
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 24 Summoming contract

[Yuto (Takahashi)]

[Level 11 [75xp/1,500]

[Stat points = 78]

[Ryo = 31,600]

[Hp =1,883] [36HP/s]

[Cp = 12,724] [ 64CP/S]

[Mp = 12,724] [ 64MP/s]

[Strength = 301.5]

[Dexterity =131.5]

[Agility = 322]

[Vitality =298]

[Intelligence = 166]

[Wisdom = 178]

[Endurance = 306]

[Charisma = 149]

[Luck = 176]

[Gambling activated]

[×2 luck for 5 minutes]

[176 -> 352]

[Daily Gacha]

[recovering gourd]

[ Description: A gourd to hold your potions in one container.]

After seeing the [Recovering Gourd], I started to put my potions that I earned into the Gourd in my room. After putting the potions into the gourd, I went downstairs to help with Yuriko making breakfast.

Yuriko:" Morning Yuto."


Yuriko seemed to be happy to see me speak more often. Walking to the kitchen and helping Yuriko clean the ingredient as she cuts them. As we finished, Hiroshi walked down the stairs with bed hair as he came down. He went to make a cup of coffee.

Hiroshi:" So kid, how long are you going to let that cat on your head?"

Shrugging my shoulders and the white fur ball on my head let out a yawn.

'I should find a way to make him into a Ninja cat'

after eating, Yuriko and Hiroshi had to be on duty and lead their genin team. I was heading to the library to see if they have any way to train a cat I to a Ninja cat.

Shisui:" Yo, the cats still with you?"

Shisui had his hands up in a defensive way in case of any cat attacks. Ignoring Shisui, I went to the library to find a book to learn how to take care of a cat and how to train them.

Arriving at the library, I went towards Yoshikos' desk.

Yoshiko:" You need something, Yuto?"

"Cat," pointing at the cat on my head.

Yoshiko:" Oh, the books about animals are in the 31st aisle." After she said that, she went back to reading her book. Going to the aisle, i managed to find books on cats.

<Sir a new mission>

[Train your cat into a Ninja cat]

[Rewards: summoning contract, 2 cat apparel, 150xp, 2,500ryo ]

Picking out books on how to train a cat. picking the book and checking it out. I left with Shisui poking the cat on my head as we walked. Opening the book on a rooftop, I grabbed the cat off my head and put him on the ground.

Cat:" Meow??"


Shisui:" That's a lame name."

"Neko attack"

Shisui:" Gah!! not again."

While Shisui was pulling the cat off his face, I was reading the book on how to train cats.

' Iris, do you have any ideas on how to make the cat into a Ninja cat?'

< You should start by unlocking its chakra so it could be more aware of its surroundings. Or you could ask Shisui since he already made a contract with another animal.>

' Right, I could ask Shisui'

Going to Shisui and the cat, I picked up the cat and stared at Shisui.

Shisui:" Oh? Finally, have a change of heart."

" Summoning contract"

Shisui:" How do you know that?"

Shisui had a serious face as he looked at me, and I just held the cat in front of his face.


Shisui:" Oh? so you want to get a summoning contract with the cat, huh?"

Nodding as I held the cat in his face.

Shisui:*Muffled* "We'll that's easy"

Pushing the cat away from his face that was filled with claw marks.

Shisui:" All you have to do is insert your Chakra into the cat, and if they accept it, they could see you as their partner or family, depending on the animal, though."

Doing as he said, Shiro looked at me with a confused face but accepted as I unlocked it chakra as well.

Shisui:" Now that's done. We should get a summoning scroll."

Nodding my head, we jumped down to the ground and followed Shisui to a Ninja store that sells a summoning scroll. Shiri was on my head, looking around with curiosity in his eyes. Finally arriving at the store we entered.

Shopkeeper:" Welcome. Is there anything you're looking for. "

Shisui:" Yeah, we're looking for a summoning scroll for this kid and the cat."

Shopkeeper:" I see, we have the large ones so that others could summon the animal as well or a small one with only one summoner."

Shisui looked at me to know which one I wanted.

" small"

Shopkeeper:" Small one, huh? here you go, just came in not long ago."

Taking the scroll, I was about to pay when Shisui did it instead. Nodding at him as I was able to save money.

Shisui:" Don't worry, If you got the big one, I would've left you to pay for it."

Not bothering to answer, we both walked out. Until Shisui spoke again.

Shisui:" We should go to the training grounds to make the contract."

Arriving at the training grounds, I unfolded the scroll onto the ground, and Shisui instructed.

Shisui:" You're going to pick your finger and the cats onto the scroll."

Doing as he said, I took the kunai from Shisui and picked it into the cats paw, rubbed the blood onto its paws, and printed it on the scroll. And it was my turn picking the kunai in my thumb. I rubbed it on my other fingertips and printed it on the scroll.

As I was done, we waited for a while until I heard a notification.

[ Lucky Encounter]

Before either of us could react me and Shiro puffed it to smoke, leaving Shisui.

(Third Pov)

As Yuto and Shio disappeared into smoke. Shisui was staring into the air where Yuto was previously.

Shisui:" Shit."

Was what Shisui could say as he saw the person he was supposed to keep an eye on disappeared in front of his eyes.

Shisui:"Sigh, gotta report this to the Hokage."

Flickering to the Hokages office. And now, back to Yuto had disappeared to.

(Yuto Pov)

As I found myself in a jungle sounded by cats while I was holding onto Shiro, as I looked around the surroundings as the cats were looking at us with curiosity my [Sixth sense] kicked in and ducked below.

???:" You!! how did you get here?"

Looking at who talked, I saw a white Siberian tiger spoke as he circled around us.

???:" Sniff, sniff, no smell of fear. you pass, follow me."

[+ 45 favorabillity with ???]

Following the white saberian tiger as he walked and the cats were making way.

???:" It's been a long time since someone was able to come here, and smelling the young cat I can tell you're very lucky to be reverse summoned as you made a contract with the young one."

while walking for a while, the Saberian tiger spoke again.

???:" Not much of a talker, huh? not fearing being close to death, insane reaction speed to dodge my attack, not many could pass the test of being ambushed when they're summoned. What the hell do they teach young ones these days?"

' He sounds like an old man'

???:" The names Kai."

" Yuto "

???:" Yuto, huh? and the little one?"

" Shiro"

???:" Shiro? I guess you are not that good with names, huh?"

Shrugging my shoulders as we continued to walk, passing large trees that had holes, probably tree house for the cats here. Walking towards a larger tree, we stopped at its entrance.

Kai:" My lady, the guest is here."

???:" Bring him up here."

A gentle voice echoes from the top of the tree but is still able to reach our ears.

Kai:" See if you could keep up, young one."

After he said that, he started to climb the branches with incredible speed. Putting Shiro on my head, I started to parkour my way up behind Kai. Moving up, I started to notice that the tree was high in the clouds.

As I noticed that I was slowing down and getting tired, I pulled out [Recovering Gourd] and drank it. It only refilled my stamina and chakra as I was moving.

Kai:" If I didn't smell herbs in that gourd, I would've thought you were drinking at an early age."

Rolling my eye, I kept up with Kai. In an hour, we managed to reach the top, but my body felt a little weak, I might have refilled my stamina and chakra, but it still stressed my body.

Kai:" My lady, we have arrived." He said as he lowered his head, and I did the same as I held Shiro I my arms with his arms straight out.

???:" Raise your heads." Doing as she said, I looked at the black cat with a third eye on its head.

< Intrusing detected sir >

???:" Don't worry, I'll only read your surface thoughts so I could trust you more."

Nodding, I told Iris to turn off [Gamers mind], but if she gets too deep into my mind, turn it on.

[Gamers Mind ] [off ] [ Emergancy activation] [on]

???:" My name is Suki."

" Yuto"

I used parallel thoughts to focus on the conversation and one to keep the thoughts that could give my real thoughts away. As time went on, my emotions seemed to catch up, doing my best to hold my anger in about my privacy being invaded.

After a few questions, the Sukis third eye closed. And I hurriedly told Iris to turn back [Gamers Mind] back on.

Suki:" To be able to protect your mind from my third eye. it should be a bloodline or a skill. You don't have to answer that. Since you're here, then that means it was destiny."

Nodding as I looked around the surroundings to see more felines like a jaguar, lion, bobcat, cheetahs, etc. that was laying around or sitting around us as they looked at use.

Suki:" Since you're here, you'll be able to make a contract with everyone here at the moment, and that includes me if you have enough Chakra. Each one of them are able to change their sizes and have a mastery over elements. That includes Yin and Yang as well as space and time."

As she finished saying that, a large red lion dropped a large Summoning scroll.

Suki:" All you have to do is print your fingers on this scroll."

Doing as she said, I printed my fingers on the scroll.

Suki:" With that done. Have you heard of sage mode."

Shaking my head to not have them question if I knew it from somewhere.

Suki:" I see, Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra."

" Using Senjutsu Chakra, you'll be able to learn the techniques of the cats. and if you're lucky, you'll be able to take characteristics of a cat such as their balance, ears, tails, and flexibility. "

Nodding that I understood. I wished I could stay here to learn, but I know that Shisui would report my disappearance to the Hokage.

Suki:" We'll need to focus that one on a later date. For now, I'm sure your people are worried about your sudden disappearance. And you could take the big scroll with you as well."

Looking at the scroll that was twice my size, I grabbed it overhead and saw Suki grab another scroll with my name, and as Suki was summoning me back, I heard Kai's voice.

Kai:" Take care, Young one."

After hearing Kai's voice, I noticed that I was back at the training grounds holding a big scroll on my back with Shiro on my head. I was walking back to the house since I was hungry. Along the way, I met Itachi, and i just nodded at him, and he did the same. Arriving home, I was met with Yuriko and Hiroshi on the couch along with the hokage and Shisui behind him. The only thought I could think of the moment was.
