
My Angel system

In old times a boy named Luis had lost his parents at a very tender age, he never even got to know who his parents were. With his parents gone he had to be taken care of by his wicked aunt who hardly fed him once a day, in effort to get food Luis was adviced to steal by a strange book without minding the punishment of burning given to thieves. When Luis was caught he ran into the forest and the villagers including his aunt chased him down with torches. "I think it's best I surrender now" Luis stopped running and was panting now. "I think I can see him!" he heard the village blacksmith shout. He took a little step backwards and down a hole he went. "Noooooo!!!" Luis screamed as he went down the hole, the last thing he saw was a red glowing light and then it was lights out for him. "What happened?" Luis groaned. "Where am I? And why is my body so cold" he said touching his arm" A screen appeard in front of him. [ System revived ] "What?" That was where the true journey began. Now the fate of mankind lies in his hands as he keeps completing tasks and quests to get stronger. Luis keeps getting stronger but the question is: Will he be able to stop Lucifer? Join my discord channel for more info about the novel. https://discord.gg/7DvJCBfvSy Also if you have time, you can check out The Angel System by ECM Manga.

Franklin_Nwakamma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
422 Chs

Demon Vs Wizard

"You foul spirit, you've been living among these foolish humans for years as their king," Ashburn said, pointing his staff at Roy who was still relaxed on the throne.

"No, no, I wouldn't be foolish to get this opportunity and waste it acting like I'm their king for years." He said sitting up on the throne. "I just took control yesterday."

"You possessed him against his will," Ashburn said.

He was being cautious now and was slowly taking a few steps back, he was confident that he could hold his ground with the staff of vagus but these demons from the dark dimension could be tricky, his last encounter with one of them wasn't a funny one, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Possessed him yes, against his will no," Roy said as he slowly got up from the throne. "We made a deal so I don't see anything wrong here."

"What deal?"

"I told him I would bring back his daughters and free his kingdom from your rising oppression."