
Chapter 33. Stand My Ground

"Just one night, Alanna." Kurt whispers longingly, his cerulean eyes bright. "A few hours. I won't ask for anything else, I promise."

Before I can force myself into a rational form of auto-pilot, my hand hovers dangerously, poised in the air. Kurt's expression turns sour as he glances at my quivering fingers, raising his eyebrows in surprise. I have yet to say my piece, still stunned into silence by his sheer audacity.

"I ask for sex. You offer a slap, instead?" He whispers harshly, the erratic excitement disappearing from his eyes. "Think before you act, Aly. A simple no will do. You lay a finger on me, and I'll make your family suffer for your stupidity."

His brazen threat just seems to stoke the fires within me. The nerve! Is this cretin under the assumption that I'm going to sleep with him to get through the ranks? That's not my style. I may be desperate to pass my training, but I'm not that eager.