
sleepover: part 1

The week went by pretty fast and it was now Friday. I couldn't wait till school was over because I would go on a date with Ethan i was so HAPPY I just couldn't explain why. It was like a part of me really wanted to be with Ethan for the rest of my life but it was hard to explain in just words I couldn't help but feel like we were meant to be....then there's my dad who came home safe and sound but the fact that he keeps on bothering about my love life.


I was now in my 3 period class (my school has 8 classes all together if u dint count EB,we have an A day and a B day so we split up the classes.)I have science right now and im not really paying attention to my friends nor Ethan that I have in this class all I know is after this I have my last period which is student aide which goes by REALLY FAST so I wasn't worried to much in till Mr.Schultz(he's a country man and so he likes to touch people which didn't bother me)came around to see what we were doing so I just start looking at the board to see what it says.After I read the question I start to write,and when he came around to see that I had already have 3 paragraph already (he has his hands on me to let me know that he's there) I was stuck in my thoughts when i heard a growl and a hiss from both sides of me and when I look I see Ethan and this new transfer student that I just now noticing.i think his name was Cole but there were like tension in between me the boys and the teacher.The teacher then left and went to a different student not what really caring. I tried to ignore it and push it in the back of my head but i just couldn't.

When the bell rings I rush to put my books in my locker and head to the office to sign in.Ms.taylor gave me a paper that said he's needed in the office and when I read the name it said Cole.i didn't really thinking of it that much of anything.when I checked to see what class room it was and it was the same class as Ethan. I got this strange feeling that it was going to be the same as last time in science.

I just pushed down the feeling and when I opened the door I gave the slip to the teacher. I look around to see that Ethan was starring at the guy in front of him and then when the teacher called Cole his eye went up and notice that he was coming with me.i heard a hiss from Cole and a growl from Ethan.i just couldn't understand stand what was going on between them.cole stared towards me and then Ethan stood up staring at cole then the teacher ask him to sit he had hesitated before sitting down.We left the class and started towards the office(it takes at least 5 mins to get there).

"Hi my name Collen but u could call me Cole."cole said with his hand out.oh so his real name is Collen."My name is Lizabeth but u could call me Liz."I said and shook his hand and I felt more than Sparks that could explain.How It felt it was strange because i that when I first met Ethan. I just stare at him confuse and than I realized that I was supposed to take him to the office so I let go of his hand to the office trying to avoid any contact with him.'time went by pretty fast I had a strange feeling about the new transfer student. I felt the same Sparks as I did on Ethan but I could tell the difference between those sparks.

Cole sparks were the same but his was like really cold and then Ethan was really warm but about Cole it felt like he was dead or wasn't even alive.'i though.then the bell rang and brought me out if my thoughts to the fact it's time for the sleepover. I went to my locker and get my stuff for the sleepover and I close the locker to see cole right there."sorry did I scared."cole said with a smirk on his face."really 'did I scare you' what do u think."I said mocking him."Feisty I like it."he said with a bigger smirk on his face.i could slap him right now."I don't got time for this."I said as I turn around I see Ethan right behind me.thank god that he was there and he looked really pissed off. I rap my arm around him and he relax a little then I grab his hand and turn to leave."Adiós mi pequeña princesa."I heard him say before we left and I felt Ethan tighten his hands on mine.

I got in my car and follow Abby and Diamond and Hailey were behind me. it's been a least 35 mins and then we come up to a heel and I see is a beautiful waterfall with a lake at the bottom. We come upon a huge house that looks like a 3 story when I realized that this was there house I came to a stop.when I get out I was still in shock im in auto mood right now i didn't even notice when I got out if the car with my bag.then I feel arms around my waist which sent sparks all over my body which made me go back in control."u don't want a fly to get in there do ya."Ethan said behind my ear which sent shivers down my spine.I just smile and close my mouth...