
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Holiday beginning

Everyone's rushing around thinking about their families and time off.

When I make it back to the room I see a box on the bed it's my phone. It's been so long since I used social media. I can't wait to upload all the pictures I've drawn on Instepic. I have like 500 fallowed, I wonder if they will like my new drawings? Most my past drawings were realism. Most the world don't know what takes place here. I'll categorize these as Fantasies Of The Night. As soon as my phone is charged I but Devin's number in.

*Hey, Devin. This is Marie.*

*Hello, your not already in trouble are you*

*lol no, just wanted you to have my number too. Oh and BTW do you mind if I put pictures of you on my Instepic account? I'm creating a Fantasies category for pictures I've drawn here. *

*That's cool, what's your account I'll check it out*


*alright, I'm packing now I'll TTYL*

*k TTYL*

I finished packing up my bag I'm only taking a backpack with me. I have a couple of outfits that all match my boots, and some long PJs (don't want to give Aaron the wrong ideal). Then I packed my art stuff. I'm sure I'll have plenty to draw.

Tara didn't come while I was packing, she might already be gone. I place my phone number on her bed.

I put up my school stuff so I'll be ready when I come back. I wear some Goth pants, and a band shirt. I wear a hoodie and head out to find Aaron.

I haven't been wearing the hoodie I got from Alex.

I make my way to the boys dorm.

"Marie!" Alex calls over the group of people.

"Alex." I walk up to him.

"I see you are leaving for holiday too. Can I talk to you for a minute before you go."

'It would be rude to say no, but I'm nurves to go in his room. I haven't been alone with him since we spent the night together. But I can control myself better now.'

"sure but I'm in a rush will have to be quick." I smile softly.

He holds his door open and I walk in.

"Um, I wanted to say sorry." Alex said.

"What for?"

"For going to far, last time you were here. I thought we were on the same page. But then you have been avoiding me ever since so, I'm sorry you weren't ready."

"No, it's okay." sigh "I'm sorry I didn't control myself. I didn't understand my own body. Or how to respond. You are right I wasn't ready. I should have left after telling you both no. But thank you, you thought me a lot about myself. Now that I finally know what I am, I've gained a lot of control. "

"I'm glad to hear that. I'd be happy to repeat the night again, anytime, since you don't seem to regret it as much as I thought you did." he smiles that cute, sexy, mischievous smile. His tooth scratching his lip.

I take a deep breath. Closing my eyes. It's sweet but I can resist it. I concentrate on my eyes, I need him to see I'm in control and I'm not weak like I was.

I stair at him with blood red eyes.

"I'm not in the mood. I'll be leaving now. Enjoy your holiday." I smile relaxing my eyes and face.

"sorry..." he stopped smiling mischievously. "yeah you too." he said as I walked out his door. I head straight to Aaron and Devin's room. I'm proud of myself for resisting the temptation. It was really hard, but I did it. When I get to the door I walk in because the door is open.

"Hello Aaron, I'm ready for holiday." I smile seeing Devin still packing.

"I'm almost done packing" Aaron said.

I sat on his bed while he finished up. I texted



*hey, you look really happy what happened?*

*nothing, nothing at all. Alex had me alone and exposed his blood, but I controlled myself! I told him to stop and I walked away. I'm proud of myself. :)*

*Good, little Vampire, I'm proud of you too*

* thanks, I've been trying to learn control on my own I was so worried it wouldn't work.*

*so why are we texting? I'm looking right at you after all. Talking would be faster.*

*I don't want Aaron to know that Alex bit his lip to try and get me to kiss him / take his blood, again. *

*I get it,... that was low of Alex*

*he has just apologized for doing that last time too.*

*using blood to seduce a vampire is messed up. I'm glad you didn't fall for it again.*

* I still feel bad about the first time. *

"Who are you both texting so diligently?"Aaron asked probably annoyed by the silence.

"A friend," I said.

"non of your business, roomie." Devin responded. *I'm going to mess with him*

"Oh does the pure Devin finally have a girlfriends?"

*looks like he is messing with you*

"I said it's non of your business, lover boy."

*just wait I'm getting to him*

" humm maybe a boy friend??"

" I'm not in to men."

"so it is a girl?"

*now watch this lol*


"yes, if you must know. I'm messaging a girl."

"Is she cute? I bet she's tall like you right?"

*he's so interested in you texting*

"she is beautiful, in a dark mysterious way. She is tinny like a dark porcelain doll, with emerald eyes. She is fun and creative. Despite her small fragile appearance she's very smart and strong. Her power is hard to grasp."


"Awww my sweet little Devin's got a girlfriend!"

"No I've never even told her that I liked her at all besides, she's in the room of another man right now. She barely notices my existence."

*are you messing with him or me?*

Aaron laughed out loud. " That's the Devin I'm use to. Strong and silent. Your never going to speak up are you? Your such a loner."

"Oh, stop Aaron" I chimed in, I don't know what motivated him to say that? I don't know if he is texting another girl too but I'm not going to let Aaron insult him. "Devin, I'm sure that girl has noticed you, your hard to over look. Although if you don't tell her she will never know. She might be more in to you then the man she is keeping company right now." I don't know what I'm doing.

*are you messing with him too?*

*no, I don't want to hear him tease you.*

"Maire, what would a girl find interesting about, an albino, hermit, who can't access his power?"

"Well, Aaron, Devin is kind and gentle, as for is appearance, his skin is like a fresh snow, his soft blue eyes make him easy to talk to. As for being a hermit, I believe it's more of a strong and silent thing. Lastly Mr. Aaron I didn't even know what my powers were till I got her. Even if he doesn't know that's no reason to mock him. I think you are just jealous of him."

*your to kind*

"why would I be jealous of him?" Aaron asked.

"because he has a chance with the girl he likes, I've made it clear I just wanted to be friends."

"ouch" Devin smiled. As he got up and walked out, he looked back for a second smiling.

*everything I said about you, is true*

"Where are you off to Devin?" Aaron asked before he closed the door.

"I guess it's time for me to confess my feelings, see if I get shot down like you." he didn't turn around again. He just shut the door and left.

*Thank you for thinking of me.* Devin sent.

*so, are you going to tell your girl how you feel?*

*what do you think she will think about the description i gave of her.*

*Its hard to say, i don't know who the lucky girl is? but I wish someonewould describe me like that. So are you going to talk to her? *

*Not right now. TTYL have fun with your friend.*


I wonder who he likes? I'm sure he had to be texting someone else too. Maybe he made it all up just to mess with Aaron. I shouldn't think to much on it.