
Who is he?

"And that's where you are wrong, my grandson made a bet on another man's woman, with his stupid friends,

What did you all expect from that girl, she fell in love and I could see that, she sacrificed herself to marry into our messed-up family.

She gave all her capital up, she worked like a servant in our family, but what did the three of you do to her?

She gave you all everything, when you all were down she invested all her money, paid your employees, put food on the table dress you all up, Simon could go out there and drink with her money,

Am disappointed in you..." The old master Powell said.

"Grandpa, how can you say all this about her? She is the reason, behind our downfall...!"

"Father that woman ruined our family," Mrs. Powell said.

"As a grandfather am happy she left and she should find a loving family in the future, " the old man said and left.

In kingdom Z***

"Hey sister, when are you going for a check-up? Listen I want everything to be perfect and I want my nephew or niece to be perfect and in perfect shape" her younger sister said.

"But little sis I don't know who the father is and I don't know how I got the baby, you know what will I tell mommy, " zennah said.

"I said I will be the father and you be the mother, if I get married I will be the godmother and my husband will be the godfather and you will get married too,

So you must listen to me, and go to the hospital for a check-up" she said.

"Okay thank you, baby sister I appreciate your help," she said.

"Now shall we? And before that, my boss told me to tell you that you can visit the branch tomorrow for the interview, I told her about your condition and she accepted.

So you are free to go in fact if you pass the interview as long as you do your perfect job things will be just fine between you two" she said.

"Thank you, baby sister, am sorry I wasn't a good elder sister to you,

And I think you are brave enough you stand by yourself, and resisted mommy I only regret never loving Xander even though he had nothing, he took care of me and respected me, and I think if by any chance he has a family they could have appreciated me for me and not for anything.

Sister, I wanna tell you something, be you love yourself more, and appreciate you for who you are

Am sorry for being something I shouldn't have been to you, and thanks for accepting me despite everything " Zennah said with teary eyes.

"Oooh no sister you are mommy's girl and I understand you I mean you can't resist mommy, and you trusted her with your whole heart,

You believed that everything that mother said was right but sweary that's where we got it all wrong, but we can't regret it now" she said.

Zennah couldn't believe that her younger sister is mature more than her.

At the hospital in kingdom Z***

After a proper check-up and everything

The doctor came into the room and said.

"Miss Zennah Avery congratulations on your pregnancy, and your baby is okay she is in good shape,

Take good care of the baby and I will prescribe you some iron and folic acid drugs for your baby don't worry they are for blood and healthy growth for your baby since your blood is low" the doctor explained.

"Okay, thank you doctor we will take precautions, and everything will be okay," zennah said.

"Sissy I envy you, you know, " her sister said.

"I hope my baby will be fine and we'll I wanna see him/ her grow," she said.

Early the next day, zennah prepared herself ready for the interview, she was far more energetic, and she wore flat shoes and a free dress that fitted her quite well.

"Few minutes she was at the said location what greeted her made her jaw drop.

This is huge!' she exclaimed internally.

"Welcome to Vision corporation, how may I help you," the receptionist asked.

"Am Zennah Avery am here for a job interview under the ICT department as a graphic designer " zennah said.

"Okay Miss Zennah, your voice note has been forwarded someone will be here to pick you up," the receptionist said with respect.

A few minutes later, a tall young handsome man in an official suit walked out

"Miss Zennah this way please" he gave the direction.

The interview was conducted and Zennah was very sharp in her work, she showed them all her original work and everything about her work.

They were impressed by her unique talent and so she was hired with immediate effect, and the time she spent at the Powell made her learn new things and therefore looking closely her designs were all about herself and the experience in the home.

"Well miss Avery you are hired and employed we all know about your condition and therefore we will forward you your timetable and how you are supposed to be working here,

You can resume work tomorrow at 8:30 am " the head of the department who surprisingly was the young gentleman that welcomed said.

"Thank you everyone and I won't disappoint you in any way though I can't promise to be perfect," she said.

"Okay, you can go home and prepare yourself for tomorrow," she said.

Zennah called her younger sister and told her everything, the company is perfect and they are down to earth, she liked the environment.

She also didn't forget to ask her sister how she knew such an influential person and company.

But she could only laugh and at best wish her all the best in her new job and didn't forget to remind her to take good care of the baby.

Zennah signed when she couldn't take anything out of her sister's mouth, but she was happy she stood by her when she needed her the most,

At this point and time, she promised to buy a Dior bag for her younger sister and a Gucci dress and shoes for her.

She promised herself to be a good elder sister at all times and to protect her in the future when she will need help.

At the same time, outside the building, a man was resting inside a black limo car with a darkened expression.

"Boss, the lady walked into the building, I think she is working here?" The driver said.

"Mmmh, we will wait for you to walk out, I just want to see her," he said.

"But boss, shouldn't you take madam home?" At some point, they couldn't understand this notorious man.

"Not yet remember she doesn't know who I am and she might think that am some useless man, and do you think I can just approach her and say to her am the man that slept with you, come and let me marry you?" He asked.

"Am sorry boss" the driver said.

Meanwhile, Zennah walked outside the building with a smile all over her face,

She raised her head and looked into her stomach and circled it and said.

"Thank you, baby you are my blessings, mama has a job now she will provide you with everything you need," she said to herself.

"Boss why is madam circling her stomach, is she.....?" The driver couldn't help but stop talking when he realized that his boss was staring at the woman, with a dark expression.

"Check all her movements in the last month I want to know everything,...!" He shouted.

"Okay boss,..." The driver got into the job immediately,

Meanwhile, a pink lady's car was packed right in front of her zennah, and a young lady walked out and hugged her, and said something to her, they laughed and their hands touched her stomach, and left by the car.

"Boss here is the information, they are simple-minded people and they are from national, that lady is her sister but anything concerning her job is hidden,"

Let me have the information" he said.

' Zennah Avery a 26 years old lady who a divorce,

Visit the national hospital, status negative and healthy, confirmed to be 4 weeks pregnant

Baby is healthy' the information recorded only her and her sister.

"She is carrying my son, she is carrying the younger me in her? Jero do you know what that means?" He asked.

"Haha, congratulations, from my observation she cares about the baby though she doesn't know the father she accepted the baby, she is a nice woman, boss congratulations "

"Hahaaaa, don't call me boss, your boss is in the womb, am an old man now"

"I will have to share the news with lady B," he said.

"That old witch let me see how she will shut me up again, hehe ee, connect black lizard for me"

This gentleman was too happy.

"And tell everyone that today is officially a holiday until tomorrow," he said.

"Aaaah..!" The driver was surprised.

"Today, tomorrow is a holiday am celebrating my baby," he said.