
Multiverse of Marvel

"We need to go back and inform others of what just happened. Whatever happened has happened and can't be changed back. This involves the death of an ancient being. We won't be able to change it as it was a Nexus Event and TVA won't be able to control it. Loki, are you still at the throne?" John shouted. Unsurprisingly, Loki appeared out of nowhere. TVA was responsible for all Nexus Events and Beings. And this was a huge Nexus event. The point of no return, just like the death of Christine in What if? "You have commited quite the crime John. This crime according to the laws of TVA would have you pruned instantly, with no questions asked and no trial." Loki said with a smile. "It was not me who did this. It was him. Why am I being put in the tough spot?" John asked with a sharp tone. ------------- When a cinephile and an otaku/weeb travels through dimensions and gets a system which can only be described as overpowered but comes with restrictions. At first he was overjoyed with the system but soon realizes that he is in a very dangerous world where his life was at risk all the time. (There will be no change in the canon until the New York War ends) p@treon.com/thelightedghost

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Gathering everyone (3)

"I know many of you are confused as many of you haven't been briefed properly. And this is a new type of thing or even knowledge for many of you. Some of you know me, some of you may not and it may be possible that you are paranoid and think I am trying to kill everyone here, because let's be honest, I brought you all away from your home on pretext of a multiversal war which may or may not be true...."

"... And with that I might even attack your home as the villains never need a reason to cause havoc."

When John said these words many of the people who were new to this shuddered. They never tonight saw this from another angle and whatever this new person said was right. They really were too foolish to leave behind everything on their Earth without any question just because their leaders had asked them to.

Some even thought of revolting by those words but they could say that many were giggling silently by the subtle threats of John. That proved that whatever John was speaking was just a hoax and a way to make fun of their foolishness.

This made many of them shy and embarrassed, thinking that John didn't even need to do anything and let the people go through a range of emotions in a matter of a few seconds. Clark who was behind John couldn't take it anymore seeing these new 'recruits' get scared by veterans like them.

"It's enough there is no need to scare the new people. I am Clark Kent from Earth 1999999. We have all brought you here with no lie and we really do face a war. Soon we will be leaving for the place that we have informed all of you about as everyone of you has been given a brief overview of what is happening right now."

Everyone calmed down with the stoic but easy going voice of Clark. He was one of the leaders of the Justice League and thus he had quite a pull and charisma to make people have good will towards him. John had a charm of his own because of him being the King of Babylon but he was never a good orator. At best his oratory skills were on par with Wayne who was a man of very few words.

"Our spaceship will soon be here where you will meet the rest of the crew as there were many others from our own universe who would join."

There was a murmur among the crowd but nobody said anything as their leaders seemed like they had known all of this from sometime and they calmed down per se. But all had excitement witten on their faces.

For most of them this would be their first space travel and they were dying to go to this 'spaceship' that was supposed to take them. As the discussions were going on among the crowd, the new Harvester was already extracted by John and like last time the spaceship appeared near the moon, or could be said it was extracted behind the dark side of the moon to hide its size from the general public.

Last time it created a commotion among the people of 616 so John didn't want another complaint from 616-Tony. John waved his hands and in the next moment, all of them who had arrived from different universes had arrived at an open field.

The field had grasses. On one side of the field it had forest and on another side far there were a row of mountains. But this wasn't the catch. The main point was that the sky had a purple color and it was very apparent that the sky was fake. The harvester was so big that it had a detailed ecosystem of it's own. Only difference here being the purple sky.

Many were amazed by this sudden change of scenery and many people had already guessed that it was teleportation on a massive scale. They had seen teleportation before but not of this magnitude. This was new for them.

"Is this a new place?"

"No you idiot, it's a spaceship. Can't you see some small windows on this side from where the space is apparent?"

"But how big is this spaceship to have such a huge place."

"We have just been brought to a different universe. This already is a new thing. Now get used to it or else you will embarrass yourselves as superheroes of Earth."

As this discussion was happening among the crowd. 4 new portals opened from another side of the field. The new portals were like the ones that they had crossed across while arriving on Earth. The portals meant that there would be new allies that they hadn't seen before.


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