

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the world in which it is based is owned by J.K.Rowling. This is my first time writing so it might be a bit messy, comments and feedback to help me grow as an author would be appreciated. Thanks!

McTripp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Loss & The First Trial (Part 1/2)

In a certain house in Godric's hollow, A dim orange light flickered through behind thin window curtains on its second floor. Rain pelted down under black rolling clouds as lightning raced across the sky and thunder boomed behind.

On the streets adjacent to the house three figures suddenly appeared with a popping sound and the distortion of air, Their visages covered in black robes and silver masks.

"Hey, this is the right house this time. right?" Asked one of the robed men who was the left most of the three.

"It had better be!." A gruff voice sounded form the robed man on the right side. " Whoever got that information that they where in Ireland is a prat."

"Enough! Remember the orders of the dark lord, Kill the filthy mudblood and take the halflings for the experiments, our lord needs more subjects for his rituals, As for the blood traitor.. Kill him too. There is no need for such a stain to be in our noble lines." The robed men in middle cut off any further quarrelling of his two compatriots.

He continued speaking slowly while drawing out his wand and casually giving it a flick, Making the rain that was falling from the sky land and slide off the sides of an invisible dome that appeared around them. "On three we'll attack and break the defensive charms and runes with Bombarda Maxima, remember to bring it down fast we don't have control of the floo network tonight. "


Abbott family house pov / Henry's pov

Fourteen hours to event. Current time 6:48 am.

I woke up in cold sweat today, flashes of green still hold my minds attention for a few moments before fading slowly away, Like a rivers undercurrent carries the sands to its shoals.

Unhindered and obtrusive.. But still there, Sitting silently.. Waiting.

Our day started as normal and we sit happily around the table with my parents speaking in lite conversation while eating the breakfast that mother has cooked, my control over this baby body has continued to increase as I am now able to feed myself with a spoon. (though somewhat messily) so I feed myself to the best of my ability while my mother is feeding my sister some oatmeal porridge, that she happily devours. Her chubby little cheeks getting fuller over time as she tries to get as much food in her month as can fit, much to my mothers dismay.

'Damn that's so cute!' I think to myself as I gave a warm smile to my sister and mother as I watched the scene of my parents fussing over my sister.

*Ahh...* A sigh escapes lips as lean back in my high chair and pat my stomach "So full mummy." I call out to her as i begin to struggle with the straps and clips that bind me to my high chair. I could undo them by myself however I am not even two years old yet and I should not be able to do so yet, so I call out once again, this time to my father.

"Daddy, Help!"

Gettting up from his seat, Father comes towards me.

"Help what?" he asked, as I scrunch my brow and reply. "Help, Please.."

He chuckles and unbuckles the fastenings of my restraints and lifts me gently out of the chair, Placing me on the ground in a standing position.

"What are you going to do today my son?" He questions me with with a dotting smile on his face.

"Daddy I will keep trying to pull the ball to me today, I have a feeling it will work this time." I replied to my father again in all seriousness.

Chuckling to himself. " Surely you will succeed this time my son." he encourages

"Mmhmm." I responded.

As my father spun in place to return to his seat I voiced my doubts to my family.

"Mummy, Daddy... Last night i had a dream of green flashes and screams.. " I said before walking to the lounge room, Not realising I had made a small prophecy while my parents looked at each other with concern.

Much unlike the MC's and OC's from the fan-fics I remember from my previous life I chose to reveal my strength to my family as soon as possible. In fact my first words to them were not of the usual mummy or daddy but of five words I was confident in assimilating into a sentence " I am a Demi God."

Yep thats right a straight up shocker! but they got used to it or atleast i hope they did, As the months rolled by and my body grew more to accommodate my vocabulary i became more vocal, Still i could not let on that i knew to much so i hide away most of my thoughts on how i would try to grow my magical powers, But i let on to my family that wandless magic should be its first form. That was however something they did not believe as only the strongest wizards of the magical world had been able to preform such magic.

Wandless magic proved to be very hard to grasp however contrary to my speculations. I realized during my training of wandless magic that a mortal would find it especially hard as they did not even have the soul straight to control it! Such a thing would usually take a lot of knowledge, training and the correct level of magic in thier core to master.

That having been said. I found out why wizards were special, It turns out that wizards are able to form a core inside thier bodies.

Fascinating I know. But most seem to be partially unaware of it.They can feel the magical energies flow in their bodies, But their cores form naturally which I had great interest in. If I try to forge the core manually, Perhaps I will be able to undergo the first magical awakening early.

And how would one go about forming a core you might ask? Well i have my theory on this subject, You see a wizards body is something akin to a bastion for magical energies and each time a wizard performs a spell the energy or magical power if you will, Is used. Thus emptying the the bastion of its power and making it more sturdy and larger to accommodate more of said energy. Over time or by natural aging the bastion reaches a size that it can no longer grow or strengthen and so the only recourse left for the magical energies is to condense, Thus forming the core naturally.

So there I sat in the lounge room with a tennis sized rubber ball in front of me trying to pull it towards me using my intent and magical power.

However it does not move.. Not even in the slightest.

Frustrated I slam my fist on the carpet coursing thin arces of lightening to strike the rubber ball. Yep lightening.. Sigh it seems my soul has been integrated with this power ever since god did.. That.. To me.. Haa, its so embarrassing to think about it but maybe its for the best. At least electricity can't harm me anymore.. hmm, perhaps i should change my name to Thor. hehe.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I slowly exhale while calming my agitated emotions I started think back on my memories from my past life, targeting the ones I have read on wandless magic.

Magic operates on Intent, Emotion and magical power itself, This much I have confirmed. So, What am I missing here? I am a Demi God dammit! If I want the ball to move it should move as I command it to!

"Float!" I call out in my mind using my intent and magic power again but this time with same confidence I had as the first time I had tried this exercise.. and it..

"Oh My God! I did it!" I shouted in glee.

Father hearing my exclamation rushed into the room only to see the rubber ball floating silently in front of me.

"Nice!" He exclaimed aswell with almost as much excitement as I had. Before the ball dropped to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut.

Walking up to me as I allow myself to fall backwards he asked me what I did differently this time. To his question I looked up at him while grinning like an idiot "confidence!" I exclaim. " I just had to regain the confidence I had in myself and it worked!"

"Ooh?, So why didn't it work the first time then? you were so sure you would succeed when you tried to show us." He asked quizzically.

"No idea! but who cares, Haha! It works now and that's good enough for me!" I happily smiled to my father. Gods I'm tuckered out now time for a nap I think, As I close my eyes and relax and start running through my magic to do list.

1. Wandless magic/Check

2. Occlumancy/Unchecked

3. Legilimency/Unchecked

4. Study the first years curriculum/Unchecked

5. Practice potions and herbology/Unchecked

Ahh yes keep it small there are still so many years left before school starts. I don't want to get to far ahead or else it wouldn't be any fun.

Father just smiles and picks me up bringing me to my cot as I drift off to dreamland.


Jake's pov

Just as I stand back up after laying Henry in his cot I turn to see Dasiy entering the room with little Hannah in her arms who is past out like a light, Still with some breast milk at the corners of her mouth. As Dasiy places her in the cot next to her brother she latches onto Henry drawing herself closer to him seeking the warmth she had just lost.

Smiling down at the siblings Dasiy is caught in a precarious position that I must ofcourse make full use of, Or what kind of man would be!

And so I turn to my beautiful wife and clamp my hand on her soft round behind give it a tight squeeze!

"mmmm." she moans out softly, But still gives me a slight glare out the corner of her eye. To which I just give her a naughty smile and motion my head towards our room.

Taking my wife by the hand I lead her to the bedroom and I proceed to sweep her off her feet and lay her in our bed as she lets out a sweet giggle. Gods I love this woman I think to myself as I stare into her eyes with obvious lust in mine. I suddenly recall the slight murmuring of Henry yesterday morning.. something about rabbits.. hmm maybe he wants one for his birthday.

End Pov.


A/N. Gotta get it when ya can folks! HAHA.

Had to end it here or we would be looking at a 4k word chapter so I gotta split in two. Sorry about that, But I will endeavour to have the next one out as soon as I can. It's still not finished yet so yea.. Till next time!

Hey guys I realized it had been awhile since I uploaded any chapters,

I've been try to get my pokemon fanfic going but webnovel won't even let me create a second novel and I have no idea why!

Anyway I made it on a different account but I forgot to link the account so it's gone now and I'm so sad I don't even wanna waste time writing on this website anymore. maybe I have to reach a word cap or something before they let me create a second novel or get membership but that's not happening so meh.

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