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WayneSteine · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Grade Skipping

The first change that I noticed in the status was that my [Emphatic Mimicry] leveled up by one level only from the torture I faced in this training here I thought it would at least reach (Green) level so I could've checked what is it.

That is the cause of hidden energy that helps excite my cells whenever I'm physically exhausted and increase my body state in a frightening phase for it to reach the peak of (Blue) level just a hairbreadth away to break through (Violet) level and reach Omega Class type body.

While in the »Masteries (Blue)« where everything reached (Blue) level, even the useless mastery such as [Chores] and [Cooking] leveled up continuously due to the child labor Shifu handed me such as cleaning the fallen leaves before running in the morning, doing laundry and washing the dishes.

Oh, how I missed my butler Sebas right now, it made me think will Ciel Phantomhive even be able to live properly without Sebastian Michaelis his butler to take care of him? (A/N: Kuroshitsuji – Black Butler anime/manga)

My [Martial Arts] also upgraded to [Mixed Martial Arts] due to the different styles Shifu drilled in me through the spars we had which included not only Chinese Martial Arts but Judo, Aikido, Jujitsu, Boxing, Taekwondo, etc… basics which were all integrated in to the [Mixed Martial Arts] Mastery which showed light to my own "Ninja Way".

『John 』(Damnit wrong universe! It showed the direction of my own path in Martial Arts though I still have a long way to go to make it reach the peak.)

Whilst I gained [Eastern Medicine] when I learned stuff such as Acupuncture and Pressure Points, Bone Setting (where I got dislocated a couple of times and my [Healing Factor] [Healing] abilities took a while to fix it.) where he also taught me to use the herbs in the surroundings for first aid if ever I'm in a dire situation in an isolated area such as the jungle we are training in.

[Skilled Marksman] was gained through my continuous archery and spearing in the woods for the meals. Good thing I also gained the [Cooking] ability so that I can show it off to my parents and Sebas surprising them with my superb skills upon coming back.

In the »Mind (Blue)« section, I've managed to make my [Mindscape] the size of planet Mars with the only continent on it having the size of Skyrim about the same size as Alaska on Earth-Prime with an island nearby in the exact copy of Shifu's secluded training ground.

Eidetic and Photographic improved as I can just make a diary in the library of what happened the entire day and compile it in a book for the month while also compiling it another time once the whole year is finished. I also gained the thought acceleration and memory partition that is only limited to 2 partitions for now.

The former accelerates one's thought process allowing not just for high-speed calculation but also for the mental creation of a multi-dimensional diagram while the latter is used to separate their mind into rooms, each room performing different action complimenting each other in order to speed up long calculations.

Memory Partition is not as simple as 1+1=2, it was more like 2×2=4 where each room was harmonizing and recombining with the other and promoted each thought process. This greatly helps me in planning one step ahead of my enemy or plans also helped me train to become ambidextrous.

Even though my Mental Power (MP) increased to the (Blue) level the peak of human ability it is still far enough to stop Professor X if he wanted to dig deep in my mind but it is enough for me to notice if someone dares to intrude my mind without my permission and stop them while giving them a warning.

I think I can try to increase my mental defenses with Jean's help (once she activates her power not through losing someone hopefully) by applying the Occlumency training from the Harry Potter series where I get a partner who invades my mind and slowly fill in the gaps.

[Telekinesis] managed to unlock a new function which is almost the same as a Dragon shouts from Skyrim that's why I named it as such (FUS RO DAH). Though [Telekinesis] is just a branch skill from having [Telepathy], my inner Chunibyo is having the time of its life whenever I use the shout against a Black Bear in the wilderness while I was hunting a deer.

I could have just manipulated the poor guy to walk away silently with [Telepathy] ability but I needed a test subject on how strong the shout will be once I recreate it, and boy did I surprise myself. The bear flew like a broken kite snapping a few trees in its wake, after that event I promised myself to hide this ability for now and only use it on dire situations or against someone like the Hulk or something.

Thanks to that the meat and firewood I used, lasted me for a whole month and gave a quarter of the bear meat I gained to Shifu to lighten the punishment I received from causing a ruckus and making him think that the place where we are at was under nuclear attack or something.

»Body (Blue)« and »Skills« section of my status with the help of my Shifu constantly finding ways to break me physically and mentally finally managed to raise both physiology and Healing factor up to (Blue) level, though I believe I could've raised both much more had I have at least half a year to a full year of training from Shifu.

I guess I can include another project such as the gravity room from DBZ once I established and stabilized the Wayne Enterprise whereas [Healing] skill upgraded continuously because I tested its limits on the games I hunted back in the wilderness.

In summary, even though I'm only 11-years-old my height already reached «175cm», «weighing 70kg». My weight increased by so much because of the increase in both muscle and bone density, my matte black hair almost reaching the end of my shoulder blades.

Body figure is now more toned and balanced with muscles now more well defined though a little bit more tanned from too much exposure out in the sun unlike my somewhat childish figure before,

Managed to look like a teenager now with my current looks good thing I had prepared the clothes and shoes I brought before leaving Manhattan to be for someone around 15-20-year-old since I expected growth spurts to happen in this training session from the senpais of accumulated cultivation novel knowledge.

Shifu had to part with some uniforms he used to wear once my body reached the «height of 175cm», «weighing 70kg». What worries me now is how I look like a Senior High student just about to enter in Middle School, now I'm reconsidering skipping grades since my current figure won't allow me to blend in now with other kids my age.

I need to discuss this topic in more detail with my parents upon arriving. Once they approve of it, my plans had to hasten up to pace then too which is good since I need to have enough capital to buy Stark's shares once he announced his withdrawal on the weapon industry in 7 years, there's also the crash and burn situation of OSCORP where Norman will go crazy upon injecting himself with the OZ serum and become the green goblin himself.

These are just one of the most important events that are completely sidelined early in the movies just for the sake of more action in the films. Thoughts aside I slowly regained my senses back which means we've reached the airport to get on the flight back to Manhattan I exit my Mindscape.

—Flash back end—

Lunch Break

『Ned』"Woah JOHN! Do you have like the giant's and troll's bloodline or something?! You got HUGE man!!"

『Peter』"Yeah bro, what's your sauce? Did you eat/drink anything special this summer? If you do can you share it with us or is it a one-time thing?"

Ned and Peter hurriedly interrogated me on our way to the cafeteria, while Jean was busy eyeing me up and down not knowing what is going on inside her head. I calmly replied to their inquiries and changed the topic quickly.

『John』"Nah guys, just growth spurt! By the way, I got something important to tell you guys after school and it's a very serious issue we need to settle."

『Jean』"What is it about that it has to wait till after school instead right now since we are on lunch break?"

『John』"Hmm, I guess it is also related to my growth spurt if you think about it. But there is a more serious issue concerning our gang -…"

『Ned and Peter』"DID YOU EAT A DEVIL FRUIT?!"

The two idiots rudely interrupted my well-thought speech by a dumbass question regarding the secrets of the physical change, which brought us the attention of everyone in the cafeteria that I had to wave everyone off as it was just a nerd's debate. Jean and I had to facepalm ourselves due to the two's antics.

『John』"Jeez, you idiots, I told you already that it's just normal genetic growth spurt. I didn't take any external substances to gain height. I was also speaking a rather serious issue here remember?"


As the bell sounded bringing the end to our lunch break conversation that'll be continued in the afternoon at the New York Public Library since that place is also near the metro where Peter and I go usually after school.

『Jean』"So what did you want to discuss that concerns every one? Are you in trouble or something?" asked worriedly

『Peter』"Yeah bro, is everything alright?"

『Ned』"Are you ok? Are you sick? Or are you finally confessing the secret of increasing your height?"

Looks like I've made everyone worry needlessly this morning, though I still get that vein-popping sign in my head from Ned's almost cursing me to be sick or something statement. Calming myself in a minute, I slowly told them my situation on how my parents finally approved me of skipping grades and head straight to the collegiate level of studies.

『John』"…so by the end of this year I might not be able to graduate at the same time as you guys in Middle School til College, is it still fine with you guys if we keep contact with each other and hang-out sometimes even if we're not classmates anymore?"

They took at least half an hour or so to digest the new information they got and imagined the effects it'll cause in their gang with a big hole appearing in it and how they will seal the gap after one of their friends went ahead in life than them. Ned was the first to react to the situation and ask.

『Ned』"B-b-b-but who will protect Peter and Me from the bullies like Flash once your gone?! And what about Jean? Who will shield her from the guys that hit on her?"

Both Peter and Jean still quiet and digesting the info got disturbed by Ned's sudden inquiry, and Ned receiving a chop in the head from Jean's hand with her ears turning red.

『Jean』"W-what are talking about fatty?! Who needs protecting?"

『Peter』"Ned da hell dude? Why make John stay with a reason like that? Can't think anything else something bit more dramatic?"

『Ned』"Why? I'm just stating facts… Ooh, there is also the Unbreakable Vow where we can make him swear to stay!" while holding the top of his head with both hands and quickly dodging Peter's hand chop now.

『John』"Hahaha, nothing much is gonna change guys! Since we'll be hanging out every after school, this should be enough to keep those dimwits away until you guys enter the university. Besides I can just enroll again in college for a different degree to be classmates with you guys again right?!"

『Ned』"Hmm, that's possible too! Still, you gotta do the Unbreakable Vow so we can hold your word for it. Hmph" stated proudly feeling he accomplished his goal by himself.

Jean and Peter nodded and we proceeded with the oath where Jean wrote in on a separate type of paper instead of a regular white notepad and placed it in the 'Oath Box', while I caught in my periphery a blonde Gwen Stacy eyeing our table hesitating on whether to come over to us. After pacifying the three that we can still be friends and be classmates again in the future they all went home happy.

—Time Skip = Journal Entry—

It's been a quick 5 months for me as I am now walking inside Empire State University I now felt what Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory) experienced when he entered college at the age of eleven, kinda like a shepherd looking at an unorganized herd of sheep roaming around the fields.

During this past 5 months where I skipped grades like crazy, had to use up all of my MP (Mental Power) on useless things such as making all the people who handled my grade skipping process and procedures including all of those who were related to them to place the importance of such event at the back of their subconscious to not be in the line of sights of both light and dark agencies who'll value my talent with much gusto.

I've already absorbed all the knowledge I could gain from both New York Public Library and Midtown School of Science and Technology ever since I managed to store all of their books inside my mindscape and compile related books. With this knowledge, I can get tons of Ph.D. for different types of subjects though I won't do it since it's one of the best ways to put a huge Dartboard target in my back.

That's why my parents specifically told the Principal of the university to not release my age and skipping grades details to other staff in the university since it might not only endanger me but also my family, though he tried being a wise ass at the beginning wanting a huge bribe.

I had no choice but to mind control the son of a bitch to seal his lips real tight concerning the information regarding me without my parents noticing I did something to the principal during the discussion.

I was already reading his thoughts before the conversation even started and when he wanted to take advantage of the situation I had to do something about it before he could even spout something he can't take back.

Well with my current appearance and height no one will suspect me of being too young to be in the university and since it's my second time studying in college again I know how to act properly and socialize normally to other students.

Though in this life I have tons of cheat on me such as Eidetic and Photographic memory, Thought acceleration, Memory Partitions, and Mind-reading skills coming from just my [Telepathy] ability.

Since I have this cheats on me this time just for once I'll enjoy these 3 years just experiencing life 'if you know what I mean' only after I waste the 1st year in absorbing the books available in the library of the university so at least I have 2 years to finally taste the things I avoided in my previous life just to graduate with barely passing grades.

—– Current Status—–

Name: John Markly Wayne

Body State: Blue (Peak Human)


[Wayne – Indomitable Will (Red), Intimidation (Red), Genius Intellect (Red)]

[Unknown – Sealed (Green level required)]

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry (Yellow), Otherworldly Knowledge]

[Sealed – Violet level required]

Abilities Acquired:

»Masteries (Blue)«

[Acrobats] [Mixed Martial Arts] [Weapon Proficiency]

[Eastern Medicine] [Skilled Marksman] [Fishing] [Chores] [Cooking] [Espionage]

»Mind (Blue)«

[Mindscape] [Telepathy]

[Telepathic Immunity] [Telekinesis – (FUS RO DAH)]

»Body (Blue)«

[Radioactive Enhanced Physiology] [Healing Factor]


[Heal (Blue)]


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Disclaimer: This work is not for profit, no copyrights infringement intended as all recognizable characters are own by respective owners mentioned in which book, movie, series, and company they are mentioned from within the novel.

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