seek Alex, buying his food to help them recover. Alex didn't mind and even lowered the price for them, allowing many people worldwide to quickly recover.

But the Qi which returned would go on to last a few years, within this time, all of the cultivators disappeared, madly absorbing this Qi to breakthrough. Arthurian was among them as she sensed that she could go through many levels without the risk of her cultivation becoming unstable.

"Are you guys not going to cultivate?" I asked calmly, while he sat before a TV, watching Rick and Morty. Abel, Collin, and Abdi sat on the chair with me,

"Why cultivate when we can just mimic the effect of cultivation with that technique? Plus, we improve it to give us passive strength growth." Collin said with a smile while pulling out a sneaker bar to eat.

"Just so you know, this wave of Qi would last for 3 years. after which, we would have to go to war. At the same time, many powerful experts of the past would show themselves. either coming back from the dead or from their seals." I said calmly, 

"I was going to talk to you about that. if they could break so many levels back to back, they might get cocky and try and attack us. how strong are they, and how strong are we?" Abel asked to which I thought for a moment.

"It goes Body tempering, Qi gathering, Core Formation. Go to VS battle, there they have tier the normal human at the 10th tier." Alex said calmly, what was he talking about? there was a website called VS battle, which had a person strength from 11 tiers which would be something of 2D, up to 0 tier which would be boundless.

On the tier list, humans are tier 10. tier 10 is split into 3 parts.

10-C: Below Average Human level

10-B: Human-level

10-A: Athlete level.

Cultivations at level 1 Body tempering were above all of this, at tier 9. which was also split into 3 parts.

9-C: Street level = level 1 Body tempering

9-B: Wall level = level 1 body tempering realm would also fall within this tier

9-A: Small Building level = level 2 body tempering realm

Above this was Tier 8: Urban, which was also split into 3 parts

8-C: Building level = Level 3 Body tempering realm

8-B: City Block level = Level 5 Body tempering realm

Multi-City Block level = level 7 body tempering realm

Above this was Tier 7: Nuclear

7-C: Town level = level 10 Body tempering realm

7-B: City level = Level 6 Qi gathering realm

7-A: Mountain level = Level 9 Core Formation Realm

"that list isn't for all cultivators, but for the average minimum strength a cultivator should have at each level. some cultivators don't have attack power, but are more skilled in taking damage, while others are more skilled in fleeing. So don't look at that as attack powers." I said lazily,

"What about those above the core formation realm?" Abel asked, to which I smiled slightly.

"The next tier would be those holding the power to destroy islands of stuff. the cultivators above this core formation realm can't do that. instead, they use their Law to suppress others' strength while increasing their own." I said calmly, to which Abel nodded in understanding.

"Laws? the fuck, we will have to do that shit?" Abdi said in annoyance, since he had been reading about cultivation, he understood what a law was. The 'law' or the 'Way' are the principles that uphold the functioning of the cosmos and within the universe, using this is like drawing upon the universe's power. this leads to your target being suppressed, while resistance is ignored or bypass

"Yup. even I can't do anything about that," I said to which Abdi clicked his tongue. comprehend a law could take years, it wasn't something that could be forced. although all of them suddenly had a question... how could [The End] act when faced with a law?

"What are you guys doing?" Hope asked while entering the room just to find them all watching cartoons. she was speechless

"Research, if we can recreate Rick's creations, wouldn't it be for the best?" I asked calmly, to which Hope rolled her eyes slightly, but she sat down. if she didn't know their clones were off doing something else, she would have been annoyed. after all, she was the one who managed everything.

"So, the whole gang is here?" Emma asked while entering the house, only to see everyone watching a cartoon. she was speechless, but she came over and sat down. after doing her job of ordering people to wash cars and houses, she needed a rest.

"You know, anime and cartoons might take a backseat with cultivation popping up," Emma said lazily, at her words, everyone froze slightly. Alex pulled out his phone called the president of the United States, and gave him his order... on that note, he even gave a call to Japan. he shall personally pay all of the hard-working people so long as his entertainment keeps coming.

to this, Abel, Collin, and Abdi supported fully. leaving Hope and Emma speechless... the return of Qi normally should have just affected the earth. after all, humans were a lot, but their belief wasn't enough to reshape the whole solar system.

But it did cause a chain reaction. with Qi overflowing on Earth, some licked into space. as if breathing, the earth moved. its sizing growing. but this didn't stop there. some Qi reached other planets, causing life on that planet to slowly grow, or those sealed away to slowly open their eyes.

Normally, that should have been all, but someone secretly teleported the Qi to key points around the Milky Way galaxy. among these places, was a planet full of elves. what were elves? elves were pretty much plant people. born from the Tree of Life, these elves were plants that had a human-like appearance. it was said they were created by the goddess of beauty, to create the perfect race.

"... This Qi." within the deepest part of the Elven plant, an old man slowly opened his eyes, his eyes turned cold, rage burning in his eyes.

"Those selfish humans, they would doom the whole galaxy... Son, hear me now. head to earth and stop those humans are all costs. Hurry, you can't let the chain reaction lead to the return of Qi all over the galaxy ahead of time." the old elf said his voice spread out and entering the ears of a young man who sat on a throne

"yes, father... get ready for war." the young elf suddenly spoke, shocking the guards within the throne room.

In another part of the galaxy, a golden skeleton reached out of the ground and went on to crawl out. the golden skeleton caused the planet to shake, shockingly this skeleton was the size of a small mountain.

other against moved seeing this sight, and came to kneel before the golden skeleton. the skeleton ignored them, looking towards the sky.

"Go, the humans dare gain Qi ahead of time. hurry and stop them." the golden skeleton said, stunning the giant race, who quickly got to work to open a portal to Earth.

"those greedy humans, with the risk of destroying the whole galaxy, you would dare to do such a thing? my ancestor should have slaughtered you all." the golden skeleton said in rage, 

but this wasn't the only powerful lifeform to be awakened, countless races across the galaxies, races which were believed to be a myth yet they were all eyeing Earth. and on earth, there was also a being who opened his eyes.

"Sigh, why must it be us humans?" a zombie said while shaking his head, getting out of his resting place, the zombie went on to sense what was happening with earth. sighing, seeing just how all of mankind was made to know of Qi, he grew annoyed at two people.

that so-called angel and Alex. With a flash, he appeared above Africa. this angel was the guy who started it all, so he had to kill this brat and think of a way to fix things, hopefully before the other races came to get a look at Earth.

for thousands of years, he had wanted Earth to secretly develop its technology. although humans were not as skilled as the dwarfs, they have come close. this was going to be their mankind trump card for the future that awaits. although this had the drawback of leaving mankind weak on cultivation, it was worth it as cultivation knowledge was still given to powerful clans...