

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs


A doner, huh? Will I really find someone like that, I mean.....it's been a week since I came here and almost nobody knows me so who's going to give themselves up like that and help me instead of living their own life...I did ask for atonement, I said I will endure any punishment received for what I have done, but seeing me now, constantly in fear, am I really going to able to do that. Everyday, I wander in my mind, showing myself the potential possibilities of what could happen if I don't receive the transplant; I would definitely die, a very excruciating and agonizing death at that; I probably won't receive another chance like I did this once ever again, it's pretty much obvious I think, the man who wasn't able to live a decent life and survive in two different worlds couldn't have possibly done it in any alternate universe even if there was one.



Okay, time to go. Today I decided to educate myself on my beloved See Green City, hope I don't get too attached, because y'know, will be dying soon and all that so wouldn't want to feel like home. I asked one of the residents of the 'New Day' hotel to tour me around, his name is Sean, he seemed willing so I couldn't have let the oppurtunity pass, you don't find perfect matching circumstances all the time...

"This was a bad idea" was the one thought that kept circulating in my mind, all this man did was disappear and reappear out of nowhere just to startle me in my near death condition and then laugh histerically at my so called 'reaction'. "OK, Can you stop! Like it's enough, what are you even trying to play here, weren't you supposed to be tour guide?", I couldn't hold my temper and kept rambling about his behaviour, "Oh, C'mon, you know why I'm doing this," he said with a smug look on his face, "Show me, your'e a victim just like us aren't you, I overheard kinsey, they say you were captured at first by Radiant, so you must have been poisoned."


"Well that's what we call it atleast, you were injected with the syrum weren't you, that's what happened to all of us, which made us this way."

"I....do.....n't...", I couldn't have questioned or commented on any of his statements as I was completely oblivious to them so I kept hesitating and stuttering to prolong the discussion. "Seriously, you missed History classes or something?" I had to come clean, I wouldn't say this was a pinch, and certainly not something which would get me on thin ice, so I went ahead and relayed everything, well....from losing my memories to here.

"So you've been through some stuff too eh! I'm not the guy to take pity on others so don't get offended when I say this. When it has already occured, you can't go back, no use regretting too, but what you can do, is look ahead rather than looking back, you seem like an average joe to me, and trust me, every average joe I have ever met knew how to take care of his dang life himself!" I was surprised but nontheless 'educated'.


My name is Audellia Borghild, the one with strenght, I'm the reputed protector of this city, but for some reason these whole five years I have been able to do nothing. About a decade and a half ago, the world was as peaceful as ever, with my father William Borghild in charge, we were direct descendants of the prestigious Rowland family, their glory and grandeur outshined any presence in the world, thier feats were not of those which were easy to attain, it was the fruit of hard-work and countless years of struggle and strain. I remember, every single day, there was a council meeting, my father would wear his General's attire and sit down with those fatsos arguing, while he was set on his creed, they were just despicable creatures inundated with greed, and it was them.......who took him away from me.

[22nd August, 2315]

I was 7 years old and wasn't very keen on the world's current prospects, wasn't interested too, but I admired my father, and his work, even though I wasn't conscious of what he was working so hard for, it still fueled my ambition, I took a silly pledge of growing up and working beside my father to ease his burdens, but what I didn't know was, there were no burdens on him.

"C'mon Audrey, there's nothing bad in having some fun for once!" My older brother was the second person after my father to whom I would entrust my life too without wavering, he was truly an angel; pure to it's core, hence the name: 'Zacchaeus'. "It's just some peeping, we'll be fine, it's father anyway, he would be rejoiced rather than angry that we are indulging and taking interest to his work, c'mon, I'll lead the way!" I tried harder to persuade him to not go, but he won't budge; there was this frozen emotion I could see through his face, whenever he talked, that wrinkly expression was there. I couldn't have done more and we ended up under the lounge table overhearing father's phone call........"OH TO HELL WITH IT ELIJAH! WE ARE SO CLOSE....WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE CLOSING IN ON US, WE HAVE ALREADY DEPOSITED 300 MILLION, NOW WE JUST NEED TO DISPERSE IT.........30 years of doing this, I spent 30 years of my life, building up a nation, just to wither it away again all for this 300 Million today and you expect me to leave this and continue on like IT NEVER HAPPENED!........IT'S GOING TO BE HARD YOU SAY! WHY DON'T YOU USE THOSE DISPOSABLE RODENTS THAT HAVE BEEN FED BY US THEIR WHOLE LIFE LIVING IN 'MY COUNTRY' LEISURELY WHILE I SHED OCEANS OF SWEAT!" I had never seen father this angry; "Serves you right Old Fart," whispered Zach which causes me to turn to my right and catch my brother recording his own father, with that same look on his face. His droopy eyes and sinister smile was as mysterious as a rose leaf. I questioned him, "Hey, what are you doing, stop he will see." But I had no response, he was in his own world.



The door broke down and in came people, they took my father's arm violently and said: "William Borghild, You are hereby arrested and put on trial for laundering money, and printing money without the consent of the world bank. Put your hands where I can see them, you'll be slowly escorted out and if you cause a ruckus we'll have to use force then." They went on and approched the exit but I rushed towards them, with my immature mind I thought I could save him but what I saw later was even worse, a man came from the open door, and Zach.....he finally erased the illustration from his face and started trembling, "Am I spared?" "Yes....You did a great job Zacchaeus, as promised, we'll give you your best life, *giggle*." My own brother was clinging to a stranger who just showed his face like they were magnets, I couldn't do nothing, and froze then and there. However, it was my father, who rid me of my cowardness, "AUDELLIA!" he said, "Don't submit yourself to these Tyrants. Live! Carry on out legacy. I know what I did was wrong so don't belittle me as a lowlife criminal who was good for nothing. I did it for us, I was ready to stoop myself to this level just for you, so when you're able to stand up for yourself, you will make these ruined lands in the Garden of Eden, I believe in you!" And there he went, saying words like that and never appearing again.

I was guilty, if only I had stopped Zach, if only I had caught there act, if only I had actually spent time with my father and knew of his hardships. He was truly a shameful man, leaving everything behind for his 7 year old orphaned daughter and expecting her to make the pen mightier than the sword like it's child's play. "I believe in you!" were his last words to me, no matter how much resentment I felt, I was set on this last task my father had given me for my whole life until I can die with no regrets and satisfaction. I will protect my poeple and the world.


Once again, in that same enclosed facility, the ultimate weapon was due; while a man humming from above looked in impatience and says, "I wonder what Audrey's upto right now.......maybe I should go check up on her, a little reunion won't hurt anybody........or no........let's wait while we can, and savour the best bite for last." His subtle giggle turned into an demonic laugh as the sleeping lion in the tube, awakens.

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