
Chapter 33-2

Kieran follows me to my car, calling my name with worry.

"Aly! Wait up!" He yells repeatedly, as I fumble with my keys again.

"I have nothing to say to you." I growl, fiddling with the lock.

Kieran appears next to me, looking anxious. I freeze up slightly, recalling the last time I was face to face with him. It ended with his possessed ass attacking me, Lightning and Marcia. It seems like this rabid infection has dissipated, but that doesn't mean I'm sticking around to exchange pleasantries.

"Thank you." Kieran mutters earnestly, uneasily reaching out a hand. I flinch, taking a step back and survey him with a look of warning. Rather dejectedly, he drops his hands and tries again. "Thank you so much. You saved my life-- if it wasn't for you, I'd be dead."

The sincerity in his tone causes me to pause, feeling guilty at my rude behaviour. Kieran notices the change, launching into a grovelling explanation.