
Mubid Agapi

Dealg Bloederig was a bastard child and I mean that in more ways than one he is a sly and cunning trickster but what will he do when his antics gets him scripted as a soldier and also get's him a one way ticket to a thorny hell? why don't you read and find out

NootNoot4069 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A World Of Thorns





As Dearg wakes up the first thing he smells is metal and the first sight he sees...is blood It's all around him staining his skin and clothes in it's dark and crimson hue and so he sits up and the first sound to grace his ear is.... screams of pure pain and agony and as he looks at its source what he sees is.... horrific. His fellow soldiers the Frotts and Vipons alike impaled by spears of thorns they sank slowly deeper and deeper into their flailing bodies their weak sacks of flesh violated at all angles. There screams of agony ring around the area and there are so many tortured cries it's almost deafening as he looks around, and sees a seemingly endless amount of thorns like an entire planet composed nearly entirely of thorns he sees a few others that managed to not be penetrated by the thorns a tall female Tsaratzin a race of humanoid Iznads that have 6 arms and are on average 10 feet tall they are known for their ability to shapeshift somewhat and there superhuman physical strength like that of a bears as for what an Iznad is that's not commonly known information what is known is that a large amount of non-human races are considered as such this particular Tsaratzin has long black hair and purple eyes with a muscular physique and six swords three on each side taking advantage of her inhuman body the next one is a human like Dearg he seems to be wearing robes and has a staff based on his appearance it's likely that he's a mage and last but not least his friend Callig who happened to be an excellent archer and thief though they had survived this ordeal they were still enemies and so weapons were drawn and spells were readied but suddenly a screech is heard in the distance and the temperature began to drop as an unspeakable horror rose from behind one of the endless thorny branches. Its color was tenebrous darker than the darkest of nights and its tendrils spread forth each tendril nearly 30 feet tall and tipped with a sharp blade made from a dark obsidian-like substance it somehow levitated in the air perhaps influenced by magic and as the freak of nature edged ever closer to the group, they looked at each other and nodded facing there weapons now at the fell beast.