
Multiverse of Marvel

"We need to go back and inform others of what just happened. Whatever happened has happened and can't be changed back. This involves the death of an ancient being. We won't be able to change it as it was a Nexus Event and TVA won't be able to control it. Loki, are you still at the throne?" John shouted. Unsurprisingly, Loki appeared out of nowhere. TVA was responsible for all Nexus Events and Beings. And this was a huge Nexus event. The point of no return, just like the death of Christine in What if? "You have commited quite the crime John. This crime according to the laws of TVA would have you pruned instantly, with no questions asked and no trial." Loki said with a smile. "It was not me who did this. It was him. Why am I being put in the tough spot?" John asked with a sharp tone. ------------- When a cinephile and an otaku/weeb travels through dimensions and gets a system which can only be described as overpowered but comes with restrictions. At first he was overjoyed with the system but soon realizes that he is in a very dangerous world where his life was at risk all the time. (There will be no change in the canon until the New York War ends) p@treon.com/thelightedghost

thelightedghost · Movies
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The mutant

The movie continued as it was time for post credits scene like always. It showed a man standing. He had a scared look at his face as a war waged on in the background. The war looked futuristic with various flying ships shooting lasers at each other. The camera changed, it showed a new born baby being held by the same man.

"Goodbye my son. Our hopes and dreams travel with you."

"He will be an outcast. They will kill him." said the baby's mother.

"How? He will be a God to them." The post credits scene ended with a small spaceship traveling towards Earth.

"A baby to earth. Why did they do that? Isn't it cruel?" Steve asked.

"They were forced to do so." John replied. They all didn't ask much as John never spoiled the movie for anyone. Fury on the other hand had a lot of work as he had to stop governments to do any stupid things. He didn't want to take any risk before he fully knew the other side. There was a high chance of presence of Atlantis since John said so he had to be careful.

Aquaman wouldn't be able to save them if Atlantis decided on waging war against the humans. Everybody went back to their homes as they had work to do. John too left with Emma. The movie fared more than the previous movies as by now people understood that a superhero movie meant a new hero emerging.

John, unlike previous years had two superhero movie scheduled in 2013. He needed to change somethings so he decided on two movies. John spent the Christmas with his family and Emma and even decided to visit London with Emma for New Year's eve.

The year of 2013 was an intense time too as the Thor would have confrontation with the Dark Elves and the weird situation of Extremis virus. John had a plan for Malekith but it was going to take time.

John also wanted to influence the NY underground world and he had a game character for that. At first John wanted to use the anime "Katekyo Hitman Reborn" for handling the crime. But he didn't have enough time to prepare it.

All the recent high level animes had taken his time and now when he realized that he needed to influence the underworld in Hell's Kitchen, it was already too late.

"Whatever! A new game is going to to be out. I will just use him. He won't fit in the whole setting but who cares. Let the new character get a feel of the world and later I will bring his whole family."

John and Emma spent a lot of time together in London as they had a vacation and even visited around various touristic places in Britain. After 2 weeks of vacation they returned as John's first game would be out in a few days time. Like series he had made a series of 3 games into a single long game.

It was an RPG game about a human who was experimented upon to become a mutant. John didn't play the first part of the game so he had to spend fan values for acquiring the old version of it. The story in the game revolved around the man named Geralt and his quest to hunt monsters while dealing with politics.

The third part of the series was where the story bloomed. He was on his quest to find Ciri, his adopted daughter. She was the most powerful person in their universe. The game had three different endings and according to people's choices the game had a sweet, sad and a bittersweet endings.

Yes, The game was 'Witcher' series. John had played the trial version of the game and he was happy with the story as that was the main concern for him. The technology of this earth was good enough to handle such a huge franchise. He had mad hopes for the game as he was a huge fan of it and was sure it would be a huge success.

In a week the game was out. People went to buy the game as John's name was pasted on it. Now many things in the world sells if there was John's name but when people played the game they loved it. They didn't expect that the game would be so good that people played it for like hours and still didn't have enough of it.

Since all the three parts of the game was in a single version. it was a long story but everybody played the game till the end. They loved the character portrayal, story telling and color of the game. It rose in game rankings within a week and topped the charts.

John even noticed a jump in his fan values due to it. He was happy to see this.


total fan values - 2 billion]

"Extract Geralt of Rivea, the butcher of Blaviken."


Command accepted. Fan value spent - 80 million]


There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day.

There would be no double upload as the power stones didn't reach the required number.

Thank you.

Read 130+ chapters ahead at p@treon.com/thelightedghost. Thank you for the support. If you like the story please consider donating power stones.

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