
My 100 cheat codes system

What happens when a teenage boy gets transmigrated into another world like his videogame?, he earns the cheat codes system! This is it! The story of a young boy named Moto Kudasaki who got transmigrated into another world like his videogame called Adventurers Conquest. Once a cheat, always a cheat, he earns his cheat codes system where his past life cheat codes can be used to give him power. This is his goal as always, to defeat the demon Lord. Let's see if he can survive this twisted and confusing world. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Note: I do not own the cover photo. Thank you for reading, also read my other novel named My mutation system.

OJE_Novels · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Satou vs Plant-type demon

Tears flowed down my eyes as those memories flooded my mind. If only I had true friends like that, Satou had them and now they are dead because I wasn't cautious enough, maybe because they weren't my real friends, they are just new people I met today or because I had innate hatred towards them due to the face they carried, nevertheless I'll avenge them. 2356794

"Infinite strength cheat code inputted"

I jump with all my strength reaching the demon's head in seconds


It exclaimed slightly shocked and pulling back my fist, I am ready to end it as I aim at its head.

"You can't defeat me!"

The demon yelled throwing out a fast punch at me. I can't get hit or I'll die so I punch at its fist instead bursting the demon's arm to pieces but a smile lies on its face warning me. 5152567

"Infinite health cheat code inputted"

A giant fist comes at me, fast and strong sending me flying into the cave wall shaking the whole cave. It hurt alot but looking at my status my health quickly rises to it's forma glory.


Name: Satou Asgard

Level: 4{EXP=300/4000}

HP: 100/100

MP: 10/10

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Endurance: 10

Stamina: 5/10

Luck: 10

Mind: 10

AP: 369

It seems the arm my air punch destroyed before had already healed, I expected something like this might happen but not so fast

"Hahahaha! Just like I thought, you can't use your powerful strength and healing at the same time"

Shit! It already discovered my weakness, I need to end this fight quickly since my stamina is already half gone. 2356794

"Infinite strength cheat code inputted"

I push off the wall, once again aiming for the demon's head while pulling back my fist

"You know you're leaving yourself wide open, right?"

The demon asked and then

"Ah, bleh"

I was stopped in the air as I vomited a ton of blood and feeling a sharp pain at my stomach, I look downwards and see a sharp long thorn connected to the demon that pierced through my stomach which continued to gush out blood. My mind went blank but seeing my status tab, I input the cheat code 5152567

"Infinite health cheat code inputted"

My health points stops at 10 and doesn't increase further, maybe due to the thorn still stuck in my body.

"Hahahaha, you were too reckless doing the same thing again and with my plant being stuck in you, you can't change to your strength or you'll die so you're stuck with me and I'm going to take my time to torture you as much as I want"

Damn, I feel like I'm going to lose consciousness any second. Is it due to the low HP?

"Huh? It seems you are not much of a talker, oh well you'll soon start screaming anyway"

What! Thorns! Lots of them!

"Eat this!"

The demon roared firing all the thorns at me


I screamed in intense pain but thankfully my HP doesn't deplete any further.

The demon didn't stop with just the thorns but starting cutting my body limb from limb as I yelled and cried in pain while it laughed

"It seems your healing abilities are much more powerful than I thought, even stronger than mine . . ."

Yes, in truth all my torn body parts had already regrown but that doesn't still change the pain experienced from it. The resolve of vengeance was the only thing that even kept me conscious (that is apart from the pain).

". . . And that's what makes this much fun, ok time for round 2"

Now I've had it, this is the only plan I could think of and must be done perfectly if I wish to survive but now I don't care anymore. If I die so be it. 2356794

"Infinite strength cheat code inputted"

Pulling back my fist, I channel all the strength I can muster, fueling it with all my negative emotions, Rage, Hatred, Fear, Sadness, Killing intent, and finally Vengeance! Vengeance for me and my new friends you took away from me!! My arm turned red and bulged continually as if given out a pulse. I am ready.


I punched straight at the demon which on noticing the change tried to move out of the way but failed as it's head along with it's chest is blown to pieces and its body crashes to the floor and immediately turns to ashes. 5152567

"Infinite health cheat code inputted"

1 HP that was close . . . . I'm falling, I should brace for impact but I can't move my body, I'm out of stamina and I'm not even sure if I'm conscious


Yeah, I'm conscious since I felt the pain but I'm slowly losing consciousness now. My eyes land on my dead friends. I was able to avenge you guys and now you can rest peacefully. Huh? It seems the whole cavern is collapsing, oh well I'm going unconscious anyway, my vision goes dark.

"Host is unconscious, healing process is not completed.

Quest complete

Reward: Holy shield Sill"


Intermission: Gone missing

I aren't sad that I transmigrated into another world but sometimes I wonder if my family and friends actually miss me.


"Hey, have you guys seen Moto?"

Josh asked looking around while Kyle and Wolford didn't answer him but continued sipping their drink in a strange manner

"What happened?"

Josh once again inquired knowing something was wrong but they still chose to ignore him till he snapped

"What happened?!!"

Silence still reined till Kyle finally spoke

"It's Moto, he's gone missing"
