
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DanMachi 2

In the Guild Headquarters, after waiting in line, for what seemed like ages, we were greeted by an elf attendant.

"Greetings, you don't seem to be from around here. I'm Allie. How may the Guild help you?" She asks us after thoughtfully checking us out.

"Oh is that so obvious?" I ask with a smile, knowing all too well that our outfits don't match the fashion of this world.

"Yes, your clothes seem strange." She says her professional persona dropping for a second then she continues after a cough. "So... How may I help you?"

"We would like to become registered adventurers."

"Okay, what familia do you belong to?"

"We don't belong to any familia. That's the other thing we wanted help with. Are any of the familia actively recruiting?"

"Give me a second." She says and goes off somewhere. A few seconds later she comes back with a stack of papers and starts going through them. "We have requests for supporters. Would that interest you?" She looks up from the paper and I just shake my head. She nods and continues searching. "Soma is recruiting. Loki, but she's looking for support too. Hmm... Ah, Takemikazuchi, at the orphanage, is looking for someone. And Hestia is, too."

"Oh, I've heard good things about the last two. Could you give us directions to Takemikazuchi's orphanage and to wherever Hestia lives?" I say with a smile.

"Sure give me a second." She takes out a blank paper and starts diligently drawing a quite detailed map. Marking all the important locations on the way, when done she hands it to me and says. "Here. So back to the adventurer registration. In short, for your own safety, you can't register you as adventurers without falna. I could register you as mercenaries, but it would be a waste of time if you're planning on joining a familia." I nod at her statement.

"Okay, we will be back after we join one of these familias, thank you for your time, Allie."

"You're welcome. Good luck!" she says sending us off with a warm smile and a wave.

"She seems nice." Comments Olive after we exit the Guild Office.

"Well, it's basically in her job description." I say with a smile as I place one of my hands over her shoulder and pull her closer to me. While we were talking for our turn the information I collected about the town and dungeon increased by a lot.

Its location is in the Babel's basement, and it appears like a ten-meter-wide hole in the ground, with circular staircases leading downwards. The deepest anyone has gone was the 59th floor, but the harsh climate on that floor, stopped their descend. The true depth of the dungeon is not known.

Every few floor the theme of the dungeon shifts, the first few floors are cave systems, but after that there are misty flatlands, water levels, forests, Labyrinths and even icy tundra's. It will be fun to explore it.

As we stick out as a sour thumb, we decided that a change of our clothing is needed. Knowing the location of a few cheap, but relatively good blacksmith shops I take us to the fourth floor of the tower, to the Hephaistos familia stores.

"Good morning!" cheerfully greats us the dog attendant girl. As soon as we entered the shop her tail started wagging.

"Oh my god, she's so cute." Whispers Olive in a quiet voice. But her comment doesn't get unnoticed, as the Chienthrope's ears flip towards us and a smile appears on her face.

"Thank you!" she says bouncing towards us. The feeling of wanting to pet her assaults both of us. "How may I help you?" she asks.

"We are looking for a full set of light armor, for me and my wife." After clearing my throat, I say. My last words pull Olive's attention from the Chienthrope girl and with wide eyes, she looks at me. A slight poke with my elbow pulls her out of her daze and she fiercely blushes and looks away.

"Sorry, we're newly married, she still gets shy when I call her my wife." I say with a smile and the dog girl nods in understanding.

"So what kind of equipment are you looking for?"

"Something leathery, easy to move, but has adequate protection." The girl puts her finger under her chin tilts her head to the side and starts looking at us with a calculating look.

"What level ranges are talking about?"

"Hmm, about level 2 for the moment. We just arrived to town and are looking to join a familia."

"Oh! If it's only for level two, I can get both of you a full set! Be right back!" she claps happily and bounces off to the back room.

"Wifey?" I look down at the still-blushing brunette tightly hugging my arm and plant a kiss on the top of her head.

"Hmm?" she looks up at me still dazzled and with stars in her eyes.

"I love you." I say, and she moves in for a kiss but were interrupted by a cough, as the Chienthrope girl has returned from the back room carrying a few sets of clothes and armor.

"Sorry to interrupt." She says with a forced smile. "The changing rooms are to the side." She turns to the left. "Please try on these outfits and choose the one that you like the most." She says handing me the mountain of clothes then turning towards Olive and telling her. "For you, I have a few types of outfits! Some of them are really cute!" she says and pulls Olive into the back room.

Shaking my head, I move to the changing room and start trying them on. They surprisingly fit quite well, 'Guessing our measurement right on the spot, that clerk is really good at her job.' I think as I try to move in the second set of armor I just tried on. It fits perfectly and my movements are not impeded by it. Deciding to just go with this one, I don't even try out the third uglier one.

My full gear was thick brown colored pants, created from some kind of creature hide, a long-sleeved white shirt with elbow guards, and a brown hard leather vest protecting all of my vitals. The leather armor had straps on its side allowing a quick dress-up and finer adjustments. The girl gave me a set of boots, but my current, all-terrain ones, seemed comfier. I exit the changing area and place all the other stuff on the counter while waiting for the girls to finish.

My wait does not last too long, as the attendant exits the back room, followed by a bright smiled Olivia, wearing a long-sleeved, light blue wavy dress, made out of what seemed to be silk, ending just above her thighs, her legs covered in white leather pants, making her ass pop and worth every piece of worship I gave it. Her sneakers were exchanged for black knee-high boots and her hands were covered in white fingerless gloves while her hair was tied back with a blue leather strap.

"You look amazing." I say as soon as I see her. Her smile widens and she does a little twirl.

"You don't look half bad yourself, mister." She says sending me a wink.

Another cough interrupts our flirting, making Olive pout and my turn towards the, now, clearly annoyed attendant.

"Her dress is made out of Deformis Spider silk, it's durable and easy to move on, while at the same time providing her with appropriate defense from any non-blunt type of attacks. It's recommended for people over level two, but it looks too good on her, so I recommended it. Her boots are made of Dungeon Lizard hide, while her gloves and pants are from Bad Bat one."

'Yea that dress won't be cheap...' I think with and sigh.

I turn towards the attendant. "We'll be taking the one on me and the one she's wearing."

"Okay, let me just add them up quickly." She takes out an abacus and does a quick calculation. "Your total is 507,031 Valis, but I'll round it down to 507,000." She says happily. Shaking my head, I reach inside my bag then exchange and slowly pull out the required sum.

"Thank you for your patronage!" she says while moving the currency into a drawled.

"Oh, before I forget," Just as we were exiting I stop and turn around. "we need some weapons and some everyday clothes, any suggestions where we should check?" I ask. She tilts her head and her tail slowly starts to sway left and right.

"Hmm... About three shops to the left there is a good tailor, I recommend you check her out. And if you're looking for weapons adequate to your level you should check floor five, there are quite a few shops there."

"Thanks for the info. Have a nice day!"

"Thank you! Bye Olivia!" The attendant yells and waves after us.

After exiting the shop, we move towards the before mentioned tailor.

"So, would you like to change your race to one of the animal-eared races?" I bring up the topic and then add with a whisper. "Because I would love to see you naked with fluffy ears and tail."

"Is it reversible?" she asks after a moment of thinking.

"Yea, you can change, to and from, any Race you have, any time you want." Her thought process seems to end up in the same alley as mine because her cheeks redden just a bit.

"We'll see about it." She says with a smile, but we both know what she meant by that.

At the tailor's, we went down by another 69,000 Valis. We bought two large bags, good for supplies while diving, and three sets of everyday clothes for each of us. I went with white shirts and plain brown pants. Olivia went for three sets of different colored dresses, a yellow, white, and a light pink one.

Exiting the shop, we head upstairs to buy weapons, and oh boy did I feel at home on this floor. The first place we checked was way out of our price range. Even with such a large exchange rate, and over 2,000 UC in my wallet, spending 60 million Valis on a sword was not reasonable and while being technically weak, probably even counterproductive. So we visited an out-of-place, cheaper weapon smith I found in someone's memories.

"Good morning" I say as we enter and receive a grunt of acknowledgment from the muscular but surprisingly short dude, full of scars and an eye patch over his left eye. A dark beard covered most of his face while his scalp was cleanly shaven. He stood over the counter with an annoyed look in his eyes and his arms crossed.

"We're looking for some weapons, two daggers and If possible, a single-edged longsword, for me and a single-edged longsword and bow and arrows for my wife." I say to the man.

"Levels?" he asks with a gruff voice.

"In the 2's" I receive a nod from him then he leaves the room, only to return with two dozen daggers and a bunch of single-edged swords.

"Bows are to your right." He says.

Nodding, I focus on the stuff placed before us. Each dagger was paired with its counterpart and sold as a set. My eyes were instantly drawn to an all-black, curved dagger with jagged edges on the opposite side of her main edge. Its handle was black and had an intricate design with a metallic spike at the end of it. Picking them both up I swing them around a bit to get a feeling for them. Their handless sit snuggly in my hands and are really comfortable to wield. I nod in satisfaction and set them to the side. Meanwhile Olive was checking all the different swords, not finding anything that she was particularly fond of, she went with an Odachi-like sword with a very long, single-edged blade. It had a hand guard and a black leather-wrapped handle. The sword I chose was a katana-like sword, similar to the one I used in the HOTD world, but with a slightly curved edge. It had a similar handguard and handle as Olive's sword. The bow I tested was a short bow that was lightly curved at its ends. It required quite a bit of force to pull, but it will work out nicely. As I tested it I even got a skill and a Class unlock from it.

[Skill: [Bow Mastery] unlocked.]

[Class: [Archer] unlocked.]

We requested a sheath for the swords, and a quiver full of arrows and I even asked for belt holsters for the daggers. All in all, we spent another 600 thousand Valis to purchase all of our equipment. We barely arrived in this world and already spend 35 UC. All geared up we exited the shop and as soon as we were at the next corner Olivia turned towards me.

"That guy was so scary and extremely rude." Not knowing what to add to that, I just nod in agreement.

"I think he was a Dwarf, with a big D." I stop. "I just heard how that sounded..." and I burst out laughing, followed by Olive when she finally gets it. "What I meant is he was probably someone from the Dwarven race. They are known to be good blacksmiths in most of the literature. His weapons looked quite good. Hope they serve us well."

With our shopping spree finally done, we exit the tower, and following the map, we head towards the ruined church, where Hestia was supposedly staying. Not a twenty-minute walk later, we arrive at the correct location, but find it empty. So we decide to wait for the short goddess to arrive home. To my knowledge, Hestia started working in a potato shop after Hephaistos kicked her out of her shop.

After fixing up a bench we dropped off our bags we sat down. Olive was diligent and made sandwiches for the trip, so we had a light meal while we waited. After getting bored of waiting, we practiced with our new equipment. Especially with the bow, even Olive has gained the [Bow Mastery] skill and the [Archer] class. Our improve training session was interrupted by someone kicking in the front door.

"Ugh, that asshole!" yells the petite big-boobed goddess. Before she could continue her grumbling she notices us and takes up a martial art fighting stance. "Who are you people?" she asks squinting her eyes.

"Hestia, I presume?" I ask, knowing all too well that it's her.

"Who wants to know?" Still keeping up her guard she asks.

"My name is Andrew Thompson" I say then point my thumb toward Olive and continue "and this is my girlfriend Olivia Lane. We just arrived to Orario and would love to join your familia if you'll let us." I say sincerely.

The little goddess's demeanor quickly changes, she drops her hands and faces the floor. A quivering voice asks us. "R-r-really?"

"Yes" and that's when the waterworks start and she dashes and hugs me. Painting my new armor with tears and snot. Not knowing what to do I look to Olivia for help. She just shakes her head and lightly pats the tiny goddess's head. "There, there everything will be alright" she says with a soothing tone. Seems like the goddess had it rough.

Hestia, after cleaning her snot into me, turns and brings Olive into a tight hug, her huge boobs pressing against my girlfriend's frame. 'Kind of hot...' my thoughts are interrupted by a cold shiver that runs through my body, I look up and notice Olivia's sharp gaze looking straight at me. I cough and quickly look away with an awkward smile.

By now the petite goddess's tears have stopped but her sniffing could still be heard. She lets go of Olive and properly introduces herself after an awkward cough "I'm Hestia goddess of Hearth, Home, and Family! And I would love to have you in my familia." She says she starts tearing up again.

After calming the tiny goddess down for the second time today. 'Olivia for the win!' We were ushered into Hestia's room which was located in the basement and housed a sofa and a large bed.

"Okay Andrew, take off your top and lay down on your stomach, so I can grant you my Falna." She says proudly and points towards the bed. This conversation pulls Olive's attention from looking around. Thankfully, she doesn't attack, only rises an eyebrow at me, I nod at her and start taking off my armor and pulling off my shirt. I look at Hestia who tries to hide her blush by looking at an intriguing spider web in the corner. With a bare top, I lay on the bed, and Hestia, after collecting herself, straddles my back, pricks her finger, and a drop of blood drips on my back. Focusing on it I successfully gain a new race.

[Race: [Deus] gained.]

[Race: [Deus] locked till Tier 4.]


+10 VIT, +10 PER, +5 CHAR per Global Level

- Unlocks the ability to manipulate divine energy.

- Upon selection grants, a random divinity best suited for the user.

- Depending on the user's stats, he might get affected mentally by the newly awoken divinity.

- Grants the ability to give out blessings to lower-tiered beings.

- Grants the ability [Ageless], stopping the aging process of the user.

'Shit that's an overpowered race. No wonder it got locked till I reach tier 4.' My thoughts are assaulted by another set of notifications.

[Detection, Integration, Reproduction system detected another system.]

[Compatibility detected.]

[No new systems elements detected.]

[Creating an additional system overview for the Falna system.]

[User can access new status by thinking or saying 'Falna Status']

[Displaying attribute connections between the Falna system and the Library system.]

[Strength equals STR]

[Endurance equals VIT]

[Dexterity equals DEX]

[Agility equals AGI]

[Magic equals Mana]

[Maximum value for each stat is 1500, anything over that will be discarded.]

[Note: All Stats, with an exception for Magic, follow the next conversion rates.]

[0.01 Library system stat /1 Level 1 Falna system stat]

[0.02 Library system stat /1 Level 2 Falna system stat]

[0.03 Library system stat /1 Level 3 Falna system stat]

[0.04 Library system stat /1 Level 4 Falna system stat]

[0.05 Library system stat /1 Level 5 Falna system stat]

[0.06 Library system stat /1 Level 6 Falna system stat]

[0.07 Library system stat /1 Level 7 Falna system stat]

[0.08 Library system stat /1 Level 8 Falna system stat]

[0.09 Library system stat /1 Level 9 Falna system stat]

[0.10 Library system stat /1 Level 10 Falna system stat]

[Magic stat is converted with a 1:1 rate.]

[Stat for the Falna system set to 0]

[Displaying Falna Status.]

[Falna Status]

Level: 1

Strength: 0 (I)

Endurance: 0 (I)

Dexterity: 0 (I)

Agility: 0 (I)

Magic: 0 (I)

D.A.: None

Magic: None

Skills: None

[Lock the Library System until the user leaves this world?]

[Warning: Accepting this would lock the user out of all Library Systems with the exception of Ejection.]


'Decline' I say not even giving it another thought. No access to my inventory, coin purse, map, and skills is too much of a detriment.

After I'm done, it was Olive's turn and the goddess tried to push me out of the room. Knowing that Olive had to take off her top, I adamantly tried to refuse, but after Olive whispered to me that I can see them later. I exited the room with a wide smile and without any other complaints. Although, I didn't forget to remind her to focus on the race and not accept the lock at the end. The goddess looked at us a bit strangely but in the end just shrugged, accepting it as our little quirks. That day Olivia reached Tier 1 and we both became the first members of the Hestia Familia.