
Multiverse Mayhem

Alex goes on an adventure to different anime, games, books and movies with a system to help along the way. I promise it's not cliché Ok, I lied. But read it anyway. Pretty please. ********************************************** I don't own any of the source material I'm writing about (I wouldn't be creative enough to write something like that). I don't own the cover either (I don't even own Photoshop) (English is my native language but that doesn't make me good at it). ********************************************** ...why have you scrolled down this far? ...what do you mean the novel is too cliché? ...well you're cliché, your whole family is cliché!

CX_7029 · Others
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6 Chs

Using The Starter Pack

A quick rumbling from the stair could be heard, before Kate Forde burst into Alex's room, her face stricken with worry.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?" she relentlessly questioned Alex, inspecting him for any visible injuries.

Right now, Alex was holding back tears: he felt like his manhood had been crushed.

"Nothing's the matter," he smiled unconvincingly in a ridiculous, squeaky voice.

Kate furrowed her brow.

"Are you sure? Then why did you scream? You scared me half to death," Kate's tone had turned stern once again.

"Understood. Won't happen again," Alex spoke like a very high-pitched machine.

Kate still had suspicions but decided to leave her son to his own business; she didn't want to pry.

Relieved, Alex exhaled.

Now it was time to get to work.

"System, one that really hurt and two, do I have any missions?"

[Missions –

[Get all stats to 20 - Progress: 38/100 – Time Limit: 2 weeks]

[Enrol at Hogwarts – Time Limit: 9 months]

Currently it was January, so Alex had 9 months until Hogwarts began: enough time for training.

Firstly, he opened his inventory and dropped all of the pill packets onto his bed. After inspecting each one and reading the labels, he realised that they were all stat boosters. One by one, he swallowed each packet of them.

Almost instantaneously, his stomach felt like there were butterflies trapped inside it, and he wanted to throw up. His head felt dizzy and time seemed to slow down for disjointed periods. He managed to numb the feeling by crawling into a ball on his bed and waiting for it to wear off. Eventually, it did.

Despite that awful experience, he continued, deciding it was better to get everything over and done with.

Next on his agenda were the bloodlines. Out of all the things he had been gifted by the system, this was probably what he was most excited about. Who didn't want a cool eye power?

However, he was still wary as in many of the web novels he had read; fusing with bloodlines always seemed to be a gruelling and immensely painful process.

Alex finally found the courage to go ahead with the process.

"System, fuse with all bloodlines."

[Fusing with bloodlines]

Everything went black.


In the corner of a dark void, light sparked. It was so small and yet fought so hard to survive. The light grew and grew until eventually; all of the darkness had been banished by the light, revealing a completely white room.

In the centre of it all was a small boy, Alex.

He tried to speak, but nothing would come out of his mouth, his throat stuck together.

Suddenly, he felt something slimy inside of his throat; he could feel it moving upwards and upwards until it came out to face him. A black creature decorated with green, flame-like patterns hissed revealing a forked tongue, red as blood.

Beady, black eyes seemed to penetrate the depths of his soul. They knew everything about him. They were inside of his head. They controlled him.

Alex struggled to break out of the snake's control, but his body felt like it was underwater, his movements sluggish and pathetic. He started to gasp for air.

There was none.

Tears started falling involuntarily as his lungs began to burn, ready to burst at any moment, but no matter what he did, he couldn't unseal his throat.

"You are weak," the hiss seemed to echo around the void.

Black liquid covered Alex's feet.

"I can change that."

Alex began to sink into the darkness, his resistance fleeting.

"Give your body to me."

His limp body stared up as the darkness once again engulfed the white room.

"You will be the strongest."

Alex's face was inches from the darkness when he had snapped out of the trance.

"It's too late, it's over," the serpent mocked him.

"No...it can't end...not here," Alex began twisting and turning erratically.

The serpent seemed amused, as it licked its lips and watched how the mouse struggled.

"No...This is my only shot...to be someone...to do something with my life..." Alex's struggles seemed to become stronger, "...I can't waste this chance."

Stronger and stronger, Alex fought against his constraints. The darkness seemed to stop spreading onto the walls and retreat slightly.

Momentarily, the serpent was shocked. Where did this weak-willed boy get all this strength? The serpent desperately tried to stop him, but the darkness kept retreating.

"Aaaaaarrrrrggghhh," Alex roared as his eyes turned red, and the darkness exploded.

"No, no, this can't be," the snake hissed in rage.

Right at that moment, the snake felt some sort of insurmountable pressure weighing down on it. Turning around, it saw a red eye with a black tomoe revolving around a black ring.

It finally felt fear.

"You obey me!" Alex ordered, crushing the snake under the pressure.

Now the snake was squirming to free itself.

Alex's voice grew louder and louder, the gravity in the room grew more and more powerful until all colours in the room disappeared. More accurately, all colours disappeared except long blue lines, where the snake had once been, and two eyes, red and white.

[Bloodline fusion complete]


Gasping for air, Alex looked around him. There was no longer a venomous serpent, just a boy's bedroom.

He touched his face and felt that it was boiling, sweat trickling down his forehead, so he walked to the bathroom to wash himself off.

Turning the tap on, he looked up at the mirror, only to be shocked by what he saw.

His eyes were red and white.

More accurately they were the Sharingan and Byakugan.

Before he could even process what had happened, there was a resounding 'ding' from the System.

[Hyuga bloodline grants Byakugan, Uchiha grants the Sharingan and Salazar Slytherin allows host to use Parseltongue and all spells are 50% more powerful except dark magic, which is 75%]

At this point, Alex was no longer shocked so much by the System and its benefits; still, he was very grateful to it.

"System, show stats."

 [Stats –

Name: Alex Forde

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 13

Constitution: 12

Spirit: 12

Intelligence: 14

Bloodline –

[Hyuga] [Uchiha] [Slytherin]

Skills –

[Cooking: Beginner] [Mixed Martial Arts: Beginner] [Aura] [Burst]

Passive Skills –

[Masked Presence] [Hyper-Intelligence] [Hyper-Talent]

Spells –


Inventory –

[Customizable Wand (Redeemable at Olivander's)] [Lottery Tickets x5] [Customizable Robe (Redeemable at Madam Malkin's)]

System Points: None]

"Well then, I guess it's time to actually start training," Alex grinned, as a large, mystical book appeared on the bed beside him.

The book's title – Charms: Basic.

This story just hit 10K views and 30 Power Stones. That may not be a lot compared to the bigger novels out there but it genuinely means a lot to me, so thank you.

Big thanks to -






These people have commented, reviewed and made constructive criticism on this novel and I thank them for that because it keeps me motivated and improving.



(P.S the pacing will hopefully pick up)

CX_7029creators' thoughts