
New guy

I went to the mall with my two best friends.we spent at least 2 hours shopping.(my best friends are Hailey and Diamond)."can we go get something to eat now since,we been shopping for the past two hours."I ask." Yeah I'm starving." Diamond said. Hailey just nods. Then my stomach rumble loud and I put my hands over my stomach. Both of them starts laughing at me." What I am hungry I barely ate this morning because you guys were rushing me." I said. "Well next time be ready." Hailey said and with that we went to the food court. After grabbing our food we went to sit down. We mostly talk about school and drama.


We were about to leave the food court when I realized I had left my phone so then I went back to get it.I see the girls about to leave me so I rushed over,but before I could get to them I ran into a guy with a few friends and I dropped my stuff.'great what a cluts I am'*I thought* "Sorry I wasn't lo-"I stopped when I looked into his eyes.He smirks as at me and makes me blush." It's fine"he said. One of his friends said that they will meet him at Starbucks. He nods and my friends leave with the guy I bumped into like who does that!?! After picking up the bags he said " Hi I'm Ethan ." "I'm Lizabeth but you could call me Liz and I sorry about that I wasn't paying attention ."I said." It's fine but are you okay."He ask. "Yeah I'm okay and thanks for the help."I said. "No problem." He said. "

Well it's nice meeting you Ethan." I said while I shake his hand and looking at each other but we were still holding hand for at least a minute. "I should be going before my friends leave me." I said as I move my hand away from his. I started walking when I hear Ethan say "Hope to see you again." "Me to."I said.