

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the world in which it is based is owned by J.K.Rowling. This is my first time writing so it might be a bit messy, comments and feedback to help me grow as an author would be appreciated. Thanks!

McTripp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Loss & The First Trial (Part 2/2)

Henrys Pov.

'Man I've been having some messed up dreams lately.' I mutter to myself as i stand atop what can only be described as a Sea stack.. Yep big old chunk of rock all by its lonesome in the middle of the ocean. And the worst thing is, I have no idea what I'm doing here! Having already walked around the entire edge of this triangular rock pillar I see no way to leave so I turn back to the centre of my little 50 meter high waiting area.

To the south I can see another landmass and what looks to be an old abandoned church, It looks familiar but I just can't figure out where I'd seen it before.

And so I continue to wait as I sit facing the west watching the sun set over the ocean, The breathtaking view of the red and orange sun rays fill the horizon looking like piece of heaven on earth.

As sun fully sets I start to hear the rumble of thunder. So I turn to the side only to see a wall of dark clouds rolling in from the north-east, The cacophony of booms and the torrent of rain are still visible in the quickly fading light. Blueish sliver lightening bolts fork in and out of excestance as the rolling dark clouds all but seem to pick up there pace and race towards me.

"Damn it." I curse as I stand up and proceed to spread my arms out in welcome. When just at that moment.


"Shit! What the hell was that!" I exclaimed loudly in surprise as I stumbled and almost kissed the ground. It felt like something massive had struck the sea stack that I was standing on. quickly rushing to the side to see what it might have been, I looked down only to see the oceans water turned up and great swells forming. Under the water there are many large dark shadows moving around the sea stack some of them are absolutely huge! crouching down so as not to lose my balance I take a peek over the edge just in time to finally get a glimpse of my assailants.


Large tentacles reach out of the dark waters and slam into the sea stack threatened to topple it over into the ocean!

"Holy shit! are those all krakens!" I shouted in fear seeing the tentacles that were atleast 30 meters long smashing into the sea stack, I quickly retreated back from the edges.


At that moment the storm finally reached me with rain that fell in sweeping waves. It was as cold as ice and the sensation pierced me to the bone. "Okay this would be a good time to wake up now!" I shouted, trembling in trepidation. However as if laughing at my plea for safety a new sound joined the ever growing chores.


"Gods! What the hell can it be now!!"

Trying to shield my eyes as I look up into the sky I am greeted with the sight of a very, very big bird. it's four wings beat rhythmically, As it stares down at the krakens with hatred in its eyes, the monstrous bird screeches out once again and the storm heeds its call to war!

Bolts of lightning condense onto the krakens locations as the rain grows even colder forming needles of ice that fall with new found momentum. The monstrous four winged bird spread its wings in synchronisation and screeches loudly as balls of blue flame explode forth from its body, Gradually growing larger as they fall towards the ocean and burn through it like the water wasn't even there! Ice forms quickly behind the balls of fire almost as fast they fell coursing the the ocean to now look like it was filled with many large straws of ice floating in it. Blood filled the oceans as the sea waters that were already dark due to the night and storm seemed to have taken on an even darker shade of black.

Almost as quickly as the krakens had come, they left just as fast. Fleeing the assault of the bird in the sky's and storm clouds started to disappear, But not before sending a few last shots into the waves leaving only the four winged bird and I alone as it hovered above.

Looking up at this magnificent creature I felt a tug on my soul and a graceful feminine voice entered my mind 'Brother you must find me here I will be waiting'

Shocked I called out dumbly "But I don't even know where this place is!" the voice sounded once more 'follow the connection, Our souls are bound ever since we descended on to this world. But you must hurry! The being that was sealed in this place is not what he once was. As the seals grow weak and he gains in power, I will surely be his first sacrifice.'

"Who are you? what is the time limit! im just a baby right now damn it how am I to save you!"

'I have no name in this life dear brother, I was once called Sundra. Lady of the storms of Fire and Ice and eternal Lightening. May my ire strike through the void and smite that old fool for eating me!'

'Yep she seems pretty pissed about that.'

" Sundra is a nice name but I really need to know the time limit I'm working with here please Sundra!" I shout to now named bird.

'Thank you dear brother, Umm yes the seals will still hold for some time. I estimate atleast fourteen more of your human races name days.'

I slowly feel myself slipping away, and start being able to hear someone call out my name. "Very well Sundra, i look forward to meeting you again soon." waving my hand as my body vanishes.

'And I you, Dear brother.'


Abbott family house pov/ Henry's pov

I awoke to my mothers lite shaking as she called my name softly, dazedly looking around I yawn and stretch while laying on my side.

My mother just smiles at my sleepy display

"Come Henry its time to get up and have some lunch, I've made some pork bone stew."

"Mmmm, With potatoes?" I question looking up at her with eyes sparkling.

Sighing exasperatedly at my love for potatoes she says " Yes dear, with potatoes.."

bringing out my inner guga food guys voice I exclaim "Lets do it!"

======== TIME SKIP =========

Current time. 8:40 pm

Abbott family house Godricks hollow.

Not sure but i think the storm raging outside currently might be my doing. Why you might ask? well thats because my nerves are shot at the moment.

I've had a sense of anxiousness all afternoon that has been growing at a steady rate as the hours ticked by, To the point where I am actually starting to loss control of my emotions. which is not a great feeling for someone with an adult mind.

There have been a few instances where I wanted to open my mouth to my family and say something.. anything.. I felt like something horrible was going to happen and yet when i tried to voice my uncertainties it felt like a barrier had been erected in my mouth and the air stolen from my lungs.

I wasn't able to say a word about it! And i almost felt like a passenger in my own body. I desperately struggled with this feeling of helplessness using all my magic and intent as my eyes rolled up and only the whites could be seen. images flashed through my mind of the events leading to the death of my father and mother within the next few minutes.

"Shit, Is there nothing I can do?"

Looking through the images in my minds eye once more i chance upon the view of the fire place downstairs in one of them and while my whole vision is gray and a bit fuzzy, only that fire place holds any other color. barely seen green and golden sparks surround the base of the fire place looking like had just used floo power... !!! Thats it!!"

Just at that moment my eyes roll back into place, And i sat up in my cot next to Hannah.

I shouted and this time it worked! " mother! Father!"

Quick foot steps were heard, as after all i had never call my parents using those two words. Hannah got a fright from my yell and started crying out loud hastening the approaching foot steps further. as they turned in to the room a loud boom! was not just heard but felt!

As dust fell from the rafters and house shook from the use of the explosion charms being used on our wards, I Shouted at my parents "Quickly to the fireplace or we all die."

And that was enough for them as my father took off towards their room calling out behind him "I'll grab the wands and meet you down stairs darling."

"Niffy!" Mother also Shouted as a small humanoid creature showed up with a pop, the creature that i know to be a house elf bow and was about to speak before it was cut off by my mother as she rushed to pick Hannah and i up and proceeded out of the room towards the staircase. " Apparate to the bones house and ask Amelia to open the wards Niffy we are under attack."

"Yes mistress." Niffy replied and with another pop she gone once more.

As we made it down the stairs with my father just a step behind us, we quickly rushed our way to the fireplace in the lounge room as my father all but push us inside and tucked my mothers wand into a pocket in her nightgown, Checking the connection to the Bones house he sighed in relief when he sensed it was open.

Taking a hand full of Floo power he was about to throw it in when my mother spoke. " What about you darling!"

So panicked was she that if she wasn't holding her two children she would've grabbed his hand.

"I'll be right behind you." He said give my mother a chased kiss on the lips however just as his hand was in a throwing motion and he spoke the words of our destination. the door to the front of the house was blown off as three men rushed in!

I could almost hear the sneer and anger the voice of the middle man as he pointed his wand and spoke the words of the killing curse "Avada!!!"

A green beam hit my father in the back and the light faded from his eyes almost immediately.

The last thing I saw before being Flooed away was my father's murderer's platinum blonde hair.

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