
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 22 The Past

???:"Congratulations, you are now a legal guardian of Yuto Takahashi."

???:" Thank you."

I was happy that I got adopted by an old gentleman. I could finally see the outside world and spend time with my new family.

Arriving at my new home, I was greeted with warmth.

Adoptive Mother:" This is your new home, Yuto."

Adoptive Father:" Yes, welcome home, Yuto."

' Wow, finally, a place to call home.'

That was what I thought my time with didn't last long, though.

*Bang* *bang*

???Well, look, we have here."

The mysterious person said as he pulled my hair, pulling me from the closet I was dropped to the ground.

???:" Boss!! there's a kid here."

A man walked in with a dark coat and fedora.

???:" Take him to the underground, I'm sure he'll pay off these guys' debt."

???:" Alright."

The next thing I knew was that I was in a cage along with other people outside. I could hear noise some kind of cheering.

???:" psst hey you."

looking up to see a girl around my age whispering to me.

???:" What's your name?"

"It's Yuto." I answered blankly.

???:" Well, Yuto, my name is Lily,"

"Why did you call me?"

Lily:" Well, I just want to know why you're here,"

"Something about a debt"

Lily:" Oh, I see."

Like that, Lily and I talked for weeks. We had each other when the assholes didn't even give us any, and then we would sometimes hide it when we had the chance or shared it when the other ran out. This happened until they came for us.

Hearing footsteps coming towards me, I lifted my head but was greeted with a fist to my face.

???:" Keep your head down mutt."

I'm clenching my teeth as I woke up from the death of my adoptive parents. I was forced to walk to some hallway.

???:" Keep moving mutt. There's people who want to see some blood."

A while later, I was pushed to an arena with people cheering and a dead body being carried out. Walking to the middle of the arena with nothing but rags. I heard the announcer.

Announcer:" Here we have the Mutt. A beginner fighter. Let's see if he'll break or survive."


Announcer:" And for his opponent, the Smasher, with a total of 27 wins by smashing his opponents head to the ground."

* Cheering*

???:" Fight to the death, and you'll survive one more day."

I was scared, these bastards wanted to see people kill each other.

???:" Begin"

With that said, my opponent started first by kicking me to the ground and started to hold me down. struggling to escape, I was kicking dust around when he started to grip my head and smashed it to the ground.

Announcer:" ooh, the smasher is already smashing."


My head was dizzy and foggy, but when I looked at the stands, I saw a man with the same dark coat with the fedora.

'That bastard is here!!!'

Picking up dirt and throwing it at the opponents eyes and kicking him in the throat. He got off and held onto his throat as he tried to clear his eyes.

*Cough, cough* " Fucking brat"

Getting up I kicked the man's knees which brought him to one knees and went behind his and put him in a chokehold. He started to fail around, and since he could barely see, he just jumped to his back, losing my breath as the smasher started to get up. Ignoring the pain on my ribs, I hit the man's elbow, which broke it.


Announcer:" Oh, what's this? A grown man being beaten by a little boy"

Punching the man as hard as I could, I started to knee his head and punch it as hard as I could until blood started to spill.

* Cheering*

Announcer:" What a surprise, the mutt won!!!"

* Cheering*


???:" Let's go mutt

Before being pulled, there was a loud explosion.

*Boom* *Boom*

???:" Run"

???:" Shit they're here."

The audience tried to run away, but the exit doors were locked.


Then suddenly there was gun fire, I ran towards the cages to get to Lily I promised her that I would escape with her. Seeing Lily, I shouted at her.


Lily:" Yuto, help me get out of here."

I'm trying to pry open the cage door when I found a rusted pipe nearby. Picking it up, I started to hit the lock until its hinges were broken. A few minutes later, I broke the lock and opened it for Lily.

Lily hurriedly ran out, and I followed as well the moment we got to the hallways. There were gunshots and screaming. running to a staircase, we were about to go down when we noticed armed soldiers climbing and not going to risk it. we headed upstairs and to the roof tops, and then we heard shouting that sounded like the people that kidnapped us. me and Lily ran to the catwalk when we got there, and it looked unstable. Lily crossed it. But the moment I got on and tried to cross it, Lily pushed the supporting beam to hold the cat walk away, and it collapsed, not able to crossed I heard a voice behind me.

???:" Betrayal, comes from your friends, not your enemies."

There, I saw the same man who killed my adoptive parents. Filled with anger, I rushed the man. But he kicked my gut.


Gasping for air, I tried to crawl away as I realized I was too weak to fight him at the moment.

???:" Running away now?"

Grabbed by the throat, I was struggling to breathe and tried to hit his arm off, realizing I couldn't do anything. I kicked him in the rib. That did some damage to him as he threw me by the edge.

???:" You're really passing me off!!"

Walking to me, he kneeled my stomach and tried to suffocate me. Everything was about to go dark when I stabbed my finger through his eye. It felt cold and mushy.

???:" Aaahhhh fucking bastard"

Holding his eye as he got up from me when I kicked his chest and crawled to the edge and jumped off into the trach can.


When I got out, I was greeted with a flashlight to my face, covering my eyes, thinking I'll be captured again. I got up, ready to fight.

???:" Easy there, kid. I'm here to help you."

Looking at him, I saw a soldier putting away his flashlight and his gun away.

???:" The names Nick, come with me. I'll help you."

After hearing that, I fell unconscious, letting the tiredness get to me.