
Zennah's Misfortunes.

Meanwhile back to the Powell's Residence***

Things haven't been the same ever since Zennah's left her family to marry Simon its either, he comes back home late at night or barely returns home and spends money in the bars.

"Look at this evil witch, you met my brother and here we are, robbed of everything you single-handedly brought the whole Powell's down." Simon's sister said.

"Mmmh, to think that she is here married, she has no sense of shame, does she even care where her husband sleeps?" A lady asked

"Why would she be worried if the only thing she cares about is wealth," said the sister-in-law.

"Please C I don't want us to have grudges am your sister-in-law and at least can you respect me for that?

Am not asking too much from you I just need your respect and for you to keep me away from your friend's gossip" Zennah said.

"Hahaaa, Zennah now you need respect from me? When you left your poor man and married a rich man and ever since you stepped foot into this family what value have you added?

We are all struggling to go back to the well-known Powell's but you? Eating, sleeping, and busy on your phone, what for trying to fish another rich son?" The sister in law asked.

"Stop...! Let me tell you C, I have tolerated these insults and now enough is enough,

Who said that I haven't contributed to your family? I take care of you, I do the house chores and everything, the investor was me your stupid sister-in-law, so tell me what are you in this house?" Zennah asked.

"Stop it right there... Who gave the guards the to talk back at my daughter? So what if you are the investor aren't you paying back the loss you have caused us?

You don't have a word of shame and I will be attending some events with my fellow women I need a beautiful dress an expensive one,

When you got married you said you were to take good care of us and so you have to bring the latest maxi dress" the mother-in-law said.

"But mother I barely have money, the money I had I used to buy house staff and....." Before she could finish, she was cut off.

"Hahaaa, Zennah are you trying to say that we are Budden? Are you trying to call us beggars or are saying that we are money-sucking demons?" Mother-in-law asked.

"No mother I didn't say that, I said I don't have money as we speak "zennah tried explaining herself.

"You hear that? You are trying to put all this blame on us, I will tell my son about this " said the mother-in-law.

"Mother please don't tell my husband, can't you talk to him for me please, tell him to come home, he is married for crying out loud, and am getting tired of this loveless marriage " Zennah broke down completely.

"Hahaaa, so you want my son, my Simon to waste his youth with a cursed woman like you?

Were you not able to tell that my son was just toying with you and you were just a bet made on his friends?

But then you took my son seriously and broke off your engagement, you are dumb to think that my son loved you and married you out of love" she said.

"Yes dear sister-in-law, Zennah you were just a bet..!" C said to her.

"You are lying to me, you are all lying to me, this is not true....!" Zennah was breaking down.

"That's the truth darling," they all said and left.

"No...! No...! This can be true, this can't be true... " She kept on saying this repeatedly.

She had to call someone to share what was happening to her, and therefore she called her mother.

She called her mother,

Beep... Beep...beep..!

Somebody picked up the call "hello mommy," she greeted.

"Helloo Sweery how are you and Simon, I hope I will be hearing the good news of my grandchild soon?" She said without giving her a chance to answer.

"And I need 100,000 dollars from you, I need to buy myself a dress since I need it to visit you soon and I don't want your people to look down on the Avery," she said.

"Mommy is that all you care about now? You didn't ask me how am doing and why I called?" She asked, she couldn't believe that this was her mother.

"I know you are fine and I know your husband is taking good care of you, I just need the mommy's daughter," she said.

"Mommy I don't have money.." she wanted to hug up the phone when she heard her mommy shouting.

"You unfilial daughter are you not going to take good care of your mother now that you are married? Let me tell you if you don't give me that money is going to kill myself and tell the whole world that you abandoned me your mother after marrying a rich man" Zennah's mother shouted.

"Now I believe in what sister said," she said and then ended the call.

'even my mother ....' zennah realized that she messed up but it was too late for her.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, her bedroom door was pushed open and Simon came in with a Beautiful woman.

"Hey Zennah is going to need this room today for myself and my new toy and you are going to sleep on the couch..." Simon said without shame.

"Sam? Are you okay? You now bring your cheap prostitutes home? In our room our matrimonial bed? And you tell me to sleep on the couch?

Sam let me ask you are you okay?" Zennah could not believe what was happening to her.

Slap..! Slap..!

"Aaah...!" Zennah gasped

"Are you mad? How dare you call me a prostitute when am here to help your husband and my man?"

"Sam, did you just stand there and watch her insult me your wife? Sam have I not sacrificed enough? Why am I the one paying for everything?" Zennah asked.

"Because you brought this up on yourself," Simon said.

Right then Zennah made up her mind and decided to leave this dumb man.

"Alright I will let you spend your night with her and sleep on the couch, I will just go downstairs and drink some milk then come back" she didn't threaten him of leaving or something.

Just like that, she left the house without saying goodbyes.

"Baby why is your wife not coming back I wanted her to see us making love, I wanted her to hear us that way she will know how to make love to you". The lady said.

"I don't want my moods to be spoiled by some unknown humans, let her be downstairs, and let's do our own thing here okay darling this way we won't be able to get destructed," Simon said.

Zennah called her sister and explained the whole situation to her, blood is blood and she couldn't blame anybody for her mistakes, she could only blame this on herself.

4 months later ***

"Congratulations Miss Zennah you are 3 weeks pregnant..." The doctor said.

"What? Me pregnant how? Three weeks pregnant, doctor I divorced my husband 4 months ago and ever since then I haven't had any intimate relationship with any man at all" Zennah was more confused.

"Well missy you are pregnant and your fetus is safe and cool, congratulations and take good care of yourself," she said to Zennah.

Zennah went home confused, is this life playing tricks on her? She escaped from home to visit her sister and to find herself now pregnant with an unknown man.

'wait she is three weeks pregnant? Could it be that day she woke up in a club but she was perfectly fine she had no marks on her, she had no body aches' she thought to herself.

She didn't know when she arrived at her sister's apartment.

"Hey, hey..."

"Zennah? What's wrong with you are you okay?" Her sister asked.

"Sister am 3 weeks pregnant, but that's not a problem, the problem is I barely know anyone in this kingdom and I went out once three weeks ago, so who is the man," Zennah asked.

"First congratulations and second, you are going to be a mother, third am the father to your child the other father is not needed," her sister said.

At the Powell's, everything broke apart.

They didn't know how things came to this point, they realized that Simon and Zennah had been divorced a long time ago and the money that she invested was transferred to another account

"Son when did that woman divorce you and when did you sign the divorce agreement?" Simon's mother asked.

"Hahaaa, my grandson that woman Zennah loved you but you together with your family members pushed her away," the Old master Powell said.

"Grandfather...! That woman is the reason we are like this now..." His sister C said.