

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

-6 Months


Everybody nodded, Jailbreak reviews and summarises the plan, "Ok, the approach is simple, Robby get's the info on a inmate who's release is due the next few days, and with the help of Guy and Baldo, we'll steal that inmate's face, and get Robby released in their place, easy to say, I know, but it's gonna' be a real pain when you do it."

I interrupt and ask, "We are not calling me Robby, and also, who and where is this baldo?"

Before Jailbreak could answer, Guy intervenes, "We'll call you Julie then!" and everyone on table starts laughing hysterically, this brought over the attention of one of the officers who slowly started approaching us.

"Hey, Officer Kinsley, I got them under control, you have better things to do, I hear the chief is announcing a promotion soon."

It almost seemed like that guard distracted him, but what do you know, it was Jailbreak in disguise again.

"Right, Guy there will be consequences for that, now, where was I, oh yeah, Robert the empty seat beside you, right there, that's Baldo, his ability is to disappear, and that is how, for nearly 20 years, Baldo knows every inch of this prison, wether it be prisoners, guards, cells, everything. You name it he knows it. Right now that the team is set up, I'll meet Robert at his cell, and we shall begin to execute this 'Jailbreak'"



It was time, everything was set in place, Jailbreak came in my cell the way he usually does, and explains me what I need to do, "Ok listen up, I heard from Baldo, there's a storage room, in this prison, in the general's office, you'll find bunch of lockers in that room, and in one of those lockers you'll find certain files, you need to find the ones that contain info on all the prisoners, and pick out the one inmate who's release from prison date is near. At shower time, Guy will share my ability with you that way you can shift to a guard and move freely towards the storage room, and there Baldo will relay to you the layout. I hope you got all that."

It was alot to take in but I assured Jailbreak that I'll bring out my prime effort.

An akward situation arose when the three of us, Guy, Jailbreak and me were standing in one corner of the showers, together with Baldo who nobody could see, nonetheless we proceeded with our plan, and as the naked inmates cluelessly looked on, Guy transferred Jailbreak's radiation onto me, making a whole new closet to store the malleability power in me, his veins bulged out on his forehead, and it definitely displayed how difficult and pain enduring this procedure is, and Guy had to keep this up for me, it made me respect the man.

Now that I beared Jailbreak's ability within me, it was finally time for me to go and look for our lucky prisoner, I hate to steal someone's happiness, after they had spend so much time repenting and were finally able to go out, I'll take that away from them, but I shouldn't throw this oppurtunity away, I will get out from here as fast as I can and do what I must, this world needs to be cured and I'll make that happen.

Again, from an untold source, Jailbreak brings a pen and paper he proclaims to have stolen from the chief's office, though it was suspicious I didn't question him and let Baldo go ahead with it, for us we knew it was Baldo writing with the pen, otherwise it just looked like the pen was magically floating in the air while writing on that white sheet of paper; after five minutes of waiting, Baldo presents a beautiful drawing of a map from this cell to where I needed to be, while also listing the threats I could face along the way, such as guards and this bizarre invention known as a 'security camera', it apparently captures everything from it's eyes and stores it to be seen by other people.

"Its August 2nd today, you know what to do!"

Jailbreak bid me good luck and returned, as I got ready to head out.

"Okay, this isn't much of a long way, should be fine if I behave cautiously." I transform my face into an officer the way jailbreak taught me to, and squeeze out through the bars, making my way down the stairs and in the open ground where more guards are situated. At first, I thought to go through air vents, but since Baldo didn't detail those in his map, I'll just take the route as it is. While following the map, it made me go in and outside of buildings, leading other officers to question me to where I was going, I obviously fed them lies such as I had this post at this place, or someone had stationed me at this place, it was enough to deceive them, and that way, after exiting my prison building, then entering the one beside it, and then exiting through the backdoors of that one, I then climbed a perron up to the same bulding, and there I found a trapdoor, which I meticulously opened and then made my way down through the ladder which was under that trapdoor and then finally I found myself where I needed to be, opening this door infront of me was the last instruction in the map. Could there be a guard on the other side, could the general himself be present, I didn't care, I creaked open that door and saw exactly what I had pictured, two pairs of lockers, side by side, with no gap, and a dozing general on his chair with his cap on his slanted head. Through very discreet and cautious movement, I made my way towards the lockers, I opened all of them and started checking the files that contained them, of course without making any unwanted noise forbye. I skimmed through a multitude of magazines, numerous different case files, or CSI reports, this new police system was quite different from the one in my day and age, arguably even better, people do improve it seems. In the last locker I checked, I found my ticket to win it, a record on all inmates in the past year it seemed, it contained their full name, where they lived, their crime and most importantly their parole date, the day I wanted was near August 2nd, 2332.

"There you are........Wait....."


"Solitary Confinement!?!?"

"Unfortunately, yes, our prisoner who's supposed to be released on August 6th, is currently in solitary confinement, which means, going and exchanging identities with him would be very difficult."

Everyone on table start to ponder on how we could execute this. Enzo Giuseppe, part of the Italian cartel, an old indivisual who has spent most of his life here, currently in solitary confinement, he must be very eager to be released. Even Baldo who has this facility memorized, inch by inch, was finding it difficult to map out the best route to this highly secure and reinforced area.

"Solitary Confinement you say? Hmmm.....Come, I know a guy."

And just like that Jailbreak sets off again, I guess he knew another man with an absurd ability to help out, he really is a mysterious fellow, knowing his ins and outs everywhere, appearing anywhere at any time, having these many contacts with so much people, guess I have alot to find out about him.


"So....you think you can take us there."

"You dare question me, there is no place I cannot travel to. Come, touch me."

Me and jailbreak put our hands on this man's shoulders who's power was still unknown to me, and before I knew it, there was a flash and we were transported to completely somewhere else, a dark and short capsule, made of rubble, and there he was, the man I saw in the mugshot contained in the files. 'Enzo Giuseppe', I hope you forgive me.


"Enzo Giuseppe! You have long passed your sentence, now you would be released as of parole!"

The gates of solitary confinement open and I step out with the face of a long term Mafia, there were guards everywhere, I kept walking slowly with heavy handcuffs bruising my wrists, as I get to the exit, they unleash those shackles off me, the gates open and there I knew it, 'I was free'.


"Thank goodness, it worked, I SUCCEEDED, Guy should switch our faces by now, gotta repay this favor to good ol' Enzo one day, couldn't have done it without him....Speaking of favors......"


"....there will be a day, when I'll come to you, and you'll repay this favor....."

"I still don't know what Jailbreak would ask me, just have to wait and see then..."

I knew what I had to do, I started off by making my way back to that city, I still needed to procure a certain world map from that place, and also teach those scammers a lesson.


"Mascot Kid?!"