
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs


( Yuto Pov )

" You're like a teenager, always on your phone."

Scathach:" Don't judge me, you...you..."

" You what?" I smiled as Scathach tried to find a comeback.

I pressed my face against Scathach as I looked at her phone.

" Whatcha lookin' at???"

I saw a manga panel of me training shirtless.

" Fucking pervert." I looked at her with disgust as she hid her phone.

Scathach reached for her spear.

As she tried to Bonk me on the head hoping to make me forget, I grabbed it.

As scthach tried to break my grip, she pulled me on the couch, which I landed on top of her.

" Well, this is cliché."

Scathach smiled and just put her arms around my neck.

As we stared at each other for a while, before Liz came in.

Liz:" Yuto! Nero ate all the cook....Sorry for interrupting." She turned back.

Me and Scathach looked at Liz leaving and looked back at each other.

Scathach chuckled, and so did I.

Giving a peck on her cheek, I got up and threw her phone back to her.

" Here you pervert."

Scathach caught the phone.

" I'm going to check on Nero."

I left the living room and walked towards the dining room to see Nero slump over the table.

" What happened?" I leaned on the table.

Nero:" Too....many.....cookies...Um....u." She groaned.

" Sigh, didn't I say to watch the little girl?"

Nero:" Too....hungry..."

" Sigh."

I went into the kitchen and baked some more cookies for Liz.

As I came upstairs, I entered the room where Liz was at, and I saw here watching over Sakura as she was still recovering.

" Liz, I made some cookies for you."

Liz:" Ooh! Thank you, Yuto!"

I just smiled as she ate the cookie that was larger than her.

I sat next to Sakura and injected some life force to nourish her body.

Standing back up, I went downstairs, leaving Liz to watch over Sakura.

" Nero, let's go!"

Nero:" Ugh....be..right...there...Praetor...."

" Sigh, it's Yuto."

Nero:" ....Yuto....."

" Sigh."

Dragging the red Saber into the city.

* Small timeskip *

/// Bringing you Chibi Yuto dragging a Chibi Nero across the floor.///

Once we made it into the city, we met Alexander the Great and his master sitting at a table, and Alexander greeted us.

Alex:" Yuto and Nero! over here."

We sat across from them.

" How's the modern age doing for you?"

Alex:" It's great!" He ate crackers.

" I see."

Alex:" What's up with your servant."

Looking at Nero, who was slumped over the table freaking out Waver.

" She ate too much food."

Alex:" I see!"

I looked at Waver.

" This must be your master."

Alex:" Yes! this is Waver!"

Waver:" H....hello. I'm Waver."

" Hm, I'm Yuto."

Waver:" Escuse me, but I heard that you were a knight of the round table. How exactly are you not dead? How are you able to summon a servant? How did you live so long? How are you young?"

" Heard of The Hidden One in the Arthurian Legend?"

Waver nodded.

Waver:" I heard of him, but no one had seen his appearance, the only ones that knew were the knights of the round table. They also called you the Accursed one."

" Accursed One?"

Waver meekly nodded as I quickly turned to him.

Waver:" Yes. They said you were cursed to massascre armies for King Arthur. But some claimed you were a Sentinel, a gaurdian of the round table, and King Arthur."

Alex:" Hoh? Massascring armies, huh? Are you sure you don't have second thoughts on joining my side."

" No."

Alexander just nodded.

" So, anything else?"

Waver:" Uuuuh, oh! there was a tale of Morgan Le Fay who went crazy after you rejected her, so the ten gaurdians put her down."

" Morgan Huh? Thank you for telling me this. I'll probably spare both of your lives if you make it out."

Alex laughed.

Alex:" Ahahahahah!!! I like to see you try!!"

" Is that challenge?"

Alex:" Yes!" He spoke as he looked down at me as I looked up to him.

Nero:" Ugh, please.....no fighting....today."

The tension was broken by Nero.

Leaning back, I took Alex's tea before taking it in one go.

* Thud *

" Welp me and Nero will go see the city, see you two later."

Alex:" Hey my tea!!"

Waver:" I'll buy a new one."

Leaving the two, I dragged Nero around.

" Come in, let's go find some clothes."

Nero:" U.....m.....u..."

///Bringing you Chibi Nero in a santa costume///

' Feels great to be in modern clothes.'

I was wearing a black shirt sleeve with buttons and dark blue jeans with a white hoodie with a zipper.

Nero was just Nero as she wasn't in the condition to change.

" Hm? Yo dude, you okay?"

I spoke to the man in the allayway. And just as I stepped forward, I saw his command seal.

???:" Wait, Berserker!"

A blade was close to my face, and I had my face close to Lancelot helmet.

' Stupid helmet, why can't I have a cool helmet.'

" Hm? Aren't you Kariya?"

Kariya:" And you be the one that blown up the Matou mansion." He spoke as he weakly leaned on the wall.

I felt the hostility coming from him.

" You look like shit."

Kariya:" Did you kill everyone?"

"Hmmmmm, maybe I did, maybe not."

Kariya:" Just answer the question."

" Yeesh, no fun at all. If you're talking about the little girl, then yes."

Kariya:" Sigh, thank you."

He fell down.

" You know I could help you."

I spoke as I leaned against the wall.

Kariya:" And the price?"

" Guard my house."

Kariya:" That it?"

" Probably run me some snacks here and there."

I looked at him as I lowered my sunglasses.

Kariya:" Sure."

" Great, let's take an oath."

" Are you Kariya, willing to be my guard dog and snack receiver?"

Kariya:" I am willing."

" Are you willing to take any forms of punishment for betrayal and disloyalty?"

Kariya:" I am willing."

" Alrights, that's it."

Kariya:" Really?"

It was then that he grabbed his chest, which caused Berserker to growl.

Nero put a sword on his neck, daring him to move.

" Oh hey, you're alright."

Nero:" Umu!"

A few minutes later, Kariya calmed down.

Squatting next to him, I put a hand to his shoulder and pumped a lot of life force into him.

Kariya:" Ugh!"

" There! Now just head out of the city there you'll meet Scathach, just tell her I said there wasn't any spicy tofu."

Kariya:" Riiiight. Come berserker."

Berserker:" Grraaahh."

" Laters Lancelot." I waved.

Berserker:" GRRR."

" Come on, let's keep exploring."


We walked out of the allayway and walked around the city.

///Bringing you Sakura riding Berserkers Shoulders.///

" Man, who builds a church here?"

???:" I do."

" Hm?"

I turned around to see a man in church clothes.

???:" More specifically, my father."

" Is that so?"

I spotted the command seal on his hand.

" So that's where Goldie Boy is, huh? he's living with you."

The man froze before continuing.

Gilgamesh:" Forget it, it's useless to hide from him."

" Yo Goldie!"

Gilgamesh:" Sigh, still the same nickname."

" Oh yeah, where did we meet by chance?"

Gilgamesh:" You really don't know, huh? Or is it just another excuse."

I shrugged.

Gilgamesh:" Just get in the fucking church."

" Don't wanna."

Gilgamesh looked down to me as he crossed his arms.

" I don't like that face you're making."

Gilgamesh:" You never did.....mongrol."

" You just had to go there."

Gilgamesh:" I just realized you're not strong like before."

" Are you calling me weak?"

Gilgamesh:" Isn't it obvious."

Just as Nero and I could end this man's career, the weirdo interrupted.

???:" Ahem, the rules state we can't fight in broad daylight. "

Gilgamesh is not turning his head away and spoke.

Gilgamesh:" Rules are meant to be broken."

" I'm going to break that face of yours."

Gilgamesh:" Jealous?"

" That hairstyle is a crime against humanity, I'm surprised you didn't get striked down, especially when you were living in a church."

Gilgamesh:" You crossed the line!!"

" The line was already crossed, you female dog!!"

Gilgamesh:" You really crossed it this time!!"

" Go cry about it!!"

Gilgamesh:" EA!!"


/// We bring you....SHIRO!!!!THE CAT.....///

" So, you're telling me I created that to kill a god?"

Gilgamesh:" Not just a God, God."

" God as in?"

Gilgamesh:" Sigh, forget it, you'll know, though I didn't see you slay him, you kept flaunting that the spear had God blood on it."

" I see. Still don't understand."

' Like God God, or a fictional God?' I thought as I held a wine cup that Gilgamesh gave me.

" Hear that hotel that exploded?"

Gilgamesh:" Don't care, really." He shrugged before taking a gulp.

Gilgamesh:" There's also this!"

He opened a portal to reveal a golden chain.

" Ain't that the famous chain, Enkidu?"

Gilgamesh:" Enkidu wanted you to have this. But I'll hold onto it after you manage to defeat me."

He took back Enkidu.

" You really want to fight, huh?"

Gilgamesh:" Ain't that obvious. You were always the annoying person I met, This time, I'm not losing this chance."

" Hoh? is that so?"

Gilgamesh:" Ye....mmfph."

A cat landed on his head.

Taking the cat off his head, he angrily looked at me.

Gilgamesh:" Why a damn cat store!?"

" It's a cat Cafe, Beside there's a discount for a plus one and two, I'm not mission out on this."

I looked over to see Nero covered in Cats as she petted them in an aggressive manner.

" Beside, she's enjoying it."

Gilgamesh:" Is she really an emperor?"

" Dunno, she's cute, can handle a sword, and likes cats. That's a plus in my book."

Gilgamesh:" I thought cat girls were your fetish."

He looked down at me with disgust.

" Don't you go there."

Gilgamesh:" Hmph."

" Sigh, well, it's time to leave."

I got up from the ground and took off the cats and were sleeping on my lap and shoulder.

Gilgamesh:" You got one on your head stupid."

Getting the cat off my head, I threw it at Gilgamesh.

Hurriedly picking up Nero, we escaped the sounds of shouting.

/// We bring you Yuto leading an army of cats to defeat Vortigern///