
Multiverse Dragons Conquer Planetos

The Targaeryans thought they were the only remaining dragons in Planetos. Dragons from different worlds started to transmigrate or reincarnate in the planet after the Valyrians Dragon Gods asked for aid to ensure the survival of the mightiest species in the planet Note continuously adding and removing dragons characters from other worlds. Some are permanent in the story, while others are temporary like a visitor only. most of these dragons either died or alive from their original worlds they are also sentient and can speak Dragons Visiting, Reincarnated or Transmigrated Warcraft - Malygos and Sindragosa Fairy Tail - Belserion, Irene Belserion and Selene Pokemon - Arceus Digimon - Magnadramon(Gotamon) and Goddramon(Patamon) The album image is not mine but from a google image search result when looking for Malygos and Sindragosa together

Mulato_69 · Others
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Chapter 24: Evolution Ability - Beast Guardians

AN: So this chapter is inspired from Princess Mononoke movie, Legendary pokemon, digimon and the beast demi-gods from Warcraft

I will not be evolving all the magical beasts as I am too lazy and there are ton of them:

Also this chapter, the previous two and the next one are the most difficult to write as I had to do a lot of research and reference for the physical appearance of their evolution.

The (Reference) you will find in the story would indicate the reference of the evolution for example, Fenrir(Zacian). Zacian is from pokemon and the evolved form


The magical beasts residing in Avalon wanted to take part in defending their new home. Watching the dragon and magical sentient allies, had inspired and lead a desire to become stronger. This new motivation created to a series of evolutionary events. Due to the high magic concentration of Avalon, the evolved magical beasts reached to gargantuan sizes identical to Neltharion and Vhagar. They could create forests, lakes and any form change in the land's topography. 

Fenrir being leader of magical beasts on land and a master of Ward, Elemental, Nature and Lunar Magic, had the most significant evolution. He was now as large as Neltharion(formerly Cannibal). Its glaring yellow eyes made Fenrir intimidating even to the Hrakkar(White Lions of Essos). His fur changed from dark grey to royal blue. Fenrir's most noticeable features are the touches of pink found on its tail, a pair of pink braids going down the side of its body and two pink fringes of fur present on its back. (AN: Referenced Zacian from pokemon)

3 other direwolves named Beowulff, Eyolf, and Gunnolf, evolved at the same time with Fenrir. Second only to their pack leader in terms of magical mastery in Nature, Lunar, and Elemental Magic, each of them were less than a meter compared to the size of Fenrir.

Beowulff evolved to a beast being able to unleash a torrent of flames like its dragon allies. It retained its brown brown fur, with the addition of a thick, cloud-like manes on its back and a longer mane flowing down its neck. It has gray and spike plates on either side of its body and a pair of black cuff-like bands on its legs. Its face is covered with a red faceplate, a gray plate looking like a mustached and a yellow crest plate on its forehead. The evolved direwolf would often hang around with its fire breathing dragon allies, surprising them with his fire abilities. Beowulff took Melissandre as his companion, and together they were called the "Red Disasters" due to their destructive use of flame magic on the ice demons of the north. (AN: I used Entei from Pokemon as reference)

Eyolff evolved to a wolf beast with great affinity in the water element. From light gray colored fur it changed to a light blue streamlined body with lesser fur covered in patches of white, diamond-shaped markings. Its face and underside are white as well. its most distinct feature is a thick, purple mane and two white, streamer-like tails that wave forward. A large hexagonal, cerulean blue horn from its forehead. Eyolff is the only one of its kind capable of living underneath Avalon's lakes and seas. The evolved direwolf became the companion of Ariel the queen of the merfolk. The pair were called the "Blue Storms" as they sink slaver and hunter ships that pass through the seas near Avalon. (AN: I used Suicune from Pokemon as reference)

Gunnolf was the smallest but fastest amongst the direwolves in Avalon. He also had great mastery in lightning or thunder magic. This direwolf was often amongst the Jhogwin fending off the scores of demons often invading Avalon. This triggered his evolutionary form resembling closely of a Shadowcat. Its fur color changed to yellow with black stripes and a white underside. Its distinct features is a dark purple mane across its back, and its face covered with an X shaped light blue and black faceplate. Two long fangs protrude from its mouth. The direwolf was often partnered with Brandon Snow,(Visenya's husband) when they fought against the demons. Ice and Lightning would rain down the demons when these two entered the battlefield, thus giving them the title, Avalon's "Storm Kings". (AN: I used Raikou from pokemon as reference) 

Currently somewhere in the lands beyond The Wall, Malygos, Sindragosa, Visenya, Fenrir, the other three evolved direwolves, together with their companions have just defeated an army of Ice Spiders that was lead by Anub'arak. This caused some alarm to Malygos knowing that the former Nerubian King was a general of the Lich King in Azeroth. 

Fenrir(Zacian): It has become apparent that our enemies have become stronger

Malygos: The resurgence of magic in this world is a double edge sword my friend. Not only those of Avalon but even our enemies in Asshai and the Land of Always Winter have taken advantage of this boon

Beowulff(Entei): Lord Malygos, would you and the other Chosen ones be able to control the flow of magic, so that our enemies cannot harness it

Malygos: It is possible, but the controlling Planetos' magical ley lines is dangerous as it can lead to a great imbalance and has dire consequences

Sindragosa: Not only that, the reason why this world's weather patterns are bizarre is due to the construction of The Wall. By gathering the magical energies of the world, it has prevented the undead from further spreading but it has also disrupted the world's balance.

Eyolff(Suicune): Are you then suggesting to take down The Wall Lady Sindragosa?

Gunnolf(Raikou): What kind of question is that Eyolff! Preposterous, taking down the wall would leave our Northern allies open to attack 

Sindragosa: Eyolff and Gunnolf, If it means having an advantage over our enemies then its our only recourse, though we cannot do it abruptly and at the same time. It has to be done a slowly. A decade or more would be enough time to slowly stabilize the flow of magical energy.

Visenya: My niece and nephew may I know why it has to be done slowly? Wouldn't the combined powers of the chosen ones be enough to destroy The Wall?

Malygos: To answer your question dear aunt, the magical energy in this side of the wall is to enormous. Unleashing this much magical energy can have consequences like natural calamities

Melissandre: I remember Mama Irene telling me that large amounts magic should be handled carefully or else it would go BOOM!

Brandon: For someone so little and cute you can be scary my little red riding hood

Melissandre: I'm not cute uncle, hmphhh

Visenya: Cute indeed

Beowulff: Still I'm proud to call her my partner, together our flames are unmatched in the battle field

Melissandre: Hell Yeah!

Visenya: Going back on the topic about taking down the wall, we will need to discuss this with our northern allies

Brandon: This is already giving me a headache my love. The blood of the First Men are not easily convinced especially when it comes to the topic of change

Visenya: Well just like what my niece and nephew mentioned my love, slowly but surely we can act on this changes


A few more magical beasts also evolved. One in particular carried the soul of a god from another world. 

Cernunnos leader of the Elk clan is a master of Nature, Fairy, Lunar and Ward Magic. Compared to others of his kind, within him lingered a soul with divine energy. This triggered a peculiar evolution for this one of a kind Elk. During the day he would retain his Elk form. Furthermore compared to the other Elk he obtained a face with human features after his evolution. His antlers resembled tree branches, adorned with various plants and foliage. Significantly at night, Cernunnos would magically transform a human body standing on two feet. The entire body appearing ghostly and luminescent with star lights shining inside its body. (AN: Imagine the Deer God from Princesss Mononoke)

Cenarius and Cernunnos were frequently spotted in Val'sharah, where they both savored the beauty of nature. Cenarius felt a potent, divine energy emanating from the gentle Elk Leader, who seldom engaged in conflicts. As Cernunnos was walking Cenarius observed plants would come to life and later perish. This led Cenarius to speculate that his friend possessed the potential to ascend to godhood, a trait his father Malorne could discern. The giant Elk also became great friend of Vhagar given their strong affinity in fairy magic. Thus he was given the privilege to enter the Emerald Dream. During night time, the fairy race would often stare in awe at Cernunnos as he transforms and venture around Avalon giving him the title "Night Walker". 

Others that followed evolutionary changes amongst the beasts, was Agamaggan from the Boar Clan, Mufasa from the Hrakkar(White Lion) clan, Ashamane from the Shadowcat clan, and Ohn'ahra from the Griffin clan. All of them were masters in Elemental, Nature, and Fairy magic. Their evolutions gave them distinct features that seperates them from their own kind. Mufasa now has a metallic white mane with four yellow spikes frame its head like a crown with two more pairs of spikes adorn either side of its lower jaw, overall, its mane creates the impression of a stylized sun. Agammaggam had throngs of spikes on its back. Ashamane wore obsidian armor on its upper and lower limbs, while its eyes glow with the color purple. Lastly the griffin Ohn'ahra was now complete transcluschent white avian, with glowing blue eyes.(AN: Mufasa is Solgeo from Pokemon, while Agamaggan, Ashamane, andOhn'Ahra are from World of Warcraft) 

The magical beasts would join the defense against the frequent incursions of demonic and magical invaders along the borders of the 14 flames. Cernunnos engages in the defense as well but his mode of fighting enemies is by conjuring tree roots and vines underground entrapping unsuspecting demons. The divine elks magic signature greatly peaked the interest of C'thulu and his allies wanting capture the young god. The other magical beasts would then have to surround themselves near Cernunnos which was often the target for invading Warlocks, Red Priests and Shadowbinders. This prompted Cenarius to summon his father Malorne through the emerald dream. He also included Malygos, Sindragosa, and Arceus in the discussion as they may impart some wisdom regarding the young god.

Within the Emeral Dream of Avalon:

Cernunnos(Princess Mononoke Deer God): I must apologize to everyone for this inconvenience

Cenarius: There is no need to be sorry young one, though you must take caution now after my father, Malorne was able to recogznize your soul

Malorne: Cernunnos, you must stay within the Realms of the Emerald Dream of this world. Only there will you be protected against the dark forces aiming to capture you

Cernunnos: If I may ask Lord Malorne what is it about my soul as mentioned by Lord Cenarius that makes a prize prey amongst demons and dark magic users

Malorne: Yours is the soul of a god that has reincarnated from another world. It seems this soul was found by the Dragon God of Death Balerion

Arceus: According to my fellow Dragon God, it seems this soul met a tragic ending and wished to be reincarnated. Your soul prefers to be surrounded by life and nature which unfortunately his previous world did not have any for the gods that perished

Cernunnos: I feel great sadness after hearing that tale Lord Arceus. So am I forever to remain within Avalon's Emerald Dream

Malorne: It is the only way for your soul and god powers to grow safely. Since your soul has gone through reincarnation, your powers are at its weakest, a couple millenia would be needed for it grow to its peak

Cernunnos: Understood perfectly. Thank you for your wisdom oh great ones

Malorne: A couple millenia is only a blink young one. You will be back in this side of the realm. Patience, as upon your return you can smite those demons and dark magic users like a bunch of flies


Underneath Avalon's lakes, rivers and seas, the magical beasts dwelling in these areas were also experiencing their own evolution.

Genbu being the enigmatic and respected leader of both acquatic and land magical beasts was now considered a living god within the physical realm of Planetos. The Prime Gods of Yiti, Westerosi Old Gods, and Arceus have blessed the Rhoynar Turtle's evolution with Divine Energy. It now has a pair of heads with black metal plating covering its face. Its most significant trait is a large tree on top of its shell. This tree was from the seed of Teldrassil that Cenarius gave as a gift to the ancient Rhoynar Turtle. Malygos and Sindragosa finally agreed with the assurance that of Arceus blessing to Genbu as a living god. Furthermore, instead of 12 dragon plates Genbu has 12 celestial orbs floating around Teldrassil. (AN: Referenced Ebonwumon from Digimon)

Krakens and Leviathans that have mastered certain forms of magic also evolved. Their new forms are not that far from their previous look. The evolved leviathans now have a black metal armor covering their head all the way to middle of their gigantic body. The evolved krakens also grew a pair of claws from two of its tentacles. Not only are they adept in the water element after being taught by Mercphobia, the Moon Dragoness, Selene has also taught them Lunar Magic that somehow further boosted the strength of their water magic. These two aquatic magical beasts often patrol along the coasts of Avalon's peninsula and Northern Westeros, thwarting ships of pirates hunters and slavers.(AN: Whamon and Gesomon appearance from Digimon was the inspiration)

With frequent incursions from the Free Cities of Essos with the addition of Underwater Demons , Genbu, Jormungandr, Ariel and Eyollf discussed a plan with Arceus, Malygos and Sindragosa to expand their reach within the seas and oceans of Planetos

Arceus: That is a sound idea though your numbers are few. We would be stretching out our forces

Malygos: Genbu it might be better if you could focus in Avalon and our allies in Northern Westeros, though our priority would be Avalon 

Jormungandr(Mega Rayquaza): Surely our enhanced magic and strength is enough to repel our enemies my lords. The Merfolk, Naggas, Krakens and Leviathans numbers are enough for us to spread our forces to efficiently stop our enemies before they could arrive in our lands

Eyolff(Suicune): I concur with Jormungandr my lords. Our numbers have increased in the last couple of years

Sindragosa: It has indeed my companions. But only a few of you are great at magic. We need an entire army amongst your kind to be great at it. For now we must focus on Avalon and Northern Westeros. Within a few decades our people should have enough growth in terms of magic and strength to can expand our borders

Genbu(Ebonwumon): If I may suggest Lord Malygos and Lady Sindragosa, in your world I have heard the use of defensible magical structures. Would we be able to employ the same strategy?

Malygos: That is a great idea Genbu. Arceus has surely made a great decision in choosing you as his protege'

Sindragosa: Indeed my love. Genbu, I would need you to cooperate with Irene, Belserion(Dragon), Wun-Wun(Titan Watcher), Dagon(Regigas) and anyone else great at Enchantment Magic. You and those I've mentioned will need to find minerals within14 flames and underneath the seas. Gems are preferable. 

Malygos: The type of mineral or gem would also matter. Better if it were diamonds but any kind of gem would be a great conduit of magic.

Genbu: I shall convene then with Lady Irene, Westerosi Giants and Johgwin regarding this plan

Ariel(Queen Atlanna): The Merfolk, Naggas, Leviathans and Krakens will then mine gems underneath our seas

Arceus: This is a sound plan. I believe we will be busy for the incoming days. But we must remain vigilant. Our enemies are increasing

Everyone dispersed and started mining gems within the 14 flames and underneath the seas and lakes. Avalon's magical sentients and beasts both on land and water were bustling with activity both with mining and installing the magical defenses. At the same time, being the only master enchanters, Belserion, Irene, Dagon, Wun-Wun, the rest of the Johgwin and Westerosi Giants started installing offensive magic on the mined gems. Malygos, Sidnragosa, Leaf, Gaia, the rest of the COF and Ifequevron installed rune wardings on the installed gems so they will not be destroyed easily and capable of withstanding attacks. The gems were covered in metal frames to lower the risk of being damaged. They were enchanted to float around within a small area, having the ability to evade and be mobile. These magical structures were installed and scattered around Avalon and Northern Westeros.


This boon in evolution amongst Avalon's magical beasts has further reignited Planetos magical energies. Though the bane of this boon has not gone unnoticed. The increasing magical tales about the former Valyrian freehold had reached to the far corners of Planetos. Human kingdoms mobilized their fleets and armies in hopes of uncovering and claiming Avalon's hidden treasures. Unfortunately, their conquests often ended in failure, as their forces were mysteriously transported back to their own lands. Yet, the relentless greed of mankind persisted as they turned to the magic of Asshai. Warlocks and Red Priests, while enhancing their magical prowess, still struggled to unravel the intricate enchantments. The slavers of Essos also tried to invade Northern Westeros based on the reports of magical events in the area. This lead them to believe the existence of magical sentients and beasts that they could enslave. 

Fortunately the timely installation of the floating magical gems was a great boon as Shadow Dragons from Asshai and flying demons descended upon Avalon and Northern Westeros. Everyone were surprised by a sudden attack. Dragons, Harpies, Shpinxes, Griffins, and Great Eagles took flight in Avalon and a portal was opened in Northern Westeros to assist their allies. The floating magical gems greatly assisted the army which surprisingly has a homing weapon system designed to track mobile targets. Their foes from skies crashed and perished against the combined forces of magic in Avalon and Northern Westeros. Malygos, Sindragosa, Irene and Belserion advised to have the remains of their flying enemies particularly the Shadow Dragons to be kept and purified as it can be used as ingredients for weapons or armor. 

This engagement with enemies from the sky has urged Arceus to join Shrykos in a quest to look for stronger allies in the multiverse, as their strength and numbers were not enough. The dimensional dragons that Irene reported were too much for Arceus to handle. He would need to gain an ally capable of withstanding a Dragon God, and he knows another Dragon God capable of facing such an adversary.

AN: This is the most difficult chapter to write and I am open for suggestions in editing it. Though the suggestions have to be constructive ok

For the next chapter I am so excited to write about it as it would now be focused on the dragons evolution particularly and the new dragon god ally. The new character(dragon god) I will be introducing is from a fanfiction called Harry's New Game Plus. With the addition of this new character and ally of Arceus I can finally proceed with moving the plot development after 1 or 2 more chapters

Mulato_69creators' thoughts