

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Heist Pt. 1

"The ship, the ship, the ship, the ship....more problems have arose, if I'm sure, I'll probably need to return to the future in my hospital bed at the same time and then take my friends to the ship which I will somehow stop this moment, I can't let time progress here until they arrive, if I would not travel back to the future, why is there need for me to even sabotage the ship when I can just warn and escape with everybody who fell victim in the hands of the intruders before, I really don't feel confident if I will be able to succeed in that path, and convincing that amount of people to just leave their own city is reckless and stupid, so this is my only choice, sabotage the ship, make it unable to work and deal such damage to it that would take plenty of time to repair, that would stall them enough for me to arrive their with the crew and escape. All I need to do now is commence the plan..."


Robert's Plan:-

[Pickpocket or steal money]

[Buy a cheap means of transport and hide it near the site with the fight with the intruders]

[Run to the harbor]

[Sabotage the ship]

[Return back to the future]

[Evacuate all the wounded at the fight site through the means of transport]

[Make it in time to the ships]

[Escape the city]


"Alright, need to purloin the coin first..."

Robert sights someone in a telephone booth far away, and apparently he was the only possible safe choice to rob for Robert as he was on his Jack Jones and alone for nobody to notice so logically, Robert made his way over to the feable tilted man who had gotten out of the booth in an agitated manner with his back turned against the all giving Robert the perfect oppurtunity to smootly make his wallet disappear from him, "Well, I've experienced this so many times in my past life it's not surprising for me to pick up on their tricks." While Robert was drowning in his so-called pride, the man was just too curbed in his frustration to take notice. Then Robert went on bumping into strangers and even getting into small rumbles there and there, stupendously presenting his acting and menacingly snatching what he could. In the end, what he had accumulated was an impressive bunch, "6000 Rowlands, ok either they were really rich or one of them was extremely rich or I might have robbed every single person in this city, well no matter what, this must be enough for me to do something useful."


"Huh?.....'Home Gardening'.....THAT'S IT!"

Robert gushes through the air right to the door, ringing the bells and entering the store, "A wheelbarrow, that might be it, it's easy enough for me to control and it can hold decent amount of people...Oye Boss! How much for this?"

"It ain't for sale kiddo, now hurry on if you don't have something to get..."

"Kiddo?" Robert thinks to himself and walks over and bashes his hand on the counter table revealing what the shopkeeper really wanted, "A 1000!"


".....I'll take that too"




"An axe and a wheelbarrow, truly a farmer's venture, now I need to return and hide this at the spot then go to the harbour....if I can that is"

Robert stealthly, tracked his way back to the hospital and found the old rusted wheelbarrow which he decided to exchange with the new bought wheelbarrow, now, Robert steels himself and dashes through the clear road in front of him, he had intended to not take any rest or stops while he was running but human anatomy refused to let him do so hence Robert ran his 3 yards but abrupted soon, to a nearby station of goods that were scattered in a craggy manner, on top of a asphalt pavement with a horizontal carved lines pattern; Robert assumed people wouldn't be illogical enough to leave these riches just lying here and were definitely kept for wait as someone must be arriving to pick them up but this didn't seem so provable as there was no person in sight neither left nor right, so it seemed the only choice for him was to run.


The sound of horse hooves were espied to Robert as he turned around and observed a sort of carriage coming straight for him. Robert starts flagging for it which the coachman responds to and stops right at the goods...."Well don't you look malicious with that axe in your hand, what you doin' with my delivery, is it 'Theft' that drives you?"

"No, no, no, I just want the way to the harbor, and was standing by for some help so I thought these goods might help me find someone which it did and I'm glad...so...if...if your'e willing enough it would be highly appreciated to me if you could tell....the way..." said Robert while stuttering iteratively in a nervous tone, to which the coachman guided him to "Woah, Woah, there's no need to sound so innocent, I don't know the exact way but what you can do is keep going straight till the next turn and then there will be an overpass where what you need to do is basically try to get on there which will make you get a look at the sea and from there you could probably see the harbor and the route to the harbor aswell, now hope that works for ya, I'll be off with these materials then...." The coachman gets off the carriage and starts picking up the goods from the pavementbut Robert interrupts him and asks, "Wait, could you give me a ride, if you can?"

"No can do, I need to deliver these quick....."

"Oh, I see....where did you come from by the way when you were arriving here?"

"Well I was originally at the leader's HQ taking orders, why do you ask?"

"Oh no particular reason, also I'm sorry..."


The man fell down immediately as the handle of the axe hit him straight in his head through Robert and there were no sign of him being consciousness all for Robert to take the carriage and go by himself, "I'll apologize formally later...."

Now when the carriage was obtained it became easy for Rob to make his way to the harbor, he followed the route the coachman told him and made it to the overpass, "Roads, oerpasses, energy, power, they have developed so far but they still use horses to transport themselves, either some areas look as old as the 13th century or some look as futuristic as its the 30th century, the world isn't progressing together and that is clear, there are many places that remain unseen by me, they said thailand was not affected at all so it might be even developed and advanced in the way running a country, although cities that were at the centre of the attack are still devastated and have created crators where civilization is most likely not possible, I heard this all from Louis and it seems pretty plausible; billions of people who were affected by the radiation couldn't even develop a ability like Radiants and were requisited to live with it for the rest of their lives while also passing it down in their bloodline as well, the excruciating pain, and permanent episodes, year after year, month after month, day after day, hour after hour, my pain can't even liken to the constant endurance they have experienced, it's undeniably lucid that this coming of age was hard on everybody, no wonder they are unorganized, no wonder they are recieving all the help they can, it's only natural for me who had started this thing in the first place, to settle it to.....here we are then..."

The harbor looked as exhuberant as ever with its boisterous and rambunctious crowd of poeple and workers, the atmosphere was inundated with sea spray, that heavy salty breeze gleamed through every person present on board, on the dock, on the piers. Robert hid himself behind a tall lighthouse, that had its luminescent broad eyes glued over all the harbor and the sea, by crouching behind it, then he looked over and saw his further complications that were about to occur, which was 3 ships anchored right at the end of the dock, two liners and one trawler, the liners were definitely sufficient enough to transport an whole city of people. Now Robert just had to cement the movements in his head and find a way to stealthly sneak across the whole harbor, avoiding every worker and the monstrous all seeing lighthouse to the heart of the ship then somehow sabotage it.

"Well, here goes everything!"

(To be Continued)