
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
200 Chs

HP 23

As I made my way back home, the night had nearly given way to morning. Upon entering the living room, I found Olive there, wrapped in blankets, sound asleep on the sofa. Looking at her adorable sleeping form, I couldn't help but smile. After carefully removing my attire, I began to approach her, moving slowly and quietly. My stealthy approach earned me a level in both [Sneak] and [Muted Steps]. I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her perfect lips, which she soon returned.

After breaking the kiss, I notice the bags under Olive's eyes and ask.

"Were you up all night waiting for me?"

"Ugh~" She stretches and replies. "I was worried. You can't blame me, my hubby went out to take care of a shady organization, while I could only wait at home and pray he comes back safe."

A smile forms on my face as I plant another kiss on her lips and say, "That will change in the next world. Get dressed, I've finished everything I realistically can in this world. We can go."

"Really?" she perks up.

"There's no reason for us to stay here," I say, and she nods excitedly before running to the bedroom to change. I place my trunk inside my inventory, and for the first time in a while, change into something casual, and wait for Olive on the sofa.

"You don't need makeup. We probably won't meet anyone today!" I yell towards the bedroom.

"It's better safe than sorry!" she yells back as she gets ready. Rolling my eyes, I prepare myself for a 30-minute wait before slowly drifting off to sleep.

As I wake up, Olive is snuggled up against me, and I'm not sure how long we've been asleep. Glancing out the window, I see that the sun has already risen high up.

"We fell asleep," I tell her, giving her a gentle shake. She blinks rapidly and looks around.

"Are we leaving?" she asks, and I nod.

"Stay close to me for the next five minutes," I tell her, holding her tightly.

"Okay," she says, nuzzling even closer.

"Eject." I say out aloud, what follows was a list of items and personnel I could extract from this world. I'm relieved to see that the list includes all the people I've interacted with.

'It's not location-based, good to know.' I think to myself.

{Olivia Lane selected Extraction Price: 2,000 WP}



"Oh!" Olivia says "There is a blue box in front of me asking me if I want to be extracted from this world."

"Yes, that was me, accept it."


{Olivia Lane has accepted the extraction, 2,000 WP deduced from your account.}

{Inventory contains multiple items. Focus here to list them out. Total Extraction Price: 2,711 WP}



{Items extracted, 2,711 WP deduced from your account.}

{No other foreign items detected}

{Ejection commencing.}









Fortunately, no one interrupted our transfer this time, and we were ejected into the library right next to the pedestal where I had sat before entering the world. Before proceeding with anything else, I take a moment to confirm that my feelings for Olivia are genuine and breathe a sigh of relief. While they may have initially been influenced by something or someone else, they have become a reality over time. But then a realization came over me.

'Fuck, didn't I do the same with Emily?' I grimace at the thought, but I couldn't refute it, shook my head dispersing those thoughts, and donned a happy expression, then greet the resident magic book in front of me.

"Hi, Index!"

{Hello, Andrew.}

"Please meet Olivia." I say as I push the shell-shocked Olivia toward the pedestal.

{Greeting Miss Lane and welcome to the Multiversal Library.}

"Umm, hello..." her voice trails off at the end.

"Oh Index I wanted to ask you if using the trunk, I've just extracted could be used in other worlds?"

{To answer your question, no it can't be used in worlds without magic. It can be used in the library, but you'll need [Rule Breaker] for anywhere else.}

"I've feared that, thanks for the info." Turning towards the wide-eyed girl I tap her on the shoulder. "I'm going to add you to my system right now. After that wanna look around upstairs?"

"Okay" she nods.

[System Tools | Upgrade Name: Subordinate System| Description: Allows the user to add another person to his system, the user can determine what functions the second user gains. This can be bought multiple times. The subordinate system doesn't have access to the System Upgrade Shop. Currency can be shared between hosts. | Price: 10,000 WP]

[New user added.]

[Sub access granted.]

[Please select systems and upgrades right for the new user]

[Grant all] [Manual select]

"All set," I say as I tick off the final checkbox. "You now have access to your own system. Say 'Status' to take a look." A new tab materializes on the interface beside my own status screen. I concentrate on it and am surprised by what I see.

Olivia Lane

[Global LVL: 0 XP: 0/100]

[Class: None LVL: 0/0 XP: 0/0]

[Titles: None] | Race: [Human] | Tier: 0]

[WP: 3,250] [UC: 2,048.71]

STR: 3

VIT: 10

DEX: 7

AGI: 8

PER: 8

INT: 9

WIS: 7



*[Soul Resonance]

The first thing I noticed was her high stats. Knowing that ten points were the highest a normal human could reach, hers were extremely high, especially her intelligence, agility, and perception. But the second thing that pulled my attention was her skill [Soul Resonance], the same one I had.

[Soul Resonance LVL: N/A]

- Establishes a permanent soul-bond between two individuals, increasing each other's mental and spiritual stability.

- Provides a defense against soul corruption, preventing external forces from corrupting or manipulating the bonded souls.

- Provides a limited empathic ability between bonded individuals, allowing them to sense each other's emotions to a small degree.

- While in physical contact, the bonded individuals experience a heightened sense of calmness and a reduction in stress levels.

- Requires a strong bond and mutual trust between the individuals to use effectively.

- Soul-bond unbreakable and persists even after death.

Before I could say ask, anything, Olivia beat me to it.

"Umm, I just received a new title." she says and looks at me with confusion.

"A new title?" I ask confused and I guide her on how to share the information with me.

[Fated Lover]

- Gain a heightened sense of awareness towards your romantic partner's emotions and needs, allowing you to better understand and support them.

- The longer you stay with your beloved, the stronger your connection becomes, granting you the ability to perceive and follow the threads of fate that connect you.

- The chances of conception are increased, making it easier for you and your partner to start a family.

A grimace forms on my face after reading the description, I turn toward Olivia and say. "You should probably ignore this one for now. I'm not sure how well your contraception will work in other worlds. I'd rather you not get pregnant too soon."

A blush appears on her face, but she nods, then asks. "Why do I only have a single skill?"

"You'll start to see new skills appear as you use the system. Reading, writing and others can be acquired quickly, and with the right approach, they level up rapidly. So don't worry, the time you spent learning to use a sword won't go to waste."

"Oh, okay. It's asking me to select a class, but I don't have any available."

As she mentions the class selection prompt, I grab my trunk from my inventory and quickly retrieve a random knife from the kitchen. Then using transfiguration, I transform it into a dagger and instruct her to swing it around a bit. Repeating these actions with a sword, we unlock her Rogue, Warrior, and Samurai classes.

"Which one do you want to go with?" I ask her.

"Samurai seems the best out of the available options." She says

Samurai 0/50

+1 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 WIS, +1 PER, +1 LUCK (Not Unlocked) per level

35% increase in damage dealt with large-bladed swords.

15% reduced damage received.

40% increase in the learning speed of large-bladed weapon skills.

25% increase in the learning speed of defense-related skills.

40% increase in experience gained when the enemy killed in honor.

"Sure go for it, it will keep you alive and give you quite a lot of stat points." She nods and selects the class.

"What stat did you choose for the inventory?" she asks.

"I'm planning on going the mage route, so I went with Intelligence. Do you have any plans on how you're going to fight in the future?"

"Magic swordswoman?" she says not really sure herself.

"If you're not sure ignore it for now. Let's go up I'll show you around and after that, we can discuss what systems we are getting from the remainder of our WP." I receive a nod and we head toward the stairs.

I gave her a tour of the library, the workshops, the restaurant, and everything else on the top floor. The only thing left to show her was the apartment. Hoping we wouldn't be separated, I told her to go in first and wait for me, and that if I didn't join her in a few minutes, she should leave the apartment. She went in, and after a brief pause, I followed, appearing in the same room as her.

"Good," I said with a smile. "The Library allowed us to share the same apartment." I scanned the room and saw that the trash can was empty, but everything else was where I left it.

"So, this is where you hang out before going to a world?" she asked, looking around the barren room a bit disappointed.

"I've only slept here two or three times in total," I replied with a shrug. "I've spent more time in the trunk than here." I realized how strange that sounded when she started chuckling.

"What now?" she asked, still smiling.

"Now we sit on the sofa, and I check the system upgrade store and we can bounce upgrade ideas off each other," I suggested. She shrugged but agreed. After an hour of exchanging ideas, we decided to get a few systems, using up all our WP in the process.

[Stat System | Upgrade Name: Reality Stats | Description: CHAR/LUCK Upon purchase reality altering attributes of the user are unlocked. These attributes cannot be altered by adding points to them. Some classes, titles, and races affect these attributes. | Price: 550 WP]

[Stat System | Upgrade Name: Defensive Stats | Description: P. Res/M. Res Upon purchase physical and magical resistance defensive attributes become visible. These attributes cannot be altered by adding points to them. Some classes, titles, and races affect these attributes. | Price: 800 WP]

[Stat System | Upgrade Name: Bars System | Description: Quantities, displays, and tracks selected resources as bars. Calculates regeneration time, which can display as time or amount/time. | Price: 350 WP]

[Stat System | Upgrade Name: Health Status | Description: Displays the health status of the user. Be it sickness, a broken bone, or anything wrong with the user. | Price: 100 WP]

[Inventory System | Upgrade Name: Stacking | Description: Similar items stack in the same item slot up to 99. | Price: 450 WP]

[System Tools | Upgrade Name: Applications| Description: Grants the user multiple small applications inside of his system. Clock, Timer, Alarm, Camera, Album, Notebook, Calculator, Internet Browser, and Phone. Internet and phone won't work in a world without them. The clock displays the local time. | Price: 1,000 WP]

We purchased all the available stats from the system stone and a few extra upgrades. For resources, I only quantified Stamina and Mana using the [Bars System]. I ignored the Health option because a single blow to the head could be fatal for almost anyone. We did get the [Health Status] system, as it detects and displays any internal injuries, broken bones, or even pregnancy of the user. Anything abnormal shows up on the status, and the notification system is linked to it, displaying any sudden changes. As for the [Applications] system, I insisted on its purchase. Being able to communicate with someone without relying on a physical phone is a massive advantage. After customizing my status screen display, I checked the newly updated screens.


[Global LVL: 55 XP: 173,640/188,059]

[Class: Wizard LVL: 34/50 XP: 101,800/ 108,010]

[Titles: [Blessed by Death] | Race: [Human Wizard] | Tier: 1]

[WP: 0] [UC: 2,048.71] [HS: Healthy]

Stamina: 920 (92.00/m)

Mana: 13,455 (46.88/s)

STR: 4

VIT: 10

DEX: 92

AGI: 29

PER: 34

INT: 115

WIS: 117



P. Res: 0

M. Res: 0 > 55



[Sneak 17] [Muted Steps 19] [Dodge 46>55] [Pain Tolerance 9>10] [Counter 13>25] [Acrobatics 3>16] [Soul Resonance]


[Small Blade Mastery 32>44] [Large Blade Mastery 16>35] [Gun Mastery 5] [Dual-wielding 7>18]


[Mana Manipulation 53>55] [Charms] [Transfiguration] [Alchemy 76>Max] [Enchanting 69>89] [Runic Language 59>78] [Mind Arts 87>89] [Spellcode 43]


[Deception 56>57] [Drawing 4] [Writing 22] [Seduction 44>45] [Acting 77>79] [Reading 76] [Cooking 52>53] [Herbology 49>67] [Teaching 45>52] [Mathematics 35] [Leadership 37>64]

Olivia Lane

[Global LVL: 0 XP: 0/100]

[Class: Samurai LVL: 0/50 XP: 0/100]

[Titles: None] | Race: [Human] | Tier: 0]

[WP: 0] [UC: 2,048.71] [HS: Healthy]

Stamina: 70 (7.00/m)

Mana: 0 (0.00/s)

STR: 3

VIT: 10

DEX: 7

AGI: 8

PER: 8

INT: 9

WIS: 7

CHAR: 10


P. Res: 0

M. Res: 0



[Soul Resonance]


*[Small Blade Mastery 1>2] *[Large Blade Mastery 1>3]

After briefly checking Olivia's status, I nod with contentment. At least now she has a fighting chance in the next world.

"So, do you want to hang out here or head straight to a new world?" I inquire, already anticipating her response.

"New world!" she exclaims, leaping up from the couch.

"Alrighty then! Let's head over to Index." I reply, grinning widely.