
My 100 cheat codes system

What happens when a teenage boy gets transmigrated into another world like his videogame?, he earns the cheat codes system! This is it! The story of a young boy named Moto Kudasaki who got transmigrated into another world like his videogame called Adventurers Conquest. Once a cheat, always a cheat, he earns his cheat codes system where his past life cheat codes can be used to give him power. This is his goal as always, to defeat the demon Lord. Let's see if he can survive this twisted and confusing world. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Note: I do not own the cover photo. Thank you for reading, also read my other novel named My mutation system.

OJE_Novels · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Home sweet home?

I open my eyes and find myself in a room, the room is . . . . is . . . . MADE OUT OF GOLD!!!!. What the heaven! First question, is this a dream or did I die and go to heaven? Second question, even the bed I'm laying on is gold then why is it so comfy? I look to my right and see a golden mirror which reflects my features. Dark and short hair with a handsome face, the same as the character I created. This is actually the first time I'm seeing my face in this new world and I can't but appreciate the architecture of this face. In short, I'm incredibly handsome


Goes the door and rushing in are two beautiful little girls I don't know.

"Big bro! You're finally awake!"

The two girls said in unison while giving me a big hug. Wait, brother?! I have sisters in this world? No, twin sisters in this world because they look exactly the same with only differences in hair colour and dress colour, one red, one blue. They have cute faces and seem to be around 8 - 12 age.

"We're so happy that you woke up, big bro! Immediately we heard a sound from your room, we rushed in here to check on you. We're good girls, right?! "

They inquired strangely still in unison but now I don't know what to say to the two cute girls so close to my face waiting for an answer. I need some privacy before my head explodes from cuteness.


The door is assaulted again and a new character comes in. A beautiful light blue haired lady with . . . . with GIGANTIC MELONS!!!, I can't take my eyes off them and they continue to bounce up and down as if calling to me. Wait, My harem, I didn't think I would get an harem but it seems I was lucky, My harem finally begins!!!

Sniffing is heard and then


The beautiful lady breaks down crying for some reason I don't know and soon the worst happened


My twin sisters start crying too sending me into a state of utter confusion. This isn't what I wanted, I wanted an harem, not a unison crying musical! What should I say to stop this torture. Wait, I know! I walk over to the busty lady, kneeling, I hug her and feel heavens softness on my chest, I'm happy and no one should call me a pervert!

"Don't worry, it's going to be alright"

I said smoothly

"No, we're just happy that you didn't die, betrothed"

She responded

Wait, betrothed? What was the meaning of betrothed again? Marriage . . . couple WHAAAAAAAAATT!!!, i have a soon-to-be wife in this world! Wait, that's too long to say, I have a fiancee in this world!. This is great! but since I never had a girlfriend, I wonder how our conversations would be . . . . . . Let's hope it wouldn't be too awkward.

"And now we can finally get married"

She said, wait


I mistakely screamed out in shock, everything is moving just too fast for me right now

"What's wrong? You don't love me anymore?"

She asked looking at me sheepishly, cute and charming.

"No, it's not that, it's just that it was so sudden"

I try to explain with my voice shaking, being charming by her abnormal-size chest.

"Then we can get married and you can become the new king of Asgard"

WHAAAAAAAAATT!!! KING?!! Oh it seems my head is finally going to explode, everything is moving so fast that I can hardly process it anymore. I have also been yelling WHAT! alot recently. Oh yeah, adventurers conquest does have alot of twist

"Don't worry, we know you have amnesia so I'll explain everything on the way"

The busty woman said

"Too where?"

I asked

"To your father, the king offcourse"


Intermission: A traitor

It would be a lie to say that I didn't miss my friends and family at my home world but I think I'll just stick around in this world for a while till I can find a way home


"What! How could this happen?"

Josh asked in a panick

"We don't know how but from what we heard, it was yesterday night around after we removed him from the group then he got angry and logged out"

Kyle reproduced all the information he knew while Josh stood like a statue.

'Could it be that he committed . . . No, that's impossible then the only explanation would be them! Those Motherf*ckers, we listened to their commands, why did they have to target him in real life and how did they even find him? The game's system protects all personal information of players unless they could hack into it which is highly unlikely, my other guess would be that . . . . There is a traitor among us!'

Josh thought as he stared at both his friends.


Thank you for reading!

Don't worry, there is no harem, this is for harem haters

If you Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Have a nice day!

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