
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter one: the origin (edited)

Author's note: hello people, I want to say that this is the first thing I write and you see some grammatical error, please write me in the paragraph because English is not my first language, in fact I use the translator a lot in this story and I hope not offend anyone and that they like my story, I don't own mha, dc or marvel (I don't know why I wrote this but all the authors did and I don't want to be excluded :v) and it's half AU (AU: alternate universe) but only for nonsense things

"for dialogues"

'For thoughts'

*for actions*

And without further ado, let the story begin.


'Black, the void, absolute darkness and more than a million colors would be insufficient words to explain what I see or feel, I don't know what happened, I don't know how I think, the only thing I know is that something inside me motivates me to continue' the protagonist thinks dramatically when he has nothing to do in the void and at the same time everything


Before our nameless protagonist can continue rambling, an explosion imbues him with energy and something else that even the gods would find curious.

He is suddenly forced to remember memories that are not his while feeling the pain of lives he did not live.

then everything went black for our protagonist, however, it's just the calm before the storm


*inhale and exhale*

"For…. Please …"

"I'll do… whatever I'll be your robin I promise please stop!"

Sniff sniff

"That this "

"You have to stop Jason"

"I fight for people, the weak, the innocent. Who can not protect himself. When they ask for a savior, I answer. What about the criminals who threaten them? They need to know that their actions have consequences. That Red Hood will come for them"



'What the fuck?'


'What are these memories I was a normal citizen who takes care of his little sister I'm not Jason?, or I'm…. not Oliver ?' (Oliver is the name of his previous life and I chose it because I asked a bird I saw in a tree if Oliver is a good name and he said it is a good name)

then our protagonist feels and sees Jason's pain and memories as they become more and more vivid, however, assimilation is not over yet

and again everything goes black for a moment, which makes our protagonist realize what is going to happen, so he tries to scream for help, fearing for his already questionable sanity, however, he cannot make a single sound while the inevitable comes to him

"I'm a better Peter Parker than you'll ever be, but more importantly, I'm a better Spider-Man than you'll ever be!" Superior Spider-Man says to Spider Man while our protagonist sees everything from Superior Spider-Man's perspective and how he feels the happiness and satisfaction that Superior Spider-Man felt when saving lives.

"I am superior spider man"

and with that phrase our protagonist realizes that the way things are going he could reach a place where anyone with any common sense would do anything to don't be in there place, DC and Marvel

'What the fuck is going on in my soul or head? Where there is paracetamol when you need it!' He thinks as he tries to calm down a little in the madness that is his mind.


and with a new explosion our protagonist is forced to go to a crack between realities that goes beyond the physical or astral plane.

Then he could see infinite realities or stories can be seen in fragments of glass and colors that human beings cannot even process with their eyes

'It's like when dr strange traveled the multiverse but here are more realities'


He then realizes that he can move through these realities, however, he feels terribly tired and exhausted, while little by little, although it should not be possible, he is beginning to feel like he is going to faint.

'I feel like I'm passing out from so much traveling but I need to get to a more peaceful world than DC or Marvel…..' He manages to think one last time before using all his remaining will to have a start in a world without someone like the living court.


what is known so far is here we have the latest news regarding what is think is a attack by a villain at the Aldera school where it is known so far that there are 40 injured, 23 in critical condition and 35 dead….

among them are the director of the school along with their teachers from the school several children and parents as

Inko midoriya, masaru bakugo...


'The only thing that was missing now I also have memories of being a certain izuko midoriya only that I don't recognize this world but it seems safer than marvel or dc at least, now I'm like moon knight haha ​​haha…ha'







'I hope that someone simply kidnapped and drugged me, because what I saw and what I remember'


'It's in the case is not an illusion, I'm screwed'


'I feel my body, however,


'he's much weaker than usual but i feel stronger than when i was oliver'


'That doesn't make sense because according to Izuku's memories he was totally normal'


'Someone turn that beep off, for the love of God or I swear I'm going to commit genocide'


"¡Turn that shit off!"


"Whoa! young Midoriya I see you are woken up, ¿you are right?"

At that moment Oliver or the new Izuko realized that he was not actually drugged and that he really died preventing his sister from being kidnapped and that the muay thai classes did help, unfortunately they did not help to heal a gunshot wound while he thought about that his body adapted to the multiple capacities that he had in his memories of other lives and whether he was bad or lucky to arrive with something in the world where children with spandex have more authority than the police or MHA was not complete, to explain it in a way Simple he acquired three quarters of the "reed hood essence" and one quarter of the "superior spider man essence" Along with his own "essence" as a base leaving his mental and spiritual state temporarily equal to a mind as peaceful as a night in the mind of moon knight

With this we can say that what we will see in the following moments will not be Izuko in the best state of mind.

"It would be nice if someone has the decency to turn off that devil machine!" Says Oliver or now Izuku as he turns and sees a bird that is clearly a spy for his enemies "And your bird from hell I know you work for the vulture send him the message that he will not be saved from me"

*bird flies away like a normal bird*

"Young Midoriya please breathe and calm down for a moment to silence the machine" says the doctor while he thinks about calling the guards since this child is clearly unstable and for some reason he gets goosebumps

"What happened?" 'Because there is a fucking doctor, doctors are always bad news and besides he looks nice, the nice ones always turn out to be people who fear you or have a plan to kill me- wait what am I thinking?'

"I regret to inform you young Midoriya that you are a victim of what we believe to be a villainous attack, but luckily you are safe now" Says the doctor while he sighs and thinks about the tragic fate of this child and he definitely doesn't think that the boy has disturbing eyes

'I think I'm going crazy, but I wasn't with my mom?'"And my mom?, doctor my mom is fine?" 'I'm going to kill the first villain I see'

'Mmmhh but isn't it wrong to kill? But this world don't have Batman here so for that be fine, right?' Thinks Izuku

"Doctor?" Say Izuku with a colder voice not corresponding to a child

"I'm sorry to tell you this, young Midoriya, but your mother was a victim that we couldn't save" the doctor resigned himself to confessing since he would inevitably know, it's not because the kid despite now having a kind face, has eyes that seem to have fought against all kinds of abominations, no, no, no, is not for that

'I'm going to torture a clown or a criminal… Shit I'm an orphan and I'm 9 years old' Izuku thinks as his mind is just a little more clearer.

"Young, just rest for now, I know it's a lot to take in but anything will be fixed later for now, sleep and eat what you need, oh and your father will arrive tomorrow morning" The doctor says while trying to show a smile despite how uncomfortable he feels.

"The nurse is on her way and she will take care of you, I have to see other patients"

"Sorry for yelling at you earlier doctor" 'oh I had forgotten that I had a father because I never saw him in Izuku memories, although I still haven't assimilated them all'

"No problem I understand what you're going through young " 'just let me go'

'No, you don't you understand what it's like to be trying to assimilate like 2 lives and half of 2 others? It doesn't matter you don't understand you are just a pathetic doctor who knows nothing and you should show me more respect instead of treating me like a brat I'm superior I'm better I'm bett- yeah I'm going crazy'

'Shit, that kid was creepy' thought the doctor as he opened the door and a woman in a nurse outfit came in. "Hello, kid, I'm the nurse Akiko and I'm going to take care of you while your dad arrives" then the doctor leaves and the nurse sits in a chair next to the bed "and how do you feel child" she says while flashing the brightest smile Izuku has ever seen in their entire lives.

"I'm fine, thanks" Izuku say as he look at her and try to make a natural smile.

"That's good, then nothing hurts you?" she says while he gives Izuku a tray of food apparently out of nowhere "ta-da" says the nurse "here's a delicious meal for you to regain your strength"

"How did you get that out of nowhere" Izuku tell her while he look at her stupefied and remember that he live in a world of heroes and villains dumber than those of comics

She smiles at me and tells me "it's a secret but if you guess and you eat your food I'll tell you"

Then Izuku thinks 'shit I had touched by the attentive and motivated nurse while I have a mental breakdown for so many lives or whatever'

Then Izuku take the plate and proceed to devour all the food 'so many things happened to me at once I didn't even realize how hungry I was, I think as I finish all my food "You know you don't have to treat me like a child I would just appreciate more food please"

"Sure," says the nurse as she takes out the tray and goes to get more food.

'Should I run away? I clearly feel a part of the abilities of superior spider man, the red hood and my own abilities of my ¿original life? But it doesn't make sense those abilities were exclusive to the body, I can understand about the techniques but the strength I feel is not only techniques, maybe you see some kind of strange magic, wait my dad in this life is the CEO of a support equipment company he could try to show that I am a genius and slowly take over the company to create my own equipment I should also get a few titles but first I will finish school this year, so for my plan first: I go with my dad to the USA, second: then I leave He graduates from school at 10 years old and every year I will get a university degree until I am 14 years old but I will have to create a support team and grow my dad's company in that time and finally I will have to discover my skills and perfect them to be a vigilante that put an end to society's garbage, trying to gain influence with my dad's company and correct the corrupt of the world while trying to reopen the death penalty since due to this "utopian" society they let even someone like him live joker if it existed' Izuku thinks half hallucinating and remembering when he became a millionaire as superior superior spider-man

'Yes easy pisie' Izuku thinks as he spends the next few moments trying to organize the chaos in his mind.

~~~~a day later~~~~~

Midoriya Hisashi was a man with vision and above average intelligence who possessed the characteristic that few things surprise him which helped him in his company that he was unable to open in Japan.

You see Hisashi after marrying inko was planning to open his support team company but not only for heroes but also for the public, this way the public could protect themselves from a villain attack, unfortunately the hero commission saw that this would lower a little about the importance of heroes and they didn't like this at all so they practically told him don't do that in Japan or go to jail

This forced him to implement his idea in another country and the most promising was the United States, in this country there are already some companies like this, however, the United States was not so sure because even though star and stripe is as strong as All might, the United States is much bigger than Japan which makes it more difficult to have a pillar as the symbol of Peace consequently causing the United States to be more insecure than Japan in general.

Taking this into consideration, Hisashi decides to go to the United States alone for the safety of his family, which causes the moment he saw the news about a thousand-colored energy from a crack appear in the sky and kill his wife (he doesn't think it's a simple villain attack as Japan says) almost breaks his soul, when he finds out that his son is alive he decides to go on the first flight he can go

~~~with Midoriya Izuku~~~

"Good morning young Midoriya" says a young man in a suit

"Good morning sir" Izuku says as he sees the man in a suit standing at the door, which he doesn't like since he loses a way to escape but he doesn't dislike it so much since according to the test yesterday he can still stick to the walls, however his strength is about 15 times less than his memories of being superior spider man plus he couldn't summon his all-blade, still

The young man sits next to Izuku's bed and asks him "have you not felt any strangeness or do you remember something strange about the incident?" and although he tries to sound kind thanks to the experiences and memories he gained from his other lives, Izuku knows that this man has many intentions but none of them are good.

Izuku realizing that this guy doesn't care about the fact that he was practically there when his mother died and the fact that it's only been 1 day decides not to say as his instincts tell him he'll regret it 'weird this is definitely the meaning arachnid however is weaker ' "no sir, I'm sorry but I remember us nothing more than seeing my mom and then waking up here" says Izuku while fake half tears gather on his face *Sniff* *Sniff*

At that moment Hisashi opens the door and tells the young man with barely suppressed anger "go away, you can't come and interrogate my son like that"

The young man stands up and walks to the exit of the door and says "I'm sorry sir but we want to know everything about the villain to capture him as soon as possible"

Hisashi looks at him and says "yes of course to capture the villain" while the young man leaves and then closes the door *sigh*

Hisashi sits next to the bed and hugs his son while he says between sobs "I'm so sorry my little all might, I promise that now you will be safe with me"

~~~end of the chapter~~~

The author notes:

That's is the first chapter, is very difficult to me writing in inglish and try have a good grammar but I do my best and I hope all of you enjoyed the chapter