

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs



"ROB, Are you okay!?"

"It's my head again......."

And there, 'flashes' blinded Robert in which he was sent to an unfamiliar place, it was a augmented facility, a vicious feel roamed in the air, Robert wondered, "Where am I?! What is this place?..." He began to search stealthly although the position he was in didn't make it easy for him to do so, on the very top, behind a ledge, he was standing, looking down at thousands of 'workers' and it was a matter of time a soul noticed him as the railing was rather short and he had to crouch continuously, he was sweating rivers; unbeknownst to his surroundings, where he was heading, he had completely shut his eyes until he heard someone approaching.

*pat* *pat*

Robert tried to find someplace to hide or envelop himself but in that spacious ground, there was so no sign of survival for him, "Damnit, Raja's permeation would have come in so handy!"

The man kept getting closer and closer, diminishing the distance between them, Robert could hear the clock that was ticking down to his doomsday in his heart and mind until.........

*chimes* *chimes* *chimes*

"Hey Boss, when's the thing ready, I'm itching to go here y'know..."

"Wha-" He had crossed right through him, like he wasn't even there in the first place, "What just.....happened....uh....." Robert ran down and made his way right to the centre of the facility, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "HELLO, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME........♫WALK RIGHT IN♫, ♫SIT RIGHT DOWN♫ ♫DADDY, LET YOUR MIND ROLL ON♫...what a throwback....." But nobody responded nor reacted, he realized what situation he was ensnared in, "I see...so this is my 'radiant' power, I'm not sure of the trigger but what I do know that I get a headache everytime it's about to happen or has happened, and I'm not able to make contact when I use this power to 'see the future'.......but wasn't I able to talk to poeple when the first time this happened.....(gasp).......too complicated, I'll think about this later, right now I need to figure out what's happening here."


He looked to his right, it was crowded, he looked to his left, it was crowded, he looked up, and there was a hypnotizing abyss of a roof, however, there was somethig that opened Robert's mind, "A falcon with a crown on it's head, so that's what it was, right here, right now, I'm in the base of operations, of the organization 'Radiant', The ones who gave me this sickening disease and put my life into an uncontrollable spiral......this is good, I can get info, if I get enough information and then relay it to Louis or Audellia, they will start to prepare an army and try to------"


Out came, howling, the beast from his cage, to feed on his prey, atleast the size of an standing brown bear, with staples and stitches for hair on his head, a presence so incapacitating; a girthy, naked bod with a structure unattainable by a normal human, Robert was so shook, he couldn't have even flinched or blinked out of fright, this state of hoplesness and acceptance was what Robert came to know as 'true fear'; the beast stood there while looking straight ahead but slightly turning his view downwards and downwards......"Can you se-----"




Robert was back in the basement but before he could take a breath, he immediately led out a huge wave of blood from his mouth and started coughing vigorously.

"SOMEBODY, Call the doctor, his symptoms are acting up, his life might be in danger!" shouted Kinsey at everyone collected at the basement, "On it," said a young girl standing far right, she placed her fingers on her forehead and went silent, "Doctor, Doctor, DOCTOR PALMER, am I reaching you,"

"Catarina, is that you?

"Doc hurry, Robert's vomitting blood again!"

"I'll be write there, wait for 3 minutes." The doctor rushed towards the hotel and reached in the time he had told, "Thank god this town is tiny.......I'm here, let me see him, Oh God, he's having cardiac arrest, quick give him CPR.......who knows CPR..."

"I....do..." said a young woman willing to help.

"Then what are you waiting for!" The abulance that the doctor arrived in brought a stretcher that Robert got on to, and they headed for the hospital to transfer Robert to the ICU as soon as possible while the young woman was performing CPR and barely keeping Robert alive.

After some care and treatment he survived the cardiac arrest and was admitted to the hospital until he could stand up by himself again.


*Beep**Beep* *Beep**Beep*

"Mmmm, oh this hurts so bad!" said Robert in a injured and faint voice. "Oh! You're awake, thank god, I thought we won't be able to see you again."

"Miss Lawson," *cough* *cough*

"Calm down, you got cardiac arrest a few days ago, and you were admitted here, so better wait until you're alright, and also, no need to adress me so formally, just call me Azzy."

"So beautiful, her luminescent gaze and gratifying presence. Ah! How much I yearned to be in front of her again......." Robert returns his focus to Azure in person but founds her to be gone, "What.....where....."

"Doctor! Doctor Palmer! He's awake!" and there was Miss Lawson ruining Robert's little moment, as the doctor approached and started his oral exam while Miss Lawson exited from his sight.

"SO, you're awake eh! Fast recovery I must say......" the doctor grabbed a chair and sat with his chest facing the backrest, "Yes, unfor....fortunately I am."

"Good because I have some tests to run with you so if you are kindly obliged...."

At that moment, it clicked in Robert's mind about the base of Radiant and the beastly man he witnessed in his precognition, and the first thing he asked the doctor was to let him talk to Audellia,

"Who?" questioned the doctor with a solemn look on his face, "Audellia......Audellia Borghild....the leader of See Green City, the one who's always in sergeant's clothing, "I'm sorry but I have no idea who or what you're talking about, you may need some more rest and eat more and more food, I think the blood loss is taking an effect on you."

And there the doctor left leaving Robert stumbled in his own mind.......


The same Audellia that Doctor Palmer had no recollection about was sitting on her desk, filing her usual paper work until she gets interrupted by a door knock, "Come in." she commands and the door creaks open.

"Heyyyy sis, long time no see, look, it's me, your dearest older brother, 'Zacchaeus', familyh reunion I guess?"


More and more people appear behind Zacchaeus, mysterious figures they were, of different characterstics just judging from their appereances, also, there followed many blood trails behind them, and then, beside Zach, came the only one possessing a weapon, a single shot revolver, he uncovered his sunglasses and started looking around suspisciously.

Meanwhile, Audellia was as frozen as the Arctic, this wasn't fear, it was 'trauma', old memories that Audellia didn't like to remember in the first place but now it had come back to haunt her in real time. "Brother........why........I" she kept shivering and trembling, her breathing became more and more intensive, the air became heavier for her, all that was in her focus and perimeter was his brother's face infront of him, that same brother she admired, and that same brother she despised.



"HEY, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" shouted Zach, to which the man with the gun replied, "What does it look like I did, I blew her brains out, no time for dilly-dallying Zacchaeus, we leave when we get what we came here for."


"Oh shut up, we already have plenty of hostages to spill the info by torturing or some other means, and didn't you say she was the leader, my power erases all the memories that any person has of a specific personality, that I kill with this gun, so this just proves beneficial; now there wasn't anything in this building too so let's head to another place, chop chop everyone we have work to do."

Zacchaeus looks at the corpse of his dead sister, with blood spilling everywhere from her head, dying her whole head red, "So long lil' sis. Wish we could've talked more."

"Hey Lucius, what are we finding anyway....."

"Seriously," commented Lucius, the man with the gun, "You forgot already....the energy to charge up Subject 0, or to activate him, he's awake but doesn't function, he needs a push to start and that's why we need the abundant energy reserves from this city's energy plants. Basically we will drain it dry......."

"Hmmm, sounds interesting, but meh, too boring, Imma go collect more hostages 'cuz it's fun, look there's a hospital, perfect right, well off I go."

"Oye, Zacchaeus! Come back here and follow orders, (sigh), what will I do of him."

The man with the gun also chases after Zacchaeus who ran into the hospital, and there awaited, a young maiden, right before the entrence.

If you like this, please tell me, I want to keep this going.

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