

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Where foliage covered the entire streets of See Green, a building made of glass in the shape of the Colosseum presided over all of See Green blessing the place with it's noble presence, it was the only physical evidence visible to enlighten people on how developed this city was, it was the infamous and renowned Headquarters that the charasmatic and sacrificial but dominant 'Leader' resided in, but who knew today was the day it would meet its end.

A man crawling and grunting was seen north of the HQ while the sound of hooves and whips was approaching the man opposite to him, eventually the carriage reached the crawler first and halted right beside him, since the crawling fellow's face was downwards and he didn't seem to say anything except just grunting continuosly, in lieu of trying to speak to him, the coachman got off the carriage and started patting the prostated stanger, which also didn't seem to work so in an attempt to make him stand, the coachman gripped his shoulders and flunged him up, exposing his red and dried face, with veins covering whole of his forehead, only his scelra visible in his eyes, a nose that had no snot but blood, same with the ears, but no damage whatsoever, and an open mouth with a dry roof and constant drool. This harrowing view made the coachman's blood run cold, his hair stand up and his flesh crawl. Despite the state the man was in, a faint voice could still be heard from him which the coachman noticed and brought himself closer so he could hear,

"rmc...R M C.....wait, Ah know it, ah know it.....ah know it.....c'mon Dennis, remember, recall, you've seen every corner and ends of this world, RMC....wait..."

The coachman looks at the man again and clocks something, "Hol'on a sec, That's a bloody hospital gown, this man's admitted, wait...RMC..'Rowland Medical Centre' maybe he wants me to take him to the hospital, I got a delivery but human live's mo' precious, C'MON LAD, got to get you there"

The coachman gets on his carriage and also puts the pained man right behind him then heads off to the hospital as fast as he could, he didn't hesitate and went right over any rocks, stones or pits he didn't give a hoot and wasn't thiking of any consequences, the small stones and rocks could have stuck the wheels of the carriage and disturbed his speed and flow, but it couldn't happen, his violent way of driving couldn't have been stopped by any mere pebble or hole. Gratefully, he arrived before the hospital but was forced to stop because of the sight in front of them, there were multiple people collapsed with blood splatter everywhere and many other poeple tending to the ones collapsed, the fear in his heart grew more so, "Have injured people on streets become common or something....." he says while shivering and unexpectedly, the man resting in the carriage grew his hand to the coachman's shoulder and pointed his finger to the group of people while whispering: "take....harbour...."


"Hey you!" A voice from the group of poeple shouts to the coachman who doesn't reply but gets off of the carriage, "Come here, listen, it's an emergency, it involves the whole towns' lives!".

The coachman stares and wonders, "The whole town....." He then raises his voice and questions them, "How can ah trust you?"

".....Are you being serious?" The man who spoke with a British accent approaches the coachman who gets scared and tries to get in the carriage but where he meets his fellow passanger lying in the coachman's seat and refusing to leave his place, in the time the coachman's trying to get the one in his seat away, the one who was approaching him reached him instead and started whispering in his ear right away, "If you don't do what I say, I'll drive this blade right through your throat, that is how you trust me."


The poor coachman finally got his seat free, now while he couldn't stand on his feet and sweat washed his whole body, he asked, ".....*sigh*.....Where to?"

"The harbour"



"Get in....."


The Englishman gets on with the first passanger who he looks at with muddled senses and asks, "Who's this?"

"Oh this.....someone ah picked up on the road in fron' of the Center HQ, he was the one who made me go to the hospital, y'know him?

"I might..." he says bewilderedly"

"I see"

Then they both reach the injured and one by one, both the coachman and Englishman put all the injured in the carriage and those who were tending them also got on, they numbered around sixteen. "It's gonna be hard on my Gypsy but she'll take it!"


"So what's you bunch's names?", asks the coachmen to the tired passangers cramped up in the back, some were lying upon one another some were forced to crouch in akward positions to fit and some were holding on to the back or sides of the carriage. the injured man who's arm was bledding answered politely, "I'm Theodore Woods, and this is my friend Colt Remington."

"Well it's nice meeting y'all, we'll get there soon don't fret!"

It was smooth sailing from now, the carriage pulled by one Gypsy had entered its flow and was always forward, but something mysterious had interrupted that fluidness, it was bound to happen, the ground started shaking suddenly, the horse was losing its balance and stopped, all the ones aboard the wagon began to hear a irking and itching ringing sound in their ear that cancelled any noise outside, except...


A wide and large scaled blob of fire appeared right behind them, in the direction of the headquarters, and with the force of it, many houses, buildings, structures, came along at the speed of light only in the form of rocks and rubbles, a moody and repugnant air filled the atmosphere, the whole of See Green, was devastated.

"That's just where I came from....Oh, dear God, dear Jesus! HELP US!" yelled the coachman in despair but Colt didn't approve so when he grabbed him violently by the collar and shouted into his brains, "IF YOU DON'T GET US TO THE HARBOR THIS INSTANT YOU MINGING KNOB, I'LL CUT THOSE TEN FINGERS OFF YOUR BLOODY BABY HANDS AND THEN YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PET THAT HORSE YOU LOVE SO DEAR YOU TWAT, YOU HEAR ME RIGHT."

The coachman squeals in fear and gets to his seat again and continues forward, all look either depressed or baffled, the explosion would certainly cause a impact and everyone knew it was due to come.

"Ahhh....ah....where...am I..."


And there it was, in all its glory, the harbor, awaiting for them who had just arrived, near corpses who had risked their lives and finally achieved what they were desiring, anyone and theselves would expect them to have the brightest glow on their faces at arriving but it didn't seem so, it was utter dismay of disgust which matched their expressions, an harbor which was covered with ore bodies than the water, the sea had gone red, screams that hit louder than the explosion, they were screams of anguish, constant despair, people trampling on eachother, not hesitating to twist someones neck, break someones leg or hand, they were running and crawling, the injured were being carried away from the chaos in the hands of the doctors, all trying to get to one objective, a ship, two were standing buy, one was a mile or two off the dock and seemed like it was waiting for something, and two trawlers coming in from afar.

"What is all this," said the bleeding and coughing Woods, "Look! It's Doctor....*cough cough*....it's Doctor Palmer!"


"Huh? Robert, Robert Oppenheimer, well I'll be damned good to see you here, Woods and the others too I'll be right there."

Colt sighs and shows a grin and whispers while chuckling, "I knew it was him."

The Doc reaches the group and asks them how they got here, what happened, and also brings up the explosion. The group were inclined to answer and the coachman started off by telling how he found Robert and then he got to the others who instructed him to get here, and the poeple besides Robert also explained how the city was invaded by intruders from Radiant and they got injured pretty badly, they showed Catarina's head shot wound and Damiens throat, any normal person would have died but because of their Radiancy they were barely surviving, and then Robert started his story.

"I used my power, it's a long story but I'll make it short, I changed the future by adjusting the past, the first time I woke up from the hospital I had found Woods, Catarina, Damien, Raja, Colt and all the others collapsed and Woods was the only one who could talk, their injuries were far worse at that time, Woods told me to go to the harbor and take anyone whos alive, but I could not let that happen and wanted to take everybody, so I devised a plan which would make me fulfill my objective, what happened was, instead of skipping to the future, I went in the past, as I had strategized, I commenced the plan, it was going smoothly but got into a horrible situation, that caused me to look like that as the coachman saw earlier and told you, I was stuck in a death loop, first getting shredded through a propeller, then falling from a height of 30 or so feet, how I survived was by grabbing a sign's ledge while I was falling, I was still suffering drawbacks and was slowly turning into how the coachman found me but managed to crawl to him until I became completely unconscious. And you know the rest.

"Wow...I'm sorry....well now it'll all be fixed, come on board, we're sailing the trawler instead of the ship, we need to escape this city as it has no hope no more."
