

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs

World Tour

"What are you doing here, do you want to put me in prison again or something? Just leave me alone kid."

The young girl gives off a smuggy expression, folds her arms and starts saying, "Well isn't that some brash behaviour towards someone who saved you; I know what you want O'confined one, join this journey."

"Saved? Confined? Journey? What are you on about, are you trying to scam me again, is that it? It won't work child, now scram, please."

"Hmph.....'Jailbreak'.....hehe, he, AHAHGAHAHAHA. I bet yo-Huh? Wait...wha-....HEY, THERE'S SUPPOSED TO BE A MEGA SUPER DUPER SCHOCKED REACTION!!"

"Jailbreak, what about him?"

"Hmph, I sent him there, I can understand if you're thrown into peril, everybody does that....."

"I see.....knowing jailbreak it makes sense, as of how he has so many contacts all over various places."

"Your incompetence astonishes me, you should realize you are in my debt. If I wasn't here, you would still be in prison."

I crouch down to meet the height of the little girl and say to her,

"Actually, 'you' were in my debt, first lying to me that you knew where to find a map, then bringing me into your little façade and then getting me into jail, you presumably, 'got me out' and there we were equal. So no one owes anything to anyone, why don't you return home and leave me be in peace."

The little girl starts to throw a tantrum with inaudible words, I just walk along and head back to Heartpool.

"A MAP! Isn't that what you need, THIS TIME, I PROMISE, I SAY IT FROM THE DEPTHS HEART, I'LL TAKE YOU TO A WORLD TOUR....instead of getting that map, we'll create it!

A world tour, eh? It was not a bad idea the girl proposed, getting to visit this whole unknown world, I'll be able to uncover more on the radiation and how to cure it, observe people who are effected, and also find a suitable donor. I'll teach myself about the traditions and history of this time and age, so I don't constantly behave like a buffoon. Let's do it, even if the girl was just spewing to get some opportunity again for her benefit, I'll still continue with this plan of a world tour alone. Right now, I'll see what you have you to offer kid.

"So then, lead me O'great one, I await for one to begin this crusade."

"Hahaha, I see you finally comprehend one's brilliance, follow one, for they shall guide thy on this venture, hmph!"

She sure switched character real quick; we share a smile and then head to the city.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name, did I?"

"My name? You shall call one 'Delilah'!


Me and Delilah arrived back in Heartpool and took a brief break to reinforce in the same place we first met, on the stairs at the entrence of a large temple.

"So Delilah, have you thought of a plan, you expect to create a map of the world, 'without a map', and we will also be unable to departure on this tour without that map too. Seems like our first priority again has become the map, if you know where to find it, lead the way. Look....I just need you to cooperate....."

I didn't hear any response, which caused me to look up and just see her glaring at stalls across the street while drooling, "Hey! Do you hear me, we need to focus, the world tour, remember...."

Still no response, except, she lifted her finger and pointed towards a certain stall, from what I could observe, the stall sold some sort of eating item; I guess she was just hungry so I got up and decided to buy it for her, the problem was, I had not a single penny.

"Good Evening there pops! I was just wondering, how much you giving those cheese strings for?"

The old man's hearing was weak so I went a little close and asked him again, this time he reacted with a smile and then made a small box of cheese strings, he handed it to me and said, "No money, no money, this city, city of giving, no taking."

His words brought tears to my eyes, even though he couldn't hear well, I think my gratitude reached him far and clear, now, it was time to feed this glutton and make her focus.



"DELICIOUS!!! One commends your attempt, where were we, oh yes, the world tour, come with me."

You had to be joking, 'commending my attempt?', who does this child think she is, and she doesn't even cooperate well, you run off all the time like you are your own king, you freeze in one place not willing to respond for a treat like a pet, these transitions were driving me crazy, atleast she was progressing now, I'll just follow her and take hold of the situation when necessary. Looking closely, there sure are many simillarities between Delilah and Jailbreak, I wonder how they met...


"We're here!"

What I saw was a spacious empty platform, and in the blink of an eye, a collosal gush of wind blows over, with enough force to hurl me over, what came with it was even more surprising, something unknown to me and something incomprehensible, an aerodynamic body of metal carried by a whirlpool landed right in front of us, I was fascinated, it's surrealness surpassed the genius of even the atomic bomb.

"I don't think you have seen this majestic beast before, it's called an aircraft, I don't know the complicated stuff behind it but the basic premise of it is that, 'it can fly'. Come on aboard clueless child, I'll take you to your paradise."

All I had to do now was keep my trust in this machine, we both stepped towards it but a man wearing goggles and a helmet stops us and crouches down to speak to Delilah.

"Miss Heartpool, please don't be reckless, I don't want to be scolded by your father for the millionth time. Why are you here?"

Delilah pats him on his shoulder and responds, "Hmph, don't worry Jay, my father himself has permitted me, actually, I think he might want to promote you after you do this for me, it's kind of important....Well then, can you let us in."Their conversation did not make any sense to me, why was the pilot addressing to Delilah so formally, who is her father, how was she able to acquire this behemoth, and many more, however, I didn't need my queries to be solved, if this can fulfill my purpose, I won't question anything.

The pilot started approaching me and asks 'who I am', all I could do was stutter and hesitate but fortunately my trusty companion came to my rescue and shouts to the pilot, "Oh don't mind him, he's just a new guy father assigned to oversee this journey, he's intimadated pretty easily so go easy on him."

After giving me a stern look, the pilot gets on the aircraft after me, then we get ready for take-off. While the pilot 'Jay' was sitting in the front, we both were congested at the back and provided with a pair of goggles and a helmet that even covered our ears, which made it hard to communicate with eachother, now I couldn't really ask Delilah of what and where this paradise she's taking me to was, and that curiosity accompanied me on this trip as I try to picture how it was going to turn out.


<4 hours later>

We were very high up, enough to see clouds below us. Delilah was fast asleep on my shoulder and the pilot was constantly looking back at as through one of the mirrors, like a overly cautious father. It was honestly getting painful sitting in one place and doing nothing for such a time, but it was all going to be worth it, because this was going to be a 'paradise' after all, according to delilal, and hopefully I don't regret it. The pilot gave me a signal by waving his hand back and forth in a vertical direction, I didn't really know what it meant but soon I found out as a heavenly scenery appeared right out of the clouds in front of us, with its bluey hills and volant fauna, what was behind the hills was even more surprising. Seeing See Green City, I thought this whole world had rebuilt itself off the ground from nothing after the explosion, but that wasn't the case, some preferred to stay rural, and that was what I was seeing right now, a comfy large village, houses that provided a roof over your head which was all you needed, multiple bonfires, and a low population, enough to keep the place lively.

We landed on one of the vibrant blue tinted hills, it was bit of an unusual color, normally there would be green grassy hills with a clear blue sky, but here, with the bluey cliffs there was a hint of sepia in the atmosphere. I shook Delilah up and told her we're here, as little kids are, she took awhile to come back to her energetic phase, so I picked her up and gave her a ride like a pick pack towards the village, Jay told me he would be waiting right here by the aircraft as we finish up the trip. Now until Delilah awoke, I needed to make good first impressions.

"Okay Robert, You can do this, just be formal and look happy."