

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs


"Officer! Officer!! Atleast let me testify, I can explain, I have a genuine reason, why are you treating this like homicide."

The officer violently slams the cell gate to close it while repelling me backwards, and starts speaking, "That isn't how the world works anymore kid, when you commit a crime, you become a criminal, no matter the scale, no matter the reasons, now repent for it while you can, you can't buy your way out of it."

Hearing the officer, when I had actually not done something wrong, it certainly made me lose hope, perhaps this was for the good, for I have done something loathsome that will never perish from my memories, and if this measly sentence can make me repent just for a fraction of what I have commited, I'll gladly spend my days in this lockup.


Out of nowhere I hear a voice right next to me and when I look I just see a man sitting in the same cell, who I had no idea was even there, I didn't see him when I arrived here, I didn't see him when I ranted towards the officer; how he was there was bigger mystery than who he actually was, this prodigious facility had a guard situated in ever nook and cranny, while being dragged here there was not an oppurtunity where I didn't catch a guard. Of all places he was of course in a cell, there were hundreds of dark and malodorous rooms, and a set of keys for all of them. Making this unnecessary cluster of thoughts won't get me anywhere, what I really have to do is question this man for it.


"Don't fret, I'm just your average prison bloke, you're probably wasting your time thinking these useless things liek 'How I got here?' 'Who am I?' No need for that, I'll get straight to the point, they call me jailbreak, and I do exactly what I'm entitled for, I can help you break out of this hell hole. Join me, will you?"

I couldn't speak nor fathom, this crazy like person, somehow is able to sneak into my cell in this heavily guarded prison, then interrupts me and goes on about breaking out of this prison, after I so called 'accepted' this fate, and thought this out to be something good for me. It boiled my blood.

"Jailbreak? Who are you, even? What makes you think I would accept? After you presumably broke into here, you think you'll break me out of here. What do you want, explain, elaborate, before a guard comes strolling here and you make me go into more trouble than I can already offer!"

"Woah, Woah! Calm down tiger, you wanna know how I came here, it's simple, just observe"

This 'Jailbreak' had a peculiar appereance, curly brown hair that reached to his shoulders, a wrinkly face and a cheft chin, a body not so bulky and not so skinny, he had an unusual height, about six and a half feet I would say. I sat back on my rough stone slab that was in the cell, and did what I was told, which was observe, the man was standing before the bars, before proceeding he gave me a slight grin being all smug, after that what I saw was truly surprising.

The one who called himself jailbreak pushed through those bars with no effort whatsoever, like he didn't have any bones, 'like he was made out of rubber'.


After all this time, being enveloped in my own predicament, I had forgotten that this world had its own wonders, that abomination that I created long ago had spread something that is alive even today, 'radiation', it flows through peoples' veins and to some extent, it gives them a gift that they dont need, these powers that are a natural phenomena but cannot be explained, I had used it before and right now I was seeing it again.

"'Malleability' is the name of this ability, I can stretch into any shape or form I want, it can do much more than squeeze through tight spaces, you will found out if you embark on this journey with me. What do you say Robert?"

At this point, my choices were narrowed, I don't know when will I give up this mourning and regret, when will I look ahead, when will I forget that wretched past and embrace this new present, except sitting here, spending my days repenting for what cannot be reversed, I can go out there and contribute to something that will make this world a better place for everyone.

"Let's do it!"


"By the way how do you know my name?" Jailbreak replied, "I have my ways.....".

"Alright then, how do we do this, is there a plan, do we perform some sort of secret act with your ability, I mean it's an escape afterall, it's definitely going to be a rather gnarly process right?"

Jailbreak patted my shoulder and assured me, "Have patience, I'm gonna' tell you the plan, but first we have to set some ground rules, and properly explain to you what this facility has to offer, and also, we aren't just gonna' rely on my ability there are a few other folks that are in on this, just have patience and everything will be done in a gist".

It was going to be the time to eat soon for all prisoners, all the gates will open and we will gather at one hall, Jailbreak wanted me to meet with someone there, who was going to be crucial for this escape plan. The bells start ringing and I could finally make my way out of that pit, all inmates in their striped orange uniform made their way out of the cells, I also followed where they went and found myself in a massive hall, a large counter with food edible enough to fill your stomach being served, the inmates grabbed one tray and moved in a horizontal queue getting their food one by one, I joined in and to my surprise, the queue moved relatively fast, I got my grub and thought to grab a seat by itself, I definitely did not want to sit by another prison mate, all I could expect was disaster if I had done that. While I was searching a seat, I see an elevated hand which was waving, I didn't know you could make such relations in jail where they would purposely call you out to sit with you for lunch, they made it seem like it was school or something, I keep looking and looking but there just didn't seem to be a seat in sight, maybe I might have to sit on the floor and eat, in the meantime, that hand was still up and waving, it got me curious and I looked, the person waving was looking directly at me, his smile widened when I noticed him; I went ahead and sat against him, he started speaking.

"So wanna meet the guy who's basically gonna' be the backbone of this whole operation."

I was confused, at what this complete stranger was blabbering about, "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong guy here....

"Oh yeah, yeah, I forgot, hold on"

The flesh on his flesh starts rotating, his hair starts to shrink as it completely reaches to a point where he's bald, all his, eyes, nose and mouth are nowhere to be seen as his face is squeezed in itself, new curly hair starts to grow out, and the face starts becomes visible. "It's me, 'Jailbreak'"

'It can do much more than squeeze through tight spaces' is what he said, I was starting to think maybe this will be over in a gist.

"Anyways, I would like you to meet guy, he's going to be a big help."

A short man, well over his young days, with his back bent and hands behind approaches, he had a triangular face and his hair covered his ears, with two straight and greasy trendils of hair on his wide forehead. He sits down beside us and starts explaining his ability while Jailbreak shifts back to his disguise.

"My ability...is to share abilities.....that's all"

Jailbreak steps in and elaborates on short spoken Guy, "He can be a little blunt sometimes but trust me he's a master at his craft, what he will do is simple, making a temporary gateway of energy between you and me, then transfer radiation through that gateway, and until he says so, that radiation will remain with you then the gateway will close and it will all return to me unscathed, without drawbacks. In that time you contain the same radiation as me, you'll be able to use my ability, and manage to do this jailbreak. So, whenever you're ready."

Now all needed to be done was the execution, which I was most worried about....


I was in my jail cell, mentally preparing for the escape, out of the blue, a voice startles me and there came Jailbreak, stretching himself through the bars, he starts speaking.

"You know...I won't go through all this trouble to let a prisoner out of his sentence for nothing, I'm not some fairy godfather or spirit that comes to hopeless and desperate poeple to help them out, I have my reasons, and I want you to follow them, or else the time you spend here in this hell would be more than the time you spend in your daily life."

"Do you want money?"

"Oh no, no, no, what I want is, your promise, there will be a day, when I'll come to you, and you'll repay this favor that I have bestowed upon you and do exactly as I say."

And like that he just left, leaving me speechless, telling me that I owed him and that when the time arrives, I'll have to repay him this favor, I promised him that. I wonder what it could be that I could do for him...