
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

Ambitions of a Rook

"A wonderful day is it not? Lord Raiser" Izana said as he greeted the defeated Riser who came back to his room.

"Kurokawa..." Riser muttered as he confronted Izana who was simply sipping tea in his room.

"Have you done it?" Izana asked as he calmly sipped his tea.

"Yeah...the debt has been paid now leave" Riser demanded in anger as Izana just chuckled in response.

"You are getting worked over nothing~ I have not even said two words and you look like you want me dead~" Izana said in a sing-song way which infuriated Riser even further.

"You will need help again, and you will call out to me again," Izana said as he closed the distance between himself and Riser.

"You will seek the help you need and will come crawling back to us~" Izana said as he towered in front of Riser who seemed feeble and vulnerable at the moment.

"But don't worry, my Lord is a forgiving one~ you will once again be accepted into his grace and understand the meaning to serve him" Izana stared at Riser as Izana's pupils gave off a purple glow

"But for now we shall part ways~" Izana said as he got ready to leave through the window. Riser stood up with the support of the wall.

"Why...why are you doing this?" Riser asked as he stared at Izana who stopped on the window's ledge.

"Why? because he gave me light in this world of darkness...so in return, I will give him everything he wishes for even if it means to kill a God!" Izana stated his resolve as his aura flared in the room.

'With the first step invested upon...soon the Heavenly Dragon will belong to Arakan-sama! The Heavenly Dragon that bitch princess prides upon will belong to Arakan' Izana thought as he made some distance from the Phenex manor and disappeared in the woods.

'That is another Longinus within his grasp with Annihilation maker and Imperial Anthem and Boosted Gear it should be no problem for Arakan to take over.'

'This will be it! The finally of the journey and the ascension of the Monkey King!' Izana thought to himself with a grin as he teleported inside his room to see Sara and Kasumi waiting for him.

"You have been gone for quite a while eh?" Kasumi straightforwardly asked as she glared at him.

"ho~ I am flattered that you care so much about me" Izana responded with a grin as he stared at both of them.

"I hope you know what you are doing Izana," Sara warned as she stared at Izana with pitch-black eyes.

"What are you both implying here," Izana asked in a serious tone as he felt the hostility Sara and Kasumi emitted. Purple flares erupted from his palms as he got ready to fight.

"We are not trying to be your enemy, however, whatever you are doing keep it under moderation" Kasumi warned as both she and Sara approached the door to leave.

"You both don't understand what Arakan can truly do! I have lived with him our whole lives I know him better than himself."

"He is the peak of creation a being who will transcend all! and I along with Kakucho will be the one to guide him to his peak!"

"This will be the greatest journey of the protagonist of this world! Arakan is the one who will rule all, own all, and create all he will be the one who surpasses the so-called Heavens!"

"You, me, Kakucho, and everyone else are nothing but background to his story! He will rise and I know he will he lacks ambition so I will give him! No matter the cost it takes from me!" Izana started with a grin as his eyes blazed in joy.

"You have lost it!" Kasumi stated as she heard Izana's words.

"Lost it? I have never seen things clearer than this!"

"This is not my destiny! or yours! This is Arakan's destiny the one which I will trigger, no matter the cost." Izana yelled back.

"What are you planning!" Sara demanded.

"You will see soon, very soon! The king will return as he will be the to ascend he brought me to the light and now I will show him the brighter path!" Izana stated as he laughed madly.

While to the oblivious world Arakan's peerage is a complete family where everyone has each other's back but in reality, it is the most broken peerage.

Izana and Kakucho believe in Arakan's glory and his absoluteness that in their eyes makes him a perfect being who just needs guidance. However, Kasumi and Sara are more realistic and believe that Arakan should be allowed to grow at his own tune.

Grayfia just simply wants Arakan to live however he wishes but she does guide him whenever needed. Taiju and Hanma on the other hand are separate cases, they both are nutjobs who live for the adrenaline and don't really care much about it.

"I do not know what you have planned but I will be the one to foil it" Kasumi stated as she left with Sara.

"They both don't realize Arakan's glory nor to they believe in his absolute figure but I know the truth about him and now it will be soon time to trigger his true destiny" Izana muttered to himself with a grin.

'Fortunately this time things will be different' Izana thought to himself as a light blue circuit-like design glowed on his palm.


"Punch Harder!" Arakan commanded as he sparred with Taiju while telling him his flaws in the technique.

"The Exploding Heart Fist revolves around the circulation of your blood faster the blood flows more the amount of Oxygen more Oxygen means faster breakdown and faster breakdown results is more energy for a while," Araka said as he punched Taiju in the face and sent him flying.

" Your punches seem to lack resolve Taiju! Exploding Heart fists is one of the only known martial arts to physically improve strength and speed known to mankind. To archive it you need to embody your beliefs in your heart"

"At the moment you are only able to use it with about 23% efficiency compared to me, at the current rate you should be able to catch up with Kakucho in about 4 years physically" Arakan stated as he praised Taiju.

"I would grow a beard by then" Taiju childishly complained as he stood up from all the rubble and dusted himself.

"Oi Captain! Your hand is glowing" Hanma stated as they all looked at his right wrist to notice that it had a circuit-like design that was glowing as well.

'Strange...they started to appear when I was having the dreams of that beast' Arakan thought to himself as he touched the glowing circuit but it disappeared as if it was never there before.

"You should get that checked wouldn't want you to get fucked up by some Ac/Dc shit," Hanma said.

"I did but both Grayfia and Tiamat seem to have little to no information on them," Arakan said as he did try to get it checked up however Tiamat and Grayfia seemed to be oblivious to the marks.

"They said the mark doesn't seem to have any sort of bad influence it just seems like a cluster of mana but the mana signature is similar to mine" Arakan stated as repeated the words he heard from Tiamat.

"I understood nothin'..." Hanma stated blankly.

"Well it means that the mana cluster seems to be made from my own mana could be the result of having mana capacity growth at unnatural levels" Arakan explained as a crimson and pale blue flare erupted from his palm and clashed into small fireworks.

"can you light my cigar in a cool flame?" Hanma asked with a straight face.

"Sure here" Arakan responded as he released a small wave of embers on Hanma's face covering it in black soot.

"Arakan!" Kakucho yelled as he approached the training ground to see a black-faced Hanma and a Taiju laughing his guts off.

"What is the matter?" Arakan asked casually with a grin on his face.

"The Lucifer is calling for you, he also asked to bring the peerage if possible," Kakucho informed.

"Sure we have time to kill" Arakan responded as he walked out with Kakucho, Hanma, and Taiju following him.


"You are finally here Barbatos-dono" Sirzechs said as he greeted Arakan and his peerage.

"I had time on my hands Sirzechs-dono" Arakan responded simply as he followed Sirzechs who led them to a small meeting room. Sirzechs sat on a char while Arakan sat opposite to him.

"Well you see Barbatos-dono I called you here for a very specific task" Sirzechs started.

"You see there has been a massive influence of fallen angels within your territory"

"The church wishes to help in the matter and has sent two Excalibur wielders in your territory who are currently on their way, I wished to inform you beforehand you decided to take action against them."

"I am smart enough to decide for myself on who to kill and who to not to" Arakan responded.

"Regardless I also hope that if you could spare some of your pieces for the cause could show out goodwill towards the church" Sirzechs stated.

"Whadda ya say? any of you wanna hunt the crow?" Arakan asked as he turned to his peerage who were standing behind him.

"In that case, I and Kakucho would be glad to lend a helping hand," Izana said as he stepped forward and performed a formal bow.

"I see then both of my Rooks will be helping them for the cause, I will be going to the wasteland for this period so inform me if anything goes wrong," Arakan said as he stood from his seat and teleported with his peerage.


"Do you think that it was the correct choice to allow Izana and Kakucho to hunt the fallen by themselves?" Kasumi asked as she followed Arakan to the Occult Research club.

"Izana and Kakucho both have four pairs of wings(Eight wings in total) and both hold a Longinus while their martial arts are not as good as mine they should be able to hold their own against a Ten Winged fallen there is nothing for me to worry about them" Arakan casually responded as he kicked opened the doors of the Occult meeting room startling the visitors and members alike.

"Who are you!" Xenovia asked in a defensive manner as she pulled her blade Excalibur Destruction.

"I? I am Arakan Barbatos, Duke of hell and the owner of Kuoh" Arakasiad as he sat on the president's chair.

"Now who the hell are you clowns?" Arakan asked as he pointed at Xenovia and Irania as Kasumi stood behind him.


[There we go another chapter done for the day]

[Sorry for the irregular posts as Tobi stated before his exams are going on so it is rather difficult to post chapters at previous pace]

[Well the main part of the arc is starting soon so the updates might get faster however no promises]

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