
Mubid Agapi

Dealg Bloederig was a bastard child and I mean that in more ways than one he is a sly and cunning trickster but what will he do when his antics gets him scripted as a soldier and also get's him a one way ticket to a thorny hell? why don't you read and find out

NootNoot4069 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Warring Trojan Style

Characters thoughts are (like this) and there words are "like this" just clearing that up so there's no confusion later on

and so, it was that the troops would mobilize and gather around the castle as the king walked onto the balcony giving a grand and motivational speech...for those that didn't understand why the war happened. "My people the Vipons have declared war upon us for what reason thou may ask but...I know not" Dearg:(because Callig Kidnapped their princess damn it!!! if not for this damned speech I might be able to say something about it, but no one would dare to interrupt the king or risk execution now it seems war is inevitable.) the king continued "but my soldiers will we take this standing down? will we let them burn our villages? will we let them kill our families? NO!! we strike them down now as they recklessly charge at our walls with few soldiers attack while they are weak now go my soldiers grab your steeds and sharpen your blades for today, we battle!!" the king raised his sword into the air shouting with all of his might and the soldiers followed suite raising their swords and yelling as the ground rumbled from the noise however two weren't so enthusiastic our main characters. after all, would you be enthusiastic if a war was happening, and you knew you were the ones who caused it? I think not and so the gates were busted open as the soldiers flooded out rushing at the enemy Vipons. Dearg:(minutes.... hours....days...months how long has this war been going on? I don't know.... we put the princess in an Inn deep within the city it'll at least give her more safety than being out in the open with us not like we could take her anyways....eventually the battle reached the desert of Raubkillia what a pain fighting in a 48 degree celsius desert....in full steel armor? you've got to be kidding me!!!) and so the battle continued and continued and continued and continued until something strange happened the earth began to shake and tremble and something began to emerge Dearg:(is that a tree? no.....It's a Thorn and there's hundreds of them!!) and out of the corner of his eye he sees something no... someone standing atop a thorn in a lofty position as time seems to stop and everything holds still the blood that was flying through the air never hit the ground frozen in space as he observes this person, he looks upon his visage a young man maybe 16-17 stood there his skin was a light brown and his hair was long and silvery his eyes were a striking purple and he wears a white robe he had a kind and caring demeaner to him as he smiled gently and spoke Mysterious boy:"I look forward to seeing your story progenitor" time started to move once more as he opened his mouth to speak Dearg:"WAI-" unfortunately gravity is a prick as he falls into a hole that formed due to the gigantic spikes now protruding from the earth and darkness soon encased his vision.