
The Mysterious CEO.

"I can't imagine that this old man has decided to appear after years and years of hiding"

***at A&, R Corporation***

"Good afternoon everyone, I know you are wondering why we called you here at this time and hour, we wish to inform you that our CEO is here today with us and would like to say hello to everyone and make some changes, " the vice-president said.

"let's welcome our CEO," he said.

"wow, I wish to see who our boss is," one of the employees said.

"me too, this boss of ours is truly a nice person," another person said.

just as they were talking...

"Good afternoon everyone, I know you were not informed about this meeting and am barely taking your time, you all forgive this your fellow lazy employee, in my office or work environment there is no boss, we work together and build an empire together and therefor I hope, you all will continue working together

am going to increase our salaries and that means you all will receive an additional at least 20% of your monthly earnings except for this lady,

the receptionist will receive a double salary and a brand new car, not just any car but a car of your choice, the reason being I love your attitude,

you didn't judge anyone coming in and that's what is needed for a receptionist, you mustn't judge our customers and mustn't insult anyone, but you must be wherry of the good guys and the bad guys.

and here today you are my best employee, I hereby announce that the meeting is over see you everyone and work hard and build an empire full of blossoms " she said and ended the meeting.

"Hey don't tell that, the lady that lied to us is the boss, look over there although we can't see her face the clothes and the cap are the same, " the receptionist said.

"think about it, she came in today and it's today that we were told about the boss, and she increased your salary let me give you a piece of advice, work smart for you to be in her book forever," said her male employee fellow.

"Okay friend, goodbye I will be going back to my post," she said and left.

The day was smooth the long waited for CEO remained to be a puzzle to the people of nation P.

Audrey didn't waste her time meeting, Xander she wanted to know why she had such a reaction towards him and why was she thinking about him all the time.

"Oooh there you are, princess I thought that you weren't going to make it or come at all given your character and ruthlessness," Xander said with raised eyebrows.

This feature was telling Audrey that this man is nothing but a book she hasn't read.

"Well as you can see Mr. Scambag, am a lady of her word and am here because I need something from you," she said.

" Relax, my beautiful princess 'cause I also need something from you," he said seductively.

"You go ahead, am rich and powerful there is nothing I can't give as long as it's within my rich," she said.

"Okay, I need an antidote because you poisoned me in the most toxic way," Xander said while taking a sip of his tea.

"Haha, I poisoned you? Let me tell you Mr. I Am here because I need an antidote from you okay let me warn you there is no way you will come out of this place..!" She slammed the table with a cup.

"Haha, relax since we need each other for the antidote, I know what my antidote is how about you? I believe you still don't know what your antidote is" he said with a wink.

"Mmmh what's your antidote?" She asked.

"There there, my antidote is..." Before Audrey could react soft lips were planted on her smooth pink lips.

She was caught off guard that she couldn't react and her mind went blank immediately.

Before she could react, Xander grabbed her left breast and she reacted.

Xander didn't waste the opportunity to insert his tongue in her.

He explore her mouth and wanted to taste every corner of her mouth, he was hungry for her, and he wanted her inside him.

When she came to her sense she tried to push him away, but then the feeling was overwhelming,

But she bit his lips,

"Auch..! You little thing do you want to bite me your future husband to death? Or something?" Xander asked with blood in his mouth.

"Let me wear you Mr. Don't you dare cross my line again in the future," she said.

"Oooh no relax little lady, I want us to stay together for a week and see if our poison can be detoxified, meanwhile you will be providing me with my antidote and I will be providing you with my antidote too," he said.

"You...! Why should I listen to you are you trying to threaten me ?" She asked.

"No little lady am informing you and if you don't comply I will reveal your hidden identities to the media houses so be careful..." He said.

"Okay, okay," she said.

"That's my woman, your decision is cool and you have me including my body," he said.

"And when are you moving in?" He asked before she could curse him.

"Am a woman of my word I will move in today, this way we will provide each other antidote soon and faster?" she said and left.

Xander didn't waste his time calling his family.

"Hey daddy, she is coming home to stay with us, prepare the third floor for us," he said.

"Haha son you should stay in your own home with her remember you don't want her to know your identity and most importantly you should make her comfortable " Old master Greens said.

"And don't you dare bully my sister-in-law or else I will bury the most powerful man alive," his sister said.

"Okay, I will protect her and won't bully her," he said and ended the call.

** In a mysterious kingdom***

A woman is sitting on a huge, golden thrown, even a strand of her own hair spells power, she has ruled this kingdom for 5000 years now.

She never married but she gave birth to two kids, but later killed their fathers because she never wanted destruction.

There's the fire burning in her eyes and she will eliminate anyone who wants to take this thrown away from her, and she is the ancient queen from the royal bloodline.

"Report to her royal majesty...!" Her secret spy always wonders about the human world and keeps his eyes on any non-human being that might relate to the revelation of the old witch.

"Report...!" She said with a deep soft voice.

"The part of the Vintaka royals, well known as The Greens have brought their son back,

And this son has re-unite with a mysterious woman, whose blood can't be felt by us or by any demon" he said.

"Useless, so what is the most important information about this woman!" She shouted.

"Am sorry your majesty.. please forgive me...!"

"Useless, take her out and I want his head prepared for the children to play around here," she said.

"Am sorry your highness please don't kill me.." he pleaded

"I trained you and sent you out there for all this year's what did you come back with?" Useless piece of trash.

"Take him away..!" She shouted.

"Okay, your highness..." They said.

"Hey we won't kill you but please don't come back and put us into trouble we will find the head of her most trusted bodyguard and exchange it with yours. Just make sure that our king is safe..." The bodyguards said.

"Okay, thank you guys I will never fail you." He said.

"We might die if she finds out but even at that at least, our king will be protected and we hope you don't betray us," they said.

"Okay I promise with my blood, this favor that you have done to me will always be remembered by me," he said and left.

Back to the throne room.

"What exactly do you have for me...?" She asked.

"Your highness, the witch clan is starting to make a move and that's to Nation P, we still don't know if our king is on that side," one of the elders said.

"Yes your highness, if you don't mind I would like to ask on the behalf of everyone here, how is the search for our queen and king? Are there any clues?" The mister asked.

"Oooh, about that am still working on it, your king was located but he kept on moving from one place to another but our queen is not yet located nor found." She said part of the truth and the rest were lies.

"Then congratulations your highness, on locating the King we hope our queen to be located soon."

"Yes your highness, congratulations.."

"Well if there are no reports, to your highness would like to take a rest," the chief maid said.

"Okay, your highness we will take a leave," they said and left.

"Hahaaa, old fools they think that I will drop the power after so many years for these weaklings, that will never happen," she said.