
Mubid Agapi

Dealg Bloederig was a bastard child and I mean that in more ways than one he is a sly and cunning trickster but what will he do when his antics gets him scripted as a soldier and also get's him a one way ticket to a thorny hell? why don't you read and find out

NootNoot4069 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Shitty Dare




the body of Helash rises in the distance gracing the world of Claeg with divine light and the birds chirp dancing in the morning dew Dearg Bloederig scion of the middle class noble family the Bloederigs wakes up stretching his limbs with a yawn his white linen tunic made for sleeping flowed in the wind breathed by the great god Feidor through his window being a bastard wasn't all that bad although he wouldn't get any inheritance. He still get's an easy job as a castle guard after all few would dare to enter the castle of a king without permission all he does really is shoo away the occasional child and idiotic foreigner. and so it was that Dearg the Scion got dressed and dawned his regal armor his silver hair waved in the wind and his striking red eyes look into the mirror as he observes himself nodding and striking poses....what a Narcissist regardless of my qualms about him he is our main character now let's see what he does next oh? it seems he's leaving his room to go stand guard.....nothing eventful seems to be happening....oh what's this? Deargs friend Callig is running into the castle and...by the six savants! is that a princess in his hands?! and the princess of the neighboring Kingdom of Viepo at that!! what a troublesome situation oh it seems Dearg is about to say something Dearg: ".....What in the actual fuck are you doing Callig?!?!?!" Callig: "what? didn't you dare me to do it?" flash back (this flashback is sponsored by flashback INC thank you for your participation) 5 days prior during guard duty Dearg:"hey Callig" Callig:"yeah?" Dearg:"I dare you to go kidnap the princess of Viepo or else your gay" Callig:"..." (we now return to our scheduled program thank you for your patience) Dearg".....I didn't think you would actually do it?!?! you fucking idiot!! it was just a joke w-what the hell are we supposed to do now war could be declared at any fucking second!!!" the bells surrounding the walls of the capital city Rothen toll as one of the guards shout "ENEMY UNIT'S APPROACHING!!!!" Dearg:"....shit"