

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Heist Pt. 2

"Well, here goes everything!"

Robert plants his right foot out and peeks behind the lighthouse and then observes some hints that could help him succeed, firstly there was a jetty to the right of the walkway in front and that same walkway had a pier coming out of the front of it with one liner docked left to it and one liner with one trawler docked right to it, along side the jetty, two or more buoys were placed beside it and another trawler was being moored to them, "Couldn't notice one more ship at first glance, it still doesn't ease the situation or rather adds to its hassle." Robert now plants his left foot the opposite direction and peeks over to witness the rest of the harbor, there was one notable thing, the boat of the harbormaster, it was moored to another boy that was besides a pier coming out from land this time, all Rob had to do now was decide which way to go but from the look on his face it seemed it was clear for him on what to do, he instantly took the left route, took his shoes off so he doesnt create noise and slid down the grass slope, then arrived at the wooden floor of the pier, without looking back, he sat down and tucked his feet in the water then slowly descended with his whole body entering and successfully getting underwater without making much noise and attracting attention, then he swam to the anchored buoy and brought out his axe which he used to tear the link between the harbormaster's boat and the buoy, cutting it off from both ends and getting a fairly long 8 feet rope which he tied around his waist under his shirt so it was easy to carry and not noticable, when his breath couldn't hold no more, he got out and went back up the same way he came and reached behind the lighthouse. This time, he took the right route, sliding down the grassy small hill again and landing in a barrel roll on the wooden dock, however in lieu of getting in the water, he rather hanged on the edges of the dock and shuffled his way to the jetty's edges, on the surface of the slim jetty, there was a cabin which Robert had his sights on, he shuffled the whole way till he reached the back of that cabin and then climed up to hide behind it, his lower half of his body was completely drenched which he did not like the feeling of and was dripping constantly, which made him worryful as the sounds of the droplets might alarm someone near him, in fact, when Robert looked through the translucent curtain of the back of the cabin, he could see a silhouette of a person sitting, "If I can get their clothes it would be easy to disguise and get rid of these, the problem is I have no clue how to approach this...."

Fortunately Edison's blessings bestowed upon Robert and in came an idea which involved Robert to jump back in the water and this time drenching himself completely then getting out and casually going inside the cabin to casually greet the worker and casually ask,

"*Pant-Pant-Pant-Pant* I'm sorry to disturb...but could...I...have a towel or something to dry myself with...or something warm...."

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Don't come in here, it says closed outside doesn't it?"

"Please, my friends.....*pant*.... played a prank on me and.....*pant*.... pushed me in, I don't even know....*pant*....how to swim.....I have severe persistent asthma.....oh....."

The poor soul collapsed and sat down on the floor still breathing very hard, the douchey worker got a towel and tied it around Robert and says, "I'll be right back with some coffee or something so wait..."

"Oh, that won't be necessary."


A foot slid right through the gaps of the knees of the man and twisted itself so it grabbed the leg firmly then came back making the man lose his footing and dropping him on the floor.....


The foot had delivered the kick below the belt that permanently haunted the man with pain thats remembered for life then to add to the tyranny a blow from the back handle of the axe cam efor the head bringing him unconscious.

"I'll probably apologize formally later." Robert declared in an unsure tone.


"Phew!.....Finally I got those clothes out, in exchange with these ones which might help disguise me who knows, just need to use this cap to hide my face....3 ships in front, 1 ship right here, I need to get to the liners and maybe break something that would make it unable to work for awhile, I would need to do it for both of them, then again, I also need to die to bring me back to real time..*sigh*.....let's not focus on that now and get to the ship as fast as I can."

Robert walks along the dock, going straight for the liner that is docked far left of the pier that's coming from the dock Robert was on, he invisibly makes it there, without garnering any attention as it seemed the clothes really did help camouflage in the environment of the harbor. Robert had arrived to the ship and while pondering on how to get on board, he sees someone talking and instantaneously crouches and hides behind the fencing around the pier, workers were coming out with some sort of cargo and going in again over and over, Rob overhears the conversation of the two who are slowly descending through the stairs,

"Long day, eh, Cap'n?"

"Can't seem to get some time off, busy life for a sailor I suppose...."

"Well it's your break now, relax to your hearts content."

"I sure will."

Robert looks over as the two disappear from his sight slowly, there he blends with the workers entering and exiting, acting like he's going in to transport the cargo out aswell and successfully blind sides them. He had entered the ship, now all he needed to do was locate something which will malfunction it in a way that takes time to repair and makes it unable to operate, however, since Robert didn't have any knowledge about structures of ships or how they work, all he could do was bewilderedly roam around until he could find something sensable or until his luck effactuated. After 10 minutes of wasted wandering, a voice shouted to Robert while in the ships' corridors, "Oye! Didn'tcha hear Cap'n's orders"

"Oh....well I was on duty with the cargo so couldn't quite catch it."

"Oh.....ok then.....well he said to shut down the control console, I know it's like one turn, but I really gotta go, so could you like do it for me, I promise I'll return the favour."

"Oh yea, sure."

The man throws him the key that Robert catches and pretends to know where he was going while the man excitingly runs off leaving Robert absolutely clueless, "He said, 'one turn' and the only turn I see is this cut....this might work out better than I thought." Robert enters another corridor and shakes his head to see both ends of the corridor and also grace upon what he was looking for, the 'Engine Control Console', he rushes towards it and opens the sliding door to a sea of complications, different panels, atleast a million buttons, many lights, many screens, many radars, everything that was new for Robert, who, amazed, started looking around with his axe taken out and eventually he came across something that anybody could discern what it was, 'A Red Button', alone on the desk, Robert knew what he had to do.


A shrill, high-pitched warbling noise had activated, the sound of raging footsteps got closer and Robert ran for his life, "RUN, RUN, RUN, I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, THE PASSANGER ROOMS HAVE WINDOWS, QUICK...."




"MNNMNMNNMNNNMNM""Phew! I just need to get to land now, or wait....I can go to the second ship from here maybe, and do the same thing, THERE, I see the propeller, wait....if I were to tie this rope onto propeller, maybe that's enough and I don't need to go to the engine control console, AMAZING, two birds in one stone."

Robert slowly but surely makes his way to the propeller, he was taking his time, constantly lunging up and down to refill his breath, it took him a good 9-10 minutes to reach there, where he got the rope off his waist and started tying to the propeller, "This is thick enough, right? Well I hope it is..." he thought to himself. "Almost done, running out o-"









In the blink of an eye, the view in Robert's eyes was shifting continuously and refusing to stop, in one moment, there's a moving propeller drilling into Robert's skin, but, at one moment, there's a high fall that results in flattening and blood splatter, again and again, again and again, Robert lived through the same scene again and again, there wasn't a second for the heart to beat and there was death instantly, Robe------



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