
waiting for the weekend

Yesterday I had been ask on a date with Ethan and I forgot to tell Hailey and Diamond. But that if it's okay if Abby says its okay and Ethan didn't tell me at school and I don't have his number (how stupid am I to forever to get a hot guy number god thing I know his sister)*I feel dumb know that I know I could of text her the whole time but I think I would be weird to ask so I would forget it*


Me: Hey Abby what ya doing

Abby: what do u want

Me: me want something nooo

Abby: spill it LIZ

Me: okay okay u got me I was wondering if u could give me ur brother number

Abby: yeah sure

Me: what ur not going to ask me why or nothing?!?

Abby: no I don't need to I could ask my brother and plus he already told me about u two so I'm fine he also beg me to so why not

Me: okay wat ever NUMBER!!

Abby: and I thought u could never ask any nicer

Me: ha ha very funny now number please

Abby: 702-254-7890

Me: okay bye

Abby: I thought we would have a nice conversation but no ur to busy

Me: oh well go find another conversation to be in gotta go

Abby: harsh


Group chat*bestie*

Me: hey

Diamond: sup girl

Hailey: Wat's up bitch

Me:when did u start saying bitch and did Abby tell u wat happen with me and Ethan

Hailey:when u didn't say nothing about u and Ethan....

Diamond:yeah why u didn't tell us we just found out not to long ago

Me: sorry I was busy and I thought that Abby would tell u guys since it's her brother and we're friends and all

Diamond:oh well u better tell us what happen on ur date and don't forget any details

Me: I will and I won't forget one single detail

Hailey:u better

Me:okay I gotta go so I can text Ethan

Hailey: leaving us so u can text him u been texting him before us since u guys are dating

Me: actually I just got his number not to long ago

Diamond:wow and I thought u would ask for his number right away like wat u do with the other guys

Me: I know I just been busy with school work and I forgot

Hailey: alright bye

Diamond:see ya




Ethan: who is this

Me: I'm a girl in ur class

Ethan: look who ever this is I'm not interested in any of u guys I already got my eyes set on some one

Me: is it okay if I ask who it is

Ethan: why would I tell a random girl

Me: what if I said I know this girl

Ethan: that would be impossible u don't even know who I would ask out

Me: is it Lizabeth,Eth( that the nickname I gave him)

Ethan: Liz is this you

Me: nice to to know that u have ur eyes on me

Ethan: I always had my eyes on u since the first day I met u

Me: that's nice to know that u care about me

Ethan:I was wondering how did u get my number

Me:let's say a little birdie told me

Ethan: i wonder who...let me guess my sister

Me: how would I know that maybe it was someone else

Ethan: brb


As soon as he said that I call Abby after at least two rings before she answered

"Hey wats up."she said

"Ethan should be coming in there sometime soon I just wanted-"

Before I could finish my sentence she told me to hold on.

then I heard her door open and he complained about her giving her number to me and how he said that he thought I was some other girl.

then she started to laugh and he commented on her laugh but she told him that she wasn't laughing about the fact that he thought that i was some other girl but that I was on the other line of the phone listening to him whining about the text.

He sounded like he was embarrassed about it but tbh I thought it was cute.then I heard him trying to take the phone away from her but she just told him to call her on his phone.

Then Abby picked up the phone and told me by so her brother could call me after I hung up I had waited 2mins so I decided to get something to eat while I'm waiting. I hear the door open so I go to the door no other than my dad I was so happy since I haven't seen him in 2 years from military.my mom is a designer and a chef so I was always home by my self.u see I'm only 17 and last time I seen him when I was 15. My dad can be over protective sometimes and my mom wouldn't care because I know she will always be there when I need her.

I jump up on his back when he turned around to shut the door.

"Hey baby girl."my dad said as he tries key word *try* to throw me up in the air in till he decided that I was to big to be toss up in the air.i just laugh

We went back in the kitchen to make my dad something to eat

We sit there and talked for 30 min then I get a phone call and my dad looks at me with his high brow (that's wat i called it when i was a little girl and he started using it for when was with a boy or I get a call from one or if I was in trouble;i haven't seen that brow in 2years and I already hate it)

I ask who it was it was Ethan.

Before I replied I had went up stairs and I knew at that moment my dad was following me so I rushed to my room and locked the door.

When I locked the door and said hi to Ethan he sounded worried from hearing the banging from the door.

"It's ok Ethan is just my dad"i said.

"Oh so you have a dad."Ethan said.

"I guess I haven't said much about my parents,so my mom is a designer and a chef so I barely see her then my dad is in the military and its been at least two years since I seen him."I said.

"How interesting how come u never mentioned this to me before."Ethan said.My dad was yelling non stop till he decided to stop in till I am done on the phone.

"Well u never mentioned me about ur parents so I thought it wouldn't matter."I said.

"My mom has a company u might know it it's called RGT then my dad is also a director and manger of singing production."Ethan said."how interesting and when were u going to mention this."I said trying to copy him and mimic him at the same time."well I don't like mentioning my parents since like there son and all so I try to keep it low key about me and my parents."Ethan said.

"If that was me I would have told everybody just to brag about to the queen b (stands for queen bitch)at our school."I said and Ethan just laugh

I talked to him for an hour know it was 8:45 and I was hungry and I see dad making dinner for me (my mom usually come home around 10 so we would leave a plate for her in the microwave) my dad kept on bugging me about who was on the phone but I just ignore him and just ate my food and wash my plate and went up stairs and went to sleep.