
My 100 cheat codes system

What happens when a teenage boy gets transmigrated into another world like his videogame?, he earns the cheat codes system! This is it! The story of a young boy named Moto Kudasaki who got transmigrated into another world like his videogame called Adventurers Conquest. Once a cheat, always a cheat, he earns his cheat codes system where his past life cheat codes can be used to give him power. This is his goal as always, to defeat the demon Lord. Let's see if he can survive this twisted and confusing world. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Note: I do not own the cover photo. Thank you for reading, also read my other novel named My mutation system.

OJE_Novels · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Explaination

On our way to the king's room, my busty fiancee explained. She started by telling me who I was, that my name is Satou Asgard of age 21, the noble and only son of the king. She told me the choice I(Satou) had made to run away from my(Satou) noble duties to become an adventurer which was why she thought I(Satou) was dead. She also explained who they were. She, the busty woman is my fiancee named Rabell of age 20, her face was red like an apple throughout her explaination of our relationship, how we did mouth-to-mouth contact, talked, had fun and even some romance that made me blush too. I also even wondered if this should be heard by the twins at my back but turning back, they were just playing and hardly heard what Rabell said.

The twin girls are my cute little sisters of age 10. Rabell said that I usually played with them in games like tag which almost made me think there was a senior reincarnate or transmigrate but that isn't concrete enough. She also said that I should be careful that they are very clingy which I highly took in mind. My twin sister in red is named Ruby and the other in blue is diamond. Intros are finished so I should ask

"How did you find me?"

"I didn't, some adventurers did. They said they found you at the cave collapse site and that you were under a pile of rubble with some other dead adventurers. No one knows the cause of the collapse so don't bother your head about it and before you ask, the dead adventurers have been given to their family and friends so just rest and be happy that you're alive . . . . . and well"

She mumbled the last part of her sentence but I still heard it. She's suspicious of me, it must be because I was the only one that survived and I also healed too quickly, thanks to my system though, without it I'll be dead. Hearing of my dead friends again from Rabell almost broke my heart again, almost. I can't continue being angry at myself for their death, they wouldn't want that, they would have wanted me to move on for me and . . . . for them and I'll make sure to make their burial is the most memorable burial possible and I'll also make sure that their families would live the best lives possible!!!

Wait a sec, now I think about it, wasn't there a system quest before the fight against the demon which I was too busy to check out at that time. <Login> ok, login

"New quest: Defeat the plant-type demon

Reward: ???

Quest complete

Reward: Holy shield Sill"

Holy sword! No wait, holy shield? What's a holy shield?. This must be one of the weaker cheat codes(i.e the cheats at 51 and above). ^sigh^ oh well at least I got something. I can't test it out here so I bring up my status tab.


Name: Satou Asgard

Level: 5{EXP=1300/5000}☆

HP: 100/100

MP: 10/10

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Endurance: 10

Stamina: 10/10

Luck: 10

Mind: 10

AP: 370

Looking through my stats except for the fact that I leveled up quite a bit, everything looks the same, was what I thought till I noticed the little star after my Experience points. Thinking about the star, it opened up.

"Congratulations, you have gained 1 skill point

Choose among the purchasable skills below to spend point on:

1: Accelerate: ×2 to agility temporarily (30 minutes)

2: Tank form: ×2 to endurance temporarily (30 minutes)

3: Boost: ×2 to strength temporarily (30 minutes)"


Well, this is new! I can purchase skills in the system by gaining skill points which I believe happens once in a while when I level up. I have one skill point in total to be spent and looking through the skills, I believe I should spend it onnnnnnnnnnn Accelerate! because looking back to the fight against the demon, I lacked speed alot so I was incapable of dodging it's attacks.

If there was ×2 to stamina skill, I would have jumped at it without a second thought since I also lacked needed stamina but since there is not, I'll make due with what's given to me. The endurance skill is not really a necessity while the strength skill is an inferiority since I have infinite strength.

Wait a sec, it's just now I noticed but there is an exit at the side which I bet is to save my skill point till I have more so I can buy better skills but I don't take chances!, I chose Accelerate skill!(even though it's duration is just 30 minutes)

"Accelerate skill have been chosen.

Zero skill points left"

Before I knew it, we reached the king's room.


Intermission: Among us

'With power comes great responsibility' I once heard an old man say from a movie and the more I think about it, the more I see how true his words were because the more I uncover the powers of the system, the more I realize how great the responsibility given to me. I am not a fan of taking responsibility but it might be my actual purpose here and the only way home.

. . . . .

I might have to defeat the demon lord.


"There is a traitor among us"

Immediately there is a still silence among the three as Josh raises his arm and points

"You are the traitor . . . . . . Wolford"

There is now an impending silence till it was broken by Kyle who points at Josh firmly

"Objection!, What are you saying, Josh? There is no traitor! And even if there is, Wolford couldn't be the traitor!"

"So are you suggesting you are the traitor?!"

"No! I'm suggesting you could be the traitor!"

"Stop! I'm the traitor!!"

Wolford shouted inviting silence once more


Josh asked almost teary

"I'm sick and tired of Moto being the strongest, being the best, being the most noticed by everyone. I want to be noticed too!"

Wolford is now slowly in tears

"Does my existence not matter?! Why do I have to be the silent one, the most easily replaced one?! Why?! I'm tired of it but with Moto gone, I can finally stand out and be noticed! Weren't you guys tired too?!"

"Get out!"


"I said get out, you bastard!"

Josh yelled in fury while Wolford starts laughing like a maniac

"So you're kicking me out of the group, oh well but mark my words, this won't be the last time you hear of me!"

He made his final speech and ran away, silence comes back again.

"Josh, we should disband our group"

"What? Why?!"

"Josh, can you even call us a group anymore?! . . . I want to find out what happened to Moto Kudasaki"

". . . . ."

"And I want you to find a group of your own"

"A group of my own, ha! I'm such a bad leader that I couldn't even notice Wolford's pain in our group and you're are telling me to. . ."

"Josh, you're not a bad leader, I didn't notice too, none of us did so don't be hard on yourself"

"Tch, this all started because of that Sigma group"

"Yes, it did but we can't loath on it forever, bye Josh, I promise that I'll be back"

Kyle said waving his hand as he left Josh to his vices

'^sigh^ i should probably report all these to Moto's parents but I not sure if I'll report Wolford, maybe I should have asked Kyle before he left but as the past leader, that should be my decision to make. ^sigh^ I wonder how Moto is doing? I hope he's alright'

The Cheaters group has disbanded.


Sorry, for the late release of chapter!

Thank you for reading!!!

OJE_Novelscreators' thoughts