
Multivers: Story of A Conqueror

Alex, an orphan traveler from Earth, with the knowledge about past, present and future of countless world came to Resident Evil and started the story of a Conqueror.

Moon_Light_1126 · Others
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27 Chs

Chapter 17: Star Town

Time Skip: 6 Months

The planet where the events of Resident Evil unfolded shared the same name as Alex's previous world, yet they were distinct with their own unique geography. One significant difference was the Palish River, which flowed through the State of California in this world and met the Northern Pacific Ocean.

Though uncertain if this river existed in his previous world, Alex knew it had been strategically chosen by the Red Queen to establish a base for the Zombie Apocalypse in the world of Resident Evil, near Palish Lake.

The Palish Valley, surrounding Palish Lake, proved to be an ideal location for their Zombie Apocalypse shelter. Nestled between two parallel mountain ranges, the spacious plain valley provided a perfect setting for the Palish River to flow.

Six months had passed since Alex and the group arrived at this location. With the combined efforts of 10,000 people and numerous items gathered from the Two Modules, they had successfully transformed the Palish Valley into a self-sufficient Domesday survival base. Now, two 30m tall walls guarded each end of the valley.

Within the valley stood Star City, established by Alex and the group. The city's layout consisted of roads forming graceful arcs, with the Star Mansion at its heart—a three-story villa located on the coast of Palish Lake, serving as the living quarters for Alex and the others.


As the sun's rays entered the master bedroom of Star Mansion, Alice and Alex woke up side by side.

After freshening up and taking a shower, the couple joined the rest of the group downstairs. Jill, Terri, and Angela were already waiting at the dining table, where Terri had prepared a variety of breakfast options.

"Good Morning, everyone," Alex greeted the group as he took his seat. He playfully ruffled Angela's hair as he passed by, causing her to puff her cheeks in mock anger.

"Ah-hu, Big Brother! How many times have I told you not to mess up my hair in the morning? Now look, it's turned into a bird's nest, and you have to fix it," Angela said, feigning annoyance.

To an outsider, it might seem like a genuine argument, but everyone at the table knew it was just their morning ritual. Alex would playfully ruffle Angela's hair, followed by her playful scolding, and then he would comb her hair to reconcile and strengthen their bond.

With breakfast finished, the group dispersed to tend to their daily tasks.

Over the past six months, Star Town had evolved into a self-sustaining community with a well-functioning system. The initial concept of the town's structure was proposed by Alex and refined with contributions from everyone, including Red Queen, who held the position of Special Inspector, ensuring the proper functioning of the four different town departments.

The Town government was now divided into four divisions, each assigned specific tasks and responsibilities, working in synergy with one another. The 10,000 people and countless items from the two modules were assigned to these divisions based on their skills and expertise.

The Security Department, managed by Alice and Jill, was the most critical division responsible for patrolling and defending the two walls protecting the valley from zombies and maintaining order in the Town, especially in the areas housing refugees seeking shelter after the T-virus outbreak.

The Civil Department handled the allocation of living spaces, job assignments, and Town expansion planning. Led by a skilled manager refreshed from the Personal module, this department played a crucial role in maintaining the harmony and growth of Star Town.

The Agriculture Department was responsible for cultivating crops and raising livestock such as cattle and fish in Palish Lake. While 80% of its members were refreshed from the module, the remaining 20% consisted of refugees working in exchange for accommodation and food.

Finally, the Research Department, led by Alex with assistance from Red Queen and a few scientists from the module, was at the forefront of knowledge exploration and technological advancements.

After breakfast, Alex spent time playing with Angela before heading to the Research Department building, part of his daily routine. The creation of the survival base no longer required his direct involvement; as the Faction's leader, he oversaw the progress and teleported necessary materials when needed.

Alex had been traversing the planet using the Archive Portal Skill from Archive Magic, visiting public and private knowledge collections and absorbing vast amounts of information. He had even created the "Scan" Magic using the Arc of Embodiment to streamline the process further.

This magic allowed him to scan books and digital databases, projecting their contents into his mind's Chronicle—a collection of his memories. With his exceptional comprehension abilities, which were 11,000 times greater than an average person's due to the Faction's Feedback, understanding and assimilating this knowledge came effortlessly to him.

During these six months, Alex immersed himself in researching many things. One of his most proud research achievements was the Evolution Serum, a side product of his investigation into the possible evolution of the Human Genome.

The Evolution Serum was ten times more effective than the Super Soldier Serum in the MCU next door. It promoted both physical and spiritual growth in its users and allowed them to awaken Psionic powers without any side effects or limiting their future potential. This allowed the users to further enhance themselves using other items in the future.

Alice, Jill, Terri, and Angela had already used this serum. Even the people refreshed by the Personal Module had taken a diluted version of it according to their physique, but as they used a diluted version, they didn't awaken any Psionic power and only gained a spiritual increase.

Right now, the average soldier of Star Town's Army is equal to two Captain America's combined, and with the modern firearms, fighter jets, Quinjets, war helicopters, the Star Town's army is as formidable as any other army in this world. Even the Umbrella's USS with modern weapons and high-tech aircraft couldn't compare.

The only limitation was their limited number, which would be eliminated over time as Alex refreshed more and more personnel from the Personal Module.

In the afternoon, as Alex walked out of the Research building, he found Jill waiting for him. Seeing him walking out, Jill moved to shorten the distance between them and gave him a hug, and he also hugged her back.

"Where is Alice?" Alex asked after separating.

"She is still at the Security building, arranging some work. She asked me to go early, and I just happened to meet you on the way." Jill said while taking Alex's right arm and resting it gently between her bosom.

"Hm. Okay, let's go."

Enjoying the soft sensation of Jill's bosom, Alex started walking in the direction of the Villa where they enjoyed a hearty lunch with everyone before Jill and Alice went back to work, leaving Alex, Angela, and Terri behind.

07/07 Update

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