
Moonbeam Academy

A young woman at 17 is starting a new life, in a far away country. Excited to finally leave home and have a chance to make friends. Soon after arriving she finds out that everything she knew was wrong. She learns of a whole new world that she is in. She quickly finds her way in to a love triangle. Unfairly taking advantage of her new found powers to get in the heads of the unexpected boys. Learning about the true nature, and feelings of the young men. She learns her new world isn't as safe as she hoped. Will she make it out with her lift?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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40 Chs


I have to meet Devin, because minus avoiding being alone with the two, I'm at a loss. I don't think they will ever be able to pick one of them. Maybe if I have a talk with him I'll stop dreaming about him. I don't know why it started.

Why is it so hard to differentiates between who to be friends with and who to date.

I wait in the lounge after school I find a comfy spot to set and draw. In the corner on some cushions. On the floor in the corner.

Devin walks up, I look up from the floor. He is so tall I feel so small next to him. I'm small naturally but he is really tall. His hair is so light it almost looks like it's glowing with the light behind him. I stare at him for a moment I want to remember this look so I can draw it later.

"Hi, I'm happy you asked to talk to me. I was really embarrassed after opening up to you the way I did. Especially after you laughed and walked away." I tell him still setting down.

He sat down next to me. He is still big compared to me.

"Well I thought you were crazy."

"Yeah I wonder about that sometimes myself. I mean what have I gotten myself into? I was just trying to make friends."

"Your way past that."

"I know."

"So which one do you want to be with more?"

"Isn't that the question of the year? I just want them to be my friend. I mean they are both attractive and what not but I can't really say either of them. I mean most of the people here are attractive in one way or another."

"So where do I set in your world?"

"That's a good question, you are my friend, and I obviously trust you. I just opened up telling you everything. "

"About that why did you ask about my power?"

"Well in my dream you were a shifter that had amazing wings. You flew in and saved the day."

"That's interesting. What was I saving you from in this dream?"

"Aaron and Alex, they wouldn't stop fighting. They were going to kill each other over me.

I'm afraid one day that might really happen."

"You could just pick the one you are closest to, you know like genetically speaking."

"Even then it's equal my mom explained to me I'm 25% witch, 25% Vampire, 25% werewolf, and 25% shifter."

"I've never heard of someone being all of that."

" Yeah me either. So what should I do. I agreed to go with Aaron over the holidays because my family won't be home but I made it clear just as friends. I'm still nervous that he might get the wrong impression. I know it's my fault. I never should have kissed them."

"Wait so you kissed both of them? You know kissing is not a big deal right?"

"Yeah well, talk about awkward, I tell both of them I want to get to know them as friends, turned into both of them throwing themselves on me, at the same time. Although that's the only time they worked together on anything. I couldn't do it, I made them promise never to do that again."



"Would you be happy never being romantic with either of them again?"

"Yeah, I really wanted them as friends, but the romantic stuff makes it hard to just hang out. I know Alex really needs a friend and Aaron wants to keep me from him. This all started because of that. I think Alex only wants to be with me to make Aaron mad. Aaron only wants me to keep me from Alex. After I saw Aaron's and Alex's memories I knew I couldn't be with either of them."

"I see."

"so yes I would be totally fine never being romantic with either of them again. I'm still nurves thought. Even though I am getting better at controlling the reaction to their powers. Everything is easier without, my magic blocking necklace."

"That makes sense. If you want you can have my number. We get our phones during breaks. If you need me for anything just let me know. I don't live far from the Wolf Den."

"Thanks that makes me feel better."

"No problem. You can also message me if you get bored or whatever."

"okay" I'm smiling.

It is really easy to talk to Devin.

"so why didn't you tell me that you knew Aaron? You didn't say that you didn't know him but just avoided answering. I never would have guessed that you were roommates."

"I could tell you had no clue what they were. Had I told you, you would have had more questions, questions you we're not ready to hear the answer to."

"Yeah, I would have thought you were crazy."


"How could you tell? Everyone else had no idea that I didn't know."

"Reading people is a gift. That's how I knew you wasn't lying to me. When I found you in Aaron's bed. I was worried at first that I had miss judged you. It's hard to defend what I saw."

" I use to think I was just good at reading people turns out I can read minds. Luckily I have learned how to turn it off."

"Really have you ever read my mind?"

"No I always were this in class, so I don't accidentally hear something I don't want to."

I hold up my hand showing the necklace on my wrist.

"That's a beautiful necklace. Do you want to read my mind? What if I'm only being nice to you to get in your pants?"

I laugh at him.

"No I'm good. I think you would just come out and say it. Plus, I feel like you want to be more then friends, but can wait until the time is right. A person's thoughts at a given time doesn't always reflect their true colors."

"Ever think you want to be more than friends and that's why you think I want to be. I never even said I wanted to be your friend."

"You may be right I have been dreaming about you a lot." I laugh at my self. Thinking about him topless in my dreams.

"You might be the only person I've met that might be to honest." he laughed too.

"Well I'm going to pack my bag for the week. Thanks for your number, that makes me feel much better. " I said standing up.

"No problem." he stood up too.

"oh, um before you go I drew you, well not you you. but you from one of my dreams." I start flipping through pictures trying to find which one to give him. I didn't realize I had drawn so many pictures of him.

"That's alright you can show me later."

"Alright, well I'll see you after Holiday."

"don't forget to message me if you need anything."

"I will"

We hug goodbye, and went our separate ways.