
Was it destiny

I had got a text from Hailey

Hailey: were at forever21



She didn't text me back so I started to head towards forever 21.w hen I arrive I couldn't see them. They already know I'm pissed off.......then I spotted Diamond and I snuck behind her and scared her. She scream so loud that you could probably hear it from my house. She also hit her head on the metal part were you hang the clothes.......it was worth it. I was laughing so hard that I started to cry. "Ha ha very funny."Diamond said.

"It......is funny......and it was...worth it."I said trying to catch my breath.

We practically argue about the fact they left me and I scared Diamond. They said that they didn't know that I wasn't coming in till the turned around and saw that I ran into a cute guy so they just left me. We went to my house in my room to watch a romantic movie. After the movie was over they went home and I change into my pajamas. I laid down in my bed and went to sleep but not to long when I went to sleep it felt like someone was watching me.

I got up and no one was there so now I had trouble sleeping. When I checked the time it was 3:30 in the morning and I had school in the today so I finally went to sleep after when I get something to drink.

When I woke up I was late for school so I rush and got in the shower. I got out and toss on some clothes and I get in my car and drive to my school. When I arrive at school the bell just rang and I see Hailey and Diamond waiting for me. "What are you wearing?!?"Diamond said. I looked down at what I was wearing. I had a tank-top on with sweats. "Looks like someone needs a make-over."Hailey said . I nod my head as I looked up an down at my self.

Diamond and me went to he bathroom while Hailey go to her car and get clothes from her car. When she arrived in the bathroom she gives me a red mini skirt with a half mini shirt and red vans. We all have the same home room so to rushed over and we came in just on time. Not to long into our session I hear the door open and look up to see Ethan who I bumped into with his friend from yesterday. I tried to look down before he saw me but it was to late( he probably seen me because I look like a fucking target, thanks a lot Hailey.)

We were looking into each other eyes for at least a minute then Mr. Wright (the teacher) cleared his throat and said " You guys are late,please introduce yourself." "I'm Ethan Young. This is my sister and brother;Abby and Jared."Ethan said.the rest of there name was Michael, Christopher, Harry,and,Barry(Harry and Barry are twins). Those were he guys and the girls are Bella, Madison, Lilly, and Lena. After that Mr. Wright said that they could sit we're ever they wanted to sit.

Hailey and Diamond were sitting in front of me and then Ethan sat on one side of me while his brother and sister sat on the other side(so basically everybody was in a row which was weird if you think about it.)*whisper* " Is it okay if we could share the text book."Ethan ask. I nod my head and open my text book to the page we were on. I could feel him breathing on my neck which made my heart beat more. Then when we were looking at the board the book fell . I had went down to get it but I didn't know that Ethan tried to get the book in till I felt his hand on mine. That when spark went trough my body when I touch him but how come I didn't feel it yesterday. I move my hand away and looked at him little bit confused. Then he picked up the book and we didn't say anything I didn't know what to say.

The class was over me and my best friends split up. we only have each other in physics and at lunch but for Ethan I have him in 5 of my classes and for the rest of the other 1 besides his brother and sister 3. I really didn't get to know his brother or sister or even Ethan for that matter. It was now lunch time and I went to sit by my best friends and than Abby came over and ask " hi could I sit over here." "Yeah we don't mind Abby ."I said."hey since I'm new and everything I was wondering if you guys would like to come over my house and have a sleep over so we could get to know each other." "Yes we would love to."Diamond said." Okay great it will be this Friday."(we shared our number with Abby so we could stay in touch) After lunch we had went to our last period of the day .

I had this class only with Ethan and I didn't know what to say to him after what happened earlier today. He sit in front of me and I could smell forest of him. I couldn't help it, I started to daydream and that's when Ms. Gilbert ask me "what page is one of Shakespeare quote." "Huh....page-" Ethan pass me a note when the teacher wasn't looking and it said 'page 120' "were waiting Ms. Turner." Ms. Gilbert said."sorry I was thinking....page 120." I said. "Correct. Now everyone turn to 120."Ms. Gilbert said. Save by Ethan so, I wrote on the paper thanks I owe you one and give it to him.


Ethan note: how about you go out with me this Friday.

My note: I would love to but I can't

Ethan note: why?

My note: because I am going over a sleepover I won't tell where though.

Ethan note : You owe me

My note: but I owe you to go out with u not answer

Ethan note: fine then I will guess

My note: fine by me but u don't know anybody so it will take a while

Ethan note: let's see my sister

My note: how did u know

Ethan note: I owe u nothing remember

My note: cliche

Ethan note: I'm sure my sister don't mind me taking u for one day.

My note: only if she say yes

Ethan note: deal

My note: deal
