
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

A Lizard vs A Chicken

'I am back here' Arakan thought to himself as he looked around to see the same destroyed and apocalyptic state of the Underworld he saw in his last dream.

'The destruction and the trail of blood are just like last time' Arakan thought as he gave his surrounding another glance before he rushed towards the pile of corpses he saw last time.

'If everything is the same as past then this should be around here as well!' Arakan thought to himself as he followed the trail of blood and h

his eyes landed on the same pile of corpses and the same beast showing his back to Arakan.

"Jackpot!" Arakan yelled as he rushed towards the beast climbing the mountain of corpses. With his fist outstretched, he landed the first move on the beast's back which sent him rolling down the mountain.

Beast seemed to stand still for a moment before it turned towards Arakan. It has the same appearance as it did in the previous dream, the same six horns, and the same hideous figure.

It still carried a brain made of purple flames and a heart made of stone in his hands. However, the brain of flames seemed to be of a smaller size and the heart of stone seemed to have more of its flesh covered.

'What is the deal with those two things' Arakan thought as he could sense a feeling of nostalgia and familiarity from it.

'It feels as if I know those things...' Arakan thought as he got in a stance. The beast's hollow crimson eyes stared at Arakan as it started to move towards him.

Arakan took a stance as he waited for the beast to approach him. The beast slowly walked towards his as Arakan tried to predict its every move in the meantime.

The beast stopped right in front of Arakan as it looked directly into his eyes. The crimson void met the shining ember as they both glared at each other.

'This beast is not something just from my dream, let's see how it fares!' Arakan thought to himself as he grinned. He had been training himself to not hide at its sight and it was time to face it head-on.

"huh!?" Arakan exclaimed in shock as instead of attacking the beast out forwards both of his hands as if offering the mind and heart to Arakan.

'He is letting me get them?' Arakan thought as he put forward his arms to touch and inspect both the items however as soon as his hands got close to them the flames suddenly extinguished and the stone covered the fleshy part that remained.

In shock both Arakan and the beast flinched back however nothing changed. A small white crystal remained of the brain of purple flames while the heart turned completely to stone.

The beast continued to stare at the now reduced states of the brain and the heart as the red liquid starts to leak from its eyes as it turned its back to Arakan.

"I am back again..." Arakan muttered as he saw a familiar ceiling. Arakan sat on his bed as he opened the curtains of his room to see the moon was still in the sky.

"This is getting ridiculous" Arakan muttered to himself as he looked at his hand which was still trembling.

'I am still afraid?' Arakan thought to himself as the image of that beast appeared again in his head.

'What is it? and what is it doing in my dream!' Arakan yelled at himself as he released a frustrated sigh. He used his hand to wipe the sweat on his face.


"mine?" Arakan questioned himself as he looked at his hand to realize that he was not sweating he was instead bleeding. Arakan again touched his face to feel any sort of scar and looked in the mirror however everything seemed perfectly fine. As if a few drops of blood were smeared on his face there were no traces.

'It caused me physical damage?' Arakan thought as he clenched his fists.

'I need to get stronger faster! It is time I return to the wastelands, Tia should be available after the rating game' Arakan decided as he could not access his system in that realm and only his physical strength seemed to pass through it.

'I doubt the Cristian factions will have some answers perhaps the Hindu or the Buddhist will know' Arakan thought as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Blue and crimson flares erupted from his palms as Arakan guided them to clash with each other making a miniature fire show. The crimson flames took the shape of a tiger while the blue one took the shape of a dragon.

The two flares clashed with each other as embers flew in the room. Finally, the crimson tiger managed to bite the head of the blue dragon as both flares disappeared from his hands.


"Satan! this is more boring than my fifth birthday!" Arakan exclaimed as he stood in a corner holding a cup of unknown liquid while watching Riser introduce Rias as his fiance.

'That red bastard said there would be some entertainment but this is just a boring high-class part! I had more fun seeing that chicken(Riser) beat the lizard king(Issei)' Arakan thought to himself as he remembered being swayed by Sirzechs's persuasive tongue.

As soon as Arakan's line of thoughts finished the door of the hall was kicked open and Issei revealed himself shocking everyone present there including Arakan who got a grin on his face.

"Now this is getting interesting" Arakan muttered as he looked towards the conflict with interest. The guards present tried to hole him off however their approach was intercepted by the rest of Gremory's peerage.

" You bastard what do you want?" Riser asked in disgust as he addressed Issei.

"President's virginity! Is mine!!" Issei announced proudly as the noble present were dumbfounded at the statement. Well, all but one.


"Hahahahhahahah!!" Arakan laughed like a mad man as he used his hand to hold his head to keep himself from getting on the ground. The devils looked at him confused except for the Maous as they too looked amused at the development.

"You Lizard bastard you have me in!" Arakan exclaimed he continued to laugh out loud.

"What is the meaning of this Barbatos-sama!" Some of the devils asked as they believed that Arakan was the one behind this scene.

"I prepared some entertainment while we wait on the marriage" Sirzechs stated with a grin.

"I wanted to witness the power of a Dragon and accidentally mentioned that to one of my servants," Sirzechs said with a small polite smile on his face.

"Sirzechs-sama! what is the meaning of such request" Some of the devils present asked.

"It's fine, isn't it? The rating game was fine but was too one-sided for my inexperienced little sister to fight the genius Riser-kun Sirzechs asked with the same smile.

"Are you saying that the rating game was unfair?" Riser asked feeling a little discredited.

"No, no don't feel like that" Sirzechs said as he waved his hands.

"This is getting boring!" Arakan yelled as he felt the hype of the invasion slowly turning cold.

"Simple words the chicken and the lizard fight the victor takes all!" Arakan yelled shocking the devils.

"Aren't you the one to use rough words Barbatos-dono?" Sirzechs asked with a smile.

"But it is indeed as Barbatos-dono stated I wish for a 1v1 between Riser and Issei the pawn in my sister's peerage," Sirzechs announced as the room fell quiet.

"A legendary battle between a Phenex and a Dragon would surely serve as the main event of the marriage the one that would be remembered among ages" Sirzechs stated with a smile.

"What do you say Riser? will show you strength in front of me and Rias yet again?" Sirzechs asked.

"If Sirzechs-sama has asked then I am no one to refuse" Riser stated

"Dragon-user-kun, what prize do you want in case you win?" Sirzechs asked with the same smile maintained on his face.

"Sirzechs-sama why are you letting someone like him choose?"

"He is a devil, of course, he has his own wish that he wants to come to true" Sirzechs stated as a matter of fact.

"In that case I want the president to return back to us!" Issei stated out loud.

"Very well! I Arakan Barbatos the head of the Barbatos clan and the duke of hell shall serve as the referee to this battle!" Arakan announced himself as the referee as everyone stepped outside.

Surroundings changed as they appeared to be on the walls of a castle as Riser and Issei faced off against each other while Arakan stood in between them.

"Rules are simple, anything and everything is allowed! The match ends if one side is unable to fight any longer the means to get to that stage are unnecessary!" Arakan announced he tapped both of them on their shoulders.

"Fight till death!" Arakan stated as he backed away from the field to in front of a gong. Using his fist he punched the gong creating an unpleasant sound and breaking it while announcing the start of the matchup.

"Prez! I am no genius like Kiba! nor do I have magic talent like Akeno and I don't have insane strength like Asia and I can't heal!"

"But for you, I will fight against a God!! I will become the strongest pawn and protect you!" Issei announced as crimson armor covered him.

" Shine Overboots! Red Dragon Emperor: Balance Breaker!!" Issei announced as the Red Dragon Emperor: Scale Mail armor covered him from head to toe.

The battle started as Riser and Issei faced each other. Using the flames of the immortal phoenix even Riser could damage the knockoff scale mail Issei had temporarily archived.

The fight continued as they both used their powers against each other. Issei used energy projection to propel himself at insane speeds while Riser used his flames to counter it.

"So do you like the battle Arakan?" Sirzechs asked Arakan teleported himself on the viewing stand.

"Like? this is like a quarrel between two toddlers, they don't even know their potential or their strengths they both are just betting on external help of holy items and Pheonix tears" Arakan stated harshly as to a martial artist like him both of them were all over the place.

Both Riser and Issei were blissfully unaware of their opponent's weakness and were just dashing all over the place. The only advantage to Issei was the fact he had a Longinus on him and that was it.

"I guess it is my fault to expect something from them," Arakan said as he released a disappointed sigh.


[The end!]

[Welp there is another chapter done]

[Next arc: the Excalibur thingy Tobi forgot]

[Anyhows hope you enjoyed it]