

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs


It's been two weeks since Robert got diagnosed and he's been working as hard as he could, trying to find a doner, trying to keep up with his new found job, trying to save as much as he can for his surgery.


With a loose mood, Robert slaps the alarm and bids his greetings to sunrise as he opens the curtains and prepares some fresh coffee from the machine he got as a gift from the hotel manager due to his disease, "Getting sick isn't too bad after all I guess", he thought to himself but soon calamity was about strike upon him.


Robert heads out of his room to work, even though he was ill, he still had to compensate for his free living conditions or else he would be sick and homeless, "Alright, first things first, need to clean the room floor.....*sigh* this is going to long." Robert goes to get his janitors' trolley from the storage room, as he is heading there, abruptly, a door opens in front of him and hits him in the nose so hard it makes him bleed, "Oh! So sorry for my son, he does this sometimes," "SOMETIMES! Woman, you're clearly over exaggerating." Robert says in his mind, he gets up and goes to get first aid from Kinsey for his nose, then makes his way to the storage room, "Finally, took you long enough," although he still couldn't have progressed his work as he got interrupted by one of the hotel employees who looks over to him and shouts, "Oye! Rob, I got informed by Woods saying he needs you downstairs." to which Robert shouts back, "But I have work to do, can it wait..." But it couldn't have been postponed as according to Woods it was 'Super Important', and Robert made his way downstairs to find himself infront of a voluminous family, there Woods was waiting for him, "Hey, you're here, good come here I have a job for you." Robert approached Woods with low expectations as he thought he was probably going to give him some measly tiring order like carrying their luggage to thier designated floors or park all their cars in the valet, but, to his surprise, all Woods said was some few words, "I need you to serve as a guide to Mr. Lawson here's youngest son: Rupert Lawson, and his older son and daughter, Grant Lawson and Azure Lawson would be going with you, just tour them around See Green, don't do anything too much, understood."

"Okay......." replied Robert with a anxious look on his face.


"Hey little guy, so you're Rupert eh! Bit simillar to my mine, I'm Robert," said Robert to the 5 year old child who had already seem to take a liking to Robert as he was garnering him his attention, "Hey, Hey, look, you buy Ice Cream, hungry, hungry!"

"What was I expecting," said Robert with the most dull expression he could make. A subtle laugh was overheard by Robert and when he looked back, the daughter of the family spoke, "Sorry, I know we must be disturbing you, but just this time, Rupert's new to this side of the world, we'll pay so don't worry." At that moment, Robert had already been murdered by her gaze as he spaced out and time froze itself and he speaks fourth delusionally, "What a illuminating look, even blinking would be a sin; her golden strands and azure eyes were so incapacitating and gratifying, I wished to be stuck in this moment for the re------"Sir, Sir, are you there, can you hear me"

"Oh! Sorry, uhm.......you said he was new to this side of the world, what did you mean by that.......or is it not okay for me to ask?"

"It's fine," said the son 'Grant', "We originally came from Thailand, it was the only place which was not affected by radiation at the time, and has been in quarantine for many years because it wimped out and didn't want to help the countries that were affected, but my father was a charitable man and he wanted to help as many people he could so he set off on a journey, when he heard of this place which had already advanced so far, he brought his family here too." And there Rupert blurts out, "Yes, I'm from Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit."

And there Robert causes himself to space out again.

"Ice cream, huh?" All four of them head to the ice cream parlour, it was a quite crowded but miraculously calm and tranquil street, no car horns, in fact cars weren't even made again yet, not the usual pickpocketing, no noise pollution, no ruckus, no odd banners, no advertisements and loud promoters standing for countless hours, it wasn't the usual environment Robert experienced in his time and that was reassuring to him, that change was possible. He walked forward, beneath a large sign of a paper company, as he slowly ascended the little slope, time had radically slowed for him, this slowed motion made him notice the same sign falling, over the kid, without realizing, sub-consciously he tackled Rupert and replaced him in his position, and......





With a loose mood, Robert slaps the alarm and bids his greetings to sunrise as he opens the curtains, "I knew it......it was a dream, too good to be true too.....Aaarghh, my head hurts." He prepares some coffee and heads out for work.

As he's approaching the storage room, he stops for a moment and looks at the same door that caused him an mild injury in his dream, "No, no, no, it can't be.......still."


"Oh silly, you'll break the door, sorry he does this sometimes."

"No, it's fine, but just be careful next time........Am I still dreaming." *Pinch* "Argh, nope definitely not a dream.....no, no, no, must be a coincedence, yes, a coincedence. There I will just open this door, take my trolley and get to cleaning."

"Oye! Rob, I got informed by Woods saying he needs you downstairs."

"Damnit," Robert puts up a fake smile and answers that he will be right there. "OK, this is common, too many coincedences at the same time are definitely common." He makes his way downstairs and is greeted with the same 'coincedence' he seems to be blabbering about, as in front of him stood the same family, the same daughter, the same sons. His own words slapped him in his face, and he somewhat got the jist of what was happening, "Maybe, the day is repeating itself, or maybe this is a dream, or maybe I had already died that time and this is my hell, Oh God, what do I do, what do I do."

"Sir, Sir, are you there, can you hear me"

Robert comes back to his senses in the same calm street with the three Lawsons, "Oh sorry......Ice Cream you say, of course let's buy some." Robert was cautious this time, he knew what to do, they were coming up on the same slope where the loose sign was and instantaneously Robert got Rupert and himself out of the way, as the sign falls and nobody is harmed. Everybody looks in amazement and delirium.


"I see..." Kinsey is seen sitting in the basement of the hotel with many of the residents gathered, with Sean also there, and Robert at the centre of it. Kinsey continues her statement, "It seems your radiancy is maturing Robert," everybody and Robert are startled by her claim, "You were injected weren't you, so was everybody here and they developed mysterious powers didn't that, same with you. From what I can discern, it's probably some sort of future sight, and it might not only be in dreams like you described, you said your head hurt right, maybe that's the sensor."

"So I got it too, eh?"

Sean steps forward and comforts Robert, "Hey, why the long face, now you're just like us, dangerous and defected."

Kinsey also assures Robert by saying, "This might come in handy in finding a doner, so don't fret, and besides we are all here for ya' innit."

"Future sight, huh?" He brings out a long sigh and accepts his fate, "Well, I guess I will start a astrology business if I can!"

Seeing Robert as his same old self, they all share a laugh together and were planning to return back to work but........"Aaaaaaarhgh, AaaaHahahrgh..."

"ROB. Are you ok?!"

"It's, my head......it's my head again."

"Where am I.......What is this place....."

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