
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DanMachi 1

"Explain to me why is my inventory filled with hair care products and makeup?"

"Because it didn't fit into your backpack, silly." She says turning her head to the side, but even from this angle, I can see a small smile on her face.

After we decided to jump right away, I had to stop her from running off and told her to pack whatever she wanted to take with her. And that's how I ended up filling my backpack and my inventory with everyday stuff. Knowing that the place we were going is about as advanced as the middle ages, I only packed two sets of clothes, my trusty old knife, and a week's worth of underwear. We will need to get age and place-appropriate clothes when we get there. Moving downstairs I spot the pedestal.

"Hey Index, show me the closest to canon world of 'Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?'" I say as Olivia suddenly halts in her step.

"Really? That's the name of the world?"

"Eh, people call it 'DanMachi' too, but the full name is the other one."

"It's a strange name. Why is it called like that?" she asks tilting her head to the side.

"It has something to do with the 'Protagonist' he falls in love with a girl who saves him in the dungeon. He goes on and saves a lot of girls later on and most of them join his team. Most of those girls end up falling in love with him, but he's clueless."

"And we can really improve our strength inside of that world?" the look of skepticism clearly showed on her face.

"Yep, you'll see." We continue our banter as Index flips through... Himself? He suddenly stops, lights up, and shows us a page.

"Eh, I don't speak Japanese." Says Olive looking at the highlighted page.

"One of the systems I bought, not so long ago, will allow you to speak it and write it after hearing it." I reassure her.

"Okay, I'll believe you." She says with a small smile.

I refocus my attention and notice a small issue.


World Tier: 4 (Low)

World Language: Japanese

World Systems: Falna

Doomed: Zeus didn't save Bell in time and the Hero died before his journey even begun.

"TIER 4?!" I ask shocked.

{That's because Gods and Demigods are running around freely in the world. Additionally, Adventurers with high enough levels could be considered Tier 2 and 3 beings.}

"At what level?" I ask wanting to gather more information before we enter.

{Depends on their stats, you'll have to find out on your own.}

"Okay.... I guess my Harry Potter spells won't be available in that world?"

{The laws governing magic are different than that of your last world, to combat that I suggest getting [Rule Breaker]. But some of your magical skills might work.}

"Oh which ones?"

{You'll need to find out on your own.}

"Yeah, you're not really helpful today, are you? Could you give us the book?" With a plop the book materializes on the table, thinking about a chair, one materializes under me and I sit down. Opening the first page I'm greeted by the available quests. Olivia moves to my side, wondering what the new book is.

[Kill a god | Description: Truly kill a god 0/1. | Reward: 2,500 WP]

[Destroy Evilus | Description: Evilus the organization run by evil gods is attempting to destroy the world. Stop them in any way possible. | Reward: 3,000 WP]

[End is near. | Description: Kill the Black Dragon 0/1. | Reward: 2,500 WP]

[Save the fox | Description: Save Sanjouno Haruhime. | Reward: 750 WP]

[Lvl 5 | Description: Reach Level 5. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Lvl 10 | Description: Reach Level 10. | Reward: 5,000 WP]

[Dungeon diving 1| Description: Reach dungeon floor 1. | Reward: 1 WP]

[Dungeon diving 2| Description: Reach dungeon floor 2. | Reward: 2 WP]

[Dungeon diving 3| Description: Reach dungeon floor 3. | Reward: 3 WP]


[Dungeon diving 98| Description: Reach dungeon floor 98. | Reward: 98 WP]

[Dungeon diving 99| Description: Reach dungeon floor 99. | Reward: 99 WP]

[Dungeon diving 100| Description: Reach dungeon floor 100. | Reward: 100 WP]

[Beyond | Description: Reach the end of the dungeon and defeat whatever hides in its depths. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Slay 1 (R*20) | Description: Slay 1,000 Level 1 monsters. | Reward: 10 WP]

[Slay 2 (R*18) | Description: Slay 1,000 Level 2 monsters. | Reward: 20 WP]

[Slay 3 (R*16) | Description: Slay 1,000 Level 3 monsters. | Reward: 30 WP]


[Slay 8 (R*6) | Description: Slay 1,000 Level 8 monsters. | Reward: 80 WP]

[Slay 9 (R*4) | Description: Slay 1,000 Level 9 monsters. | Reward: 90 WP]

[Slay 10 (R*2) | Description: Slay 1,000 Level 10 monsters. | Reward: 100 WP]

[Labyrinth| Description: Clear the manmade labyrinth. | Reward: 250 WP]

[Save The Xenos | Description: The Xenos only wish is to see the sky help them achieve it. | Reward: 1,000 WP]

[Remove Orario | Description: The town of Orario doesn't allow monsters to inhabit the world. Such a shame if something would happen to it. | Reward: 5,000 WP]

[End of an Era | The gods have overstayed their welcome. Remove then all from the realm. | Reward: 15.000]

"Holy shit there are a ton of quests for this world." I exclaim as I see the list.

"Yea, from what I understand from this Orario is the city we're going to, right? Why would one quest want us to destroy it?" she asks, now, looking at me strangely.

"Eh, ignore it, there are worse quests out there. One of my previous worlds had a rape quest. To teach an 8-year-old a lesson..." I shiver runs down my back as I remember some of the dark quests I've previously seen.

"Holly shit!" she exclaims, holding her hand over her mouth.

"Yeah... these quests get dark sometimes, just ignore the ones you don't want to do." I say shaking my head.

"Why are they even there?" She asks still shocked.

"Well the Library, isn't good or bad, it just is. It allows you to choose your own path, whatever that might be."

"Okay..." She says and after a moment of silence she asks. "So what kind of place is Orario?"

"It has a dungeon at its center, the place where we will be spending most of our time, then there is a tower in the middle of the town called Babel, Freya a goddess of sex and love or whatever lives at the top of it. We need to go as far away from her as possible. She tends to play dress up and act as a waitress to scout adventurers in a pub called Hostess of Fertility. When disguised her name is Syr or something like that. She tends to use her magical Charm to make men and women fall in love with her, so she can play with new toys. Stay clear of her, she usually has bodyguards around her, hiding in the shadows. And she charmed one of the strongest men in the town, a demigod named Ottar." She looks at me seriously and nods.

"Okay, we're not stepping into that pub, ever." She says crossing her arms.

"I could probably block her charm with my [Mind Arts] skill, but the problem is you. If the bitch even thinks of touching you, I'll raze the town." I receive a light hit on my shoulder.

"Don't say that, not even as a joke." She says with a pout.

"Okay," I say rolling my eyes. "then I'll just find a way to rip her soul apart." That receives a nod and makes me do a double-take. The surprise must have been seen on my face because she gave me wicked slime.

"What so surprising? If the bitch wants to get between us, I'll be the one to rip out her heart."

"Oooookkkaaaayyy..." I pull her into a tight hug. "Calm down, love. Your Yandere side is showing." A small pout forms on her face but then she continues.

"Anything else I need to know about the world?"

"Hmm there is a thing called Falna or in other words 'God's blessing' we will need to find a god to bless us using his or her Ichor, or divine blood in other words. Oh and don't forget to focus on the Race part when the god does that. We might be able to get a 'God' race or something similar. After the blessing, we become part of their Familia, another name for family, but it's nothing special, basically a group of friends." I stop and then think. "Another thing good to know about gods is that they are affected by their divinity. Freya is one of the best examples, with how promiscuous she is. Loki the goddess of trickery and whatnot is another. To be honest she's a huge pervert and a pain in the ass. So we'll try to stay away from her, oh an Ishtar, that bitch needs to die. Have you seen the fourth quest?"

"The save the Haru-whatever?" she asks tilting her head.

"Yea Ishtar is a goddess of sex and love and whatnot, similar to Freya, she too has a magical charm." I stop for a second. "To be honest even Apollo has it too... God damn it. I need to make a list of gods from who we want to avoid..." I take a deep breath. "So where was I?"

"Ishtar" she says.

"A yes Ishtar... So Haruhime Is a cute fox girl... Don't look at me like that... So she was captured and sold into slavery. Ishtar runs the red light district of Orario, she bought Haruhime and forced her to become a prostitute."

"That's awful!" Olive cries out.

"Don't worry, Haruhime is guarded by one of the strongest people from Ishtar's familia and she shouldn't let anyone touch the girl. Haruhime has a bad case of Androphobia and she faints when she sees a client. She has been a prostitute for a few months, is 16 by the way, and should still be a virgin, though, she doesn't know that, and it's killing her self-esteem. Ishtar wants to use her as a sacrifice, to force the poor girl's soul into a stone and create an item that would boost the power of her familia, so she could fight with Freya for the prettiest bitch award."

"That's even worse! Poor girl. We need to save her!" I nod then continue.

"We will, but Ishtar has a Level 5 adventurer and a few level 4's"

"Aren't you, what," She stops and checks my stats through her system screen. "level 55? By the way, why do you have Seduction as a skill?" she asks me with a suspicious look.

"Oh, I got that skill when we started dating. All the pick-up lines and everything boosted it to its current level. I'm pretty sure you'll get it soon, with all that ass-shaking you do in front of me." I say with a wide smile, as her cheeks redden. "And no, our levels are not equal to those levels. Considering a level 5 or 6 adventurers can travel at the speed of sound. Survive getting thrown through a few stone houses, get up, and continue fighting, as if nothing happened." She nods in understanding and then asks.

"Anything else important?"

"Hmm... You gain excelia by defeating monsters and that increases your stats. After it reaches a certain threshold you can go to the god to have your level raised. The world currency is Valis, don't know how much it is worth compared to UC, we'll see it when we arrive." I stop and place my finger under my chin. "Hmm... Oh, development abilities, skills, and stuff!" I say finally remembering something important. "So you gain development abilities as you level, some are like achievements that require you to do something to gain them, others you gain if you master a craft, for example blacksmithing, enchanting, or as they call it mystery. You gain abilities through practice, leveling, and sometimes through achieving something great. The Falna system can only let you have three spells, but our system allows you to have infinite, so don't be upset if you get some random or weak spells at the start. The skills and development abilities use a skill grading system from I to SSS and so do the stats go from 0 as in I, to over 1,100 or SSS. To my knowledge at around 1,500, it starts to be dangerous, so we'll have to be careful." I stop the explanation and ask "So this one or do you want to look for another world?"

"What are the other options?" she asks

"We have infinite options, and after we get a few systems we could warp one world to our own liking." I say with a shrug "I know of one world that's similar to this one, but you need to conquer multiple dungeons and at the end of each you gain some rare magic, like creation, healing, and similar, oh and that world has a masochist dragon."

"Pff... Yea maybe next time. Anything else?"

"Magical world ruled by Demon Lords? They are just called that, but basically, they rule their corner of the world. You can become one yourself you just need to kill 10,000 humans. Plus, the world has some powerful magic."

"Can't use it yet... and killing 10,000 people doesn't sound nice to me... So maybe next time." She says with a wry smile.

"A world where we would need to defeat a demon lord has a cute masochist knight girl, but she can't hit an enemy even if it stopped moving for the duration of their fight. Has magic, a crazy magical clan that is cringe as fuck. The world has its own system, with a limited amount of spells, skill points, and other stuff."

"What up with you and masochist girls?" she asks and looks at me with an awkward look.

"Someone awoke something in me!" I say with a proud smile. Her face slowly reddens as I mention our bedroom activities. "Oh how much I love when you act so shy." Grabbing her rose-red cheeks, she turns away. Stopping the teasing I continue.

"Oh and regarding the mana issue, you just need to get a race that allows you to cast magic, like a high human or human wizard, similar stuff." At that point, my imagination starts running wild and I can't stop imagining her with fox ears and tails. 'Maybe I can get her to change her race for some of our bedroom activities.' My smile widens at that thought.

"Ehh... Let's just go to the world with horny Gods." She says.

"Sure. I'm pretty sure falna will unlock your ability to wield mana." I say nodding.

"Oh great. So which God should we choose to get our blessing from?" she asks.

"Depending on the time of our arrival, Hestia is the best choice, but she might not have descended yet. After her, Hephaistos the God of the Forge, I would love to learn how to work the forge from her. Ganesha is ok but annoying. Takemikazuchi is a nice choice too, he could teach us sword arts or martial arts. Miach a god of alchemy who runs a pharmacy is a good one, but to my knowledge, he's in deep debt. Demeter goddess of harvest is ok, but she mostly works with farmers, so I'm not sure if she would accept us."

"So in this order Hestia, Hephaistos, Take-to-long-to-remember-name, Miach, then Demeter?" She asks

"Yep, by the way, don't get surprised, Hestia should live in an abandoned church. Her current lifestyle is, lightly said, bad." I mention.

"Okay, that's not an issue, we could rent her a house or something. By the way, how do we go there?" she asks

"Place your hand on the book and think 'Enter'". I do the same and were both greeted by the same screen.

{World "DanMachi" selected.}

{Multi-user entrance detected.}

{Allow Olivia Line to enter the same world?}


{[Background System] activated}

{Please state your changes.}

"Hestia has already descended and is currently searching for new familia members" I state.

{Changes denied.}

{User doesn't have the required system to change story element.}

{Please state your changes.}

"Well worth the try. No changes."

{No changes requested.}

{Placing spatial and temporal coordinates near the start of the story.}

{Transporting user in. 3...2...1...}

{Good Luck!}

Without any fanfare, we are both blinded by a bright light, and a moment later find ourselves in the middle of a busy street in Orario.

"Wow, that was fast-." Olivia comments but suddenly stops as she notices all the different races around us.

"Don't ogle them so obviously." I whisper into her ear. "I told you there are multiple races here, some with animal features." After a slow nod, she turns to me.

"We really are in another world, right?" she whispers back to me.

"Yep." I say with a wide smile.

Surprisingly, no one around us seemed to be shocked by our sudden appearance. Probably the system manipulates their memories, or appearing out of thin air is common in this world. Looking around I spot Babel a few streets away.

"Nice, we arrived pretty close to the tower. Wanna go straight there? There should be shops in it so we can get clothes, weapons, and other stuff in it." I tell her, while quickly checking the Valis exchange rate, and I'm wowed with 1 UC to 34,375 Valis, or in layman's terms 1 dollar equals 625 Valis.

"Sure, not like we know anyone or where anything is in the city." She says with a shrug and we start moving toward the tower. On our way there, Olive practically squealed after spotting a cat person child running around. I had to keep her from kidnapping the kid and strangling it with love.

As suspected our clothes, even these non-modern ones, looked a bit out of place, grabbing the attention of people all around us. To my surprise, the only magical skills I could use in this world were [Mana Manipulation] and [Mind Arts]. I'll have to check if [Alchemy], [Enchanting], [Runic Language], and [Spellcode] worked here, but that could wait.

I had to monitor the people around us using my [Mind Arts], and while doing so I copied all of their knowledge about the town and dungeon. I didn't find anyone who wanted to harm us on our way here, but a few perverts were looking at Olive with hungry eyes while having dirty thoughts. These guys did receive a bit of a harder knocking to their minds making them faint in the process.

'Damn, I love this skill.' I think as we move towards the town center and I collect a massive amount of info about the place. Location of shops, pubs, taverns, and locations that would be smart to avoid, all copied over and placed in my [Mind Arts] library for future reference. We even came across some adventurers and I copied over their knowledge about the dungeon, everything about the floors and monsters. Luckily, mental defense skills were rare in this world, so only two people managed to block my passing mind-reading attempts, and I didn't attempt to force my way through those shields.

It was kind of fun watching them tense up for a moment and look around trying to find who attempted to mind-rape them. Even if it was just a light knock on their mental shields.

Our walk and my info collection conclude as we arrive at the town square, right in front of the Babel tower and the entrance to the Guild office.