
Multiversal: The Shop

In the shop, we have everything when we say everything, means everything but of course are you willing to pay the price for receiving them? There's nothing free, everything has a price. --- Alexander Barthomeloi, previous name [Unknown] before reincarnating as Alexander, he was nothing more than a poor average human in earth with nothing special, that was until 'God' a mistake and killing him by accident. Thus 'God' offered to compensate him for his mistake, it was to go to heaven or be reincarnated in another. And he choose the latter choice with the condition being born in a rich family and nothing more, however 'God' felt like was lacking for his compensation. So, 'God' decided to give him an extra blessing which is 'The Shop'. [ Warning! ] The story is a first person POV for Alexander. While the others are 3rd POV. Current Crossovers - Nasuverse Tada-kun wa koi wo shinai! Bocchi the Rock! Kumo ga nani desu ka? Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement (There would be more in the future) Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful. P@.treon/charlottes143 There's currently 10 advanced chapters there. Update 1 Chapter Daily. The cover isn't mine, credits to the original artist.

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

The Call

It took a full minute for me to regain my bearings as I realized that this wasn't the original Avalon, but a replica that look exactly the same, if it weren't for the fact that I didn't know the real article was in the possession of a certain someone I would have thought of this as the original.

Now, looking through its description this is nothing more than a fake, however, I wasn't disappointed at all by this instead I was happy because I managed to obtain another defensive magical item.

Not to mention it's not a one-time use like the talisman that I got from the common ball, overall I was satisfied with what I got, I was luckier than I thought.

If I could get more useful items like these in the future, maybe I'll use the gacha next time.

Anyway, it's time to hide this inside of me, as Kiritsugu did with Shirou, now the scabbard is bound inside of me, and approached immediately could tell the difference. I never felt so energized in my life.

With a thoughtful look on my face and said. "I think it's time to go back."

Since there's no customer right now, the best I could do is go back from reality for now, before I did I said my goodbyes to Blake.

I blinked a few times and I realized that I'm back in my bedroom. Leaving the shop is easier than I imagined, as I just have to 'think' of leaving and that's it, nothing more nothing less.

Now that I'm back I could hear someone using my shower, which I recall to be D. If she's still here then Blake claimed that time is frozen in my world whenever I'm in the shop is most like the truth.

Still, I can't believe I spent hours in the shop and even a single second had passed here.

Anyway, I think I need to change my clothes because D is still using the shower, it would look suspicious as I was technically half-naked before I arrived at the shop.

Now, let's change.

It didn't take me a minute to change my shop uniform into a casual civilian outfit, now it's been almost half an hour since D used my shower, however, I wasn't surprised by how long she took a shower.

Living with my sister changed my perspective of girls in general. Not all girls like quick showers and a woman like my sister are someone who uses the shower for at least an hour or two, sometimes it makes me wonder if she's also cleaning her bones in the process.

Deciding to call my sister, I took my phone to the table nearby and contacted my sister's phone number.

It isn't normal for a magus to own a phone, and only because I insisted that having one is important I managed Lorelei to get her own phone.

That's why she's now one of the few magus who actually owned a phone, unlike other magi who are stuck at mailing.

It's seriously inconvenient, either way, their choice not mine, the phone rang a few times before my sister accepted my call.

Before I could say anything, a cold voice was heard in the phone's audio box. "Who is this?"

Her tone was demanding, and won't take no for an answer, it's not like I'm planning to lie anyway. "Lorelei, it's me so stop with that threatening voice."

Hearing a familiar voice, my sister's tone became significantly less cold. "Alex, what do you need this time?"

"Woah, woah sister just because I called you it doesn't mean I want something from you, can't a brother call you?" I was a bit annoyed by that accusation, I wasn't the type of person that would only call because I need something, even though I have my own code.

"....So you called me for nothing?" Her voice became threateningly cold once more.

God this woman had serious issues! Though I already knew that, I thought her being in a relationship would make her less tense with literally everything, apparently I was wrong.

"No, of course not! I called you because I have to tell you something important." I said with a serious tone.

The line was silent for a few seconds before Lorelei replied. "Fine, what is it? This better be important as I'm currently busy right now."

Okay, here is it I'm going to tell her that I rediscovered the formula of the teleportation magecraft, however, I don't know what came over me, as what I said in the line isn't about the teleportation but. "Today I had sex with a Divine Spirit."


"....." I blinked as I realized what I just said, to make it worse the tone I used is the same one that I use to brag about something.

"What did you just say?" Lorelei's voice was so cold that the temperature from Antarctica would literally die from shame if it's a person.

Before I could answer, I swear I heard a man's voice beside her, not to mention how familiar that voice is-

Oh.. suddenly something clicked inside my brain as I felt like I managed to solve a decade-old cold case.

No way! Did I just call my sister in the middle of sex?!

Because I'm pretty damn sure, that man's voice is Shirou, I don't know what to feel about it, honestly no wonder she was so damn cold at the beginning of the call, it was because I interrupted their sexual interaction.

Hey, it wasn't my fault I didn't know that they were having a time exploring each other, can't blame myself for not knowing that.

But still, I caught the legendary Lorelei Barthomeloi having sex with her boy toy, I couldn't stop myself from smiling out of amusement.

"Hey there Shirou having fun with my sister?" I said with a teasing tone.

And as I expected, it was indeed Shirou as he answered. "There's no point staying silent anymore Lorelei, your brother found out."

On the other side of the phone, I heard my sister. "Silence!"

I swear I could hear embarrassment bleeding from her tone, as much as I wanted to point it out, I have a feeling that it's a bad idea as she would surely 'hunt' me down.

Shirou did shut up, heh..! Only my sister could whip an incarnation to obedience, as expected of a Barthomeloi.

Then, once again my sister's attention was back on me. "And you! Don't change the subject and tell me what you meant by sleeping with a Divine Spirit?"

"Is there really a need for clarification? Because it means what it meant, I slept with a goddess, literally. It's not a lie." I wish I could control the smug smile on my face.

"How..? A Divine Spirit shouldn't be able to manifest on earth.."

"Yeah, about that…. she's not actually a native of this planet, she's an Alien God," I admitted to her and I swear to God that I never heard my sister lose her composure before.

"WHAT?!" I could hear her screaming from the other side of the phone, apparently, there's a first for everything.

It took quite a while to convince her not to 'hunt' D, actually, she wasn't convinced at all, she only did stop because she's smart enough to know that the mage association doesn't have what it takes to beat D, which I could totally agree with, she wasn't someone who we could beat without a true magician.

Or more, either I don't want to find out what happens if we fight a war that guarantees that we'll lose.

Provoking a goddess isn't a wise idea and Lorelei knows about that, while she may be arrogant it doesn't mean that she's stupid, in fact, she's very smart, or else she wouldn't have become the Clocktower Vice Director.

Fortunately, my sister decided to observe D, for now, which wasn't surprising, it would be quite stupid to leave an overpowered entity unwatched.

And by the way, she assigned me to the job so basically, I'm the head of this newest project, to observe an Alien God.

There isn't a reason for me not to accept since technically I'm already doing that, though I regret a bit telling my sister about D.

Now, I'm pretty sure that my school is going to be monitored by the mage association 24/7, so much for not being involved with them.

D finally came out of the shower, she was only wearing a piece of white towel to hide her body.

Her body is literally the definition of 'art' it was flawless as it could be, though her breasts are at a modest size.

"Why do I feel like you're mocking me right now?" D raised her brows in my direction.

"No way, it's just your imagination." It was technically true, I didn't mock her at all.

"Hm..is that so?" D slowly approached in my direction and suddenly touched my chin and said. "You….."

"W-what?" I said a bit nervously, I cursed myself internally for stuttering making it obvious that I'm hiding something.

"Your soul has changed, it looks…mesmerizing…" There was a hint of admiration in her voice.

"Thank you..?" I wasn't sure what to say about that unexpected compliment about my soul.

"Alright, I decided let's start dating!" D declared unexpectedly.

What the hell?! That's so random!

A/N: I'll tell you what's going on, trouble.

What do you think D saw in his soul?


Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters there