
Mr. Morale

Stanley Gracefield (aka Mr. Morale) is an 18 year old vigilante. After jumping off a tall building and being saved by a superhero, he finds himself in a therapy session with Dr. Tara Thomas. As Stanley discloses his feelings on the overall hero society and his driving force to become a hero, his late girlfriend Grace Nightingale. He comes to the conclusion that he needs to become a proper hero. Will he be able to graduate from a superhero training academy, conform to the society he despises, and get a license to finally shed his vigilante title and name? Or will he succumb to what he believes is his greatest arch-enemy, a supervillian by the name of “The Silent Murderer”.

CarltonThe · Urban
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7 Chs

August 12th Part 1

August 12th 2020, Stanley Gracefield is 18 years old. He wakes up inside of his villain filled mansion at approximately 3:00 AM. He has slept for 6 hours. He begins his day by fixing his bed inside of his small room, it quite literally is the smallest room in the house. There is no actual floor where he could stand, it only fits his bed and a single dresser. It is better to describe his room as a closet. Which is not saying much since his room was located on the second floor of his mansion and right next to the maid's closet that was 5 times the size of his own "room".

Despite it all, Stanley never once complained about his room, or ever begged for a new one. He was too scared to. Plus there was no distractions in his room, save for his phone, but he usually would leave his phone out in the hallway since there was an outlet there. To fix his bed, Stanley would climb onto his dresser then methodically move his body, contort it just to make sure his sheets were all in order. This was a valuable exercise to Stanley who has only gotten better at maneuvering his body over the years. Once he was done, he would take all of his clothes off and grab his towel, then force his door to open. He would twist his body out of the door, as it was slightly blocked by his dresser.

After he escaped his deathtrap, he wrapped his towel around him, then he would continue on to the outlet, grab his phone, and walk down his large windowless hallway. Once he reached the stairs that laid at the end of it, he would turn around and walk back to his room. He repeated this 200 times, until he felt as though he had woken up his body. One hour had passed and the maids were just starting to wake up.

One of the maids, Janet, was the first maid to always wake up. Her blonde hair reminded Stanley of the sun, so he always welcomed her whenever she came up from the first floor into his windowless hallway. Stanley would always stop counting how many times he's walked the hallway whenever he got to the stairs for the 200th time.

"Master Stanley," Janet would say yawning with the creaking of the wooden steps accompanying her early morning call. "It's nearly 4 AM, what are you doing up?"

"Training, don't mind me." He had often said this to many of the maids that woke up around this time, although he hated to say the same thing over and over again each time. He felt as though he needed them to ask him that. "Wait, ma'am. How many times have you asked me that?"

"Asked you what," she jumped, her legs shaking the moment her feet touched the ground again.

"Asked me why I was up at 4 AM. I feel as though I've been telling you, training, for years now." Today marked the 3rd anniversary for the debut of the vigilante known as Mr. Morale. Since Stanley dawned the title he has never once missed a day of his routine. Though today was the first time he ever deviated.

"Now that you say it. I have no idea. Hmm, how odd- I mean how peculiar," Janet rubbed her chin before walking off toward the maid closet.

"Peculiar indeed," Anyway, Stanley continued his usual routine. With his lower body covered with his towel, he dropped to the floor and began doing 200 pushups. By now his body had grown to the point of doing all of them within 5 minutes. (Note: It used to take him an hour) Afterwards he would walk down the stairs staring at all of his family photos, but would stop at the one photo that hung on the wall of him and Grace sleeping together in what appeared to be a much larger room than his current closet.

The picture was taken by Stanley's brother and father who told him, "This is a monumental moment. The virgin of the family is sleeping with a woman." Stanley smiled for a moment when he saw that picture as he heard a familiar feminine voice whisper into his ear, "We looked cute together didn't we." His smile would vanish, then he would continue walking down the stairs. He made his way to the kitchen where more maids would be just setting everything up for the day. Before entering the kitchen, he took a step back, closed his eyes, breathed in, then wore a grand smile on his face. He entered the kitchen, "Good morning, master Stanley," all the maids and butlers would say to him.

"Morning everyone, it is a wonderful 4 AM and a great Wednesday to be had!" Stanley began singing, "Mr. Poppers!" Stanley danced past the working maids and made his way to the circle of butlers that surrounded the fridge. They all were still in their pajamas, yet they were all mumbling in an argumentative manner, "What seems to be the issue Mr. Poppers?"

The oldest of the butlers was a Mr. Poppers, "There's no wine," Mr. Poppers screeched before turning around, "We aged it for your father and put it in the refrigerator. It's the best wine we had, and he wanted to celebrate something today."

"If it's our best wine, then it must be as old as you, Mr. Poppers," Stanley laughed.

"And I'm as odd as I am old, young man, so watch your tongue. Else the cat's gonna get it," Mr. Poppers said wagging his finger.

Suddenly a large bellowing meow could be heard echoing through the hallways and walls of the Gracefield Mansion. "Sounds like we might have a suspect boys! Get the catnip!" Mr. Poppers commanded while he led the charge out of the kitchen and toward the source of the meow. Stanley laughed as the other butlers followed Mr. Poppers lead, "My sister is always putting her paws on places she has no right to be in." Stanley moonwalked across the kitchen as he said this, then nudged one of his maids, "such a bitch am I right?"

"That's not a very nice thing to say to your sister," the maid said.

"It's fine, they've all said something worse about me. Would you like to hear them?" Stanley asked cocking his head.

"No-no. I am much too busy. Laundry duty."

"Speaking of laundry do you know if my clothes are done?"

"Well they should be, I have to unload everything now."

"Great! I'll be down in the dungeon" Stanley rushed out of the kitchen and made his way to the basement. The basement itself was designed to resemble that of a medieval dungeon, with modern improvements like AC and lights. One of the first rooms in the Gracefield Dungeons, was their laundry room, which for some reason was modeled after 1960s laundromats. The room was named, "Queen Washer & Speed King", there was even a neon sign over all the washing machines that spelled out the name. On each of the washing machines there was a name of one of the Gracefield's, Stanley went to his then opened it. He checked the contents and grabbed a few items. He made his way to the dryer and dumped all of the items into it.

As his clothes dried he continued his routine, he went on the music app on his phone and began playing "Lean on me" by Bill Withers. He sang along with the music for 2 minutes and 11 seconds before he began doing crunches. He managed to do 127, before his clothes were done drying.

He unloaded them as the song began to repeat, then began putting them on. He put on a black cowboy hat, black briefs, a white button up shirt, black flexible dress pants, black socks, black air forces (sneakers), a black and white tie, a black leather trench coat, sunglasses and a black bandana to cover his mouth. This was his outfit, for vigilantism as Mr. Morale.

I need to name at least one chapter, "Stanley's Parable"

CarltonThecreators' thoughts