
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

Rauon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Altercation 22 Almost got a trophy, the two words that shook the world!

The huntress had finally decided to put everything she had into killing these fools that sought to kill her master.

The dust cloud around her got cleared away with a swing of an arm.

Her eight eyes gleamed like rubies on her head as they glared at the flying beings above her.

Her large breasts were held in place snugly with the web that doubled as armor to preserve the dignity that she cared very little of.

One of her arms reached out before it seemed to grasp something, then Mary flew into the air in a strange manner heading straight for the Archangel that struck her earlier.

Cassiel felt that the gorgon's threat level had increased to the point that he feared for what would happen if she remained alive!


So with a battle cry to help clear away his mind from the fear, Cassiel met Mary's charge with a shield made from magic, hoping to slam her into the ground, but like any battle, INFORMATION was crucial to have when fighting a formidable foe.


Michael called out in worry before focusing his eyes on the rising gorgon.

She was weaker than them right now, yet his brother was acting as if she was a threat to all of them.

While there was a moment of doubt, The Archangel held immense trust in Cassiel, especially in the ability that could detect those who had the potential to rise into powerful or influential figures.

All of the siblings of the charging Archangel knew their brother's character.

He was usually calm and attacked from a distance when fighting a beatable enemy.

However, for those that made him fear for the safety of his brothers and sisters, the man would change his tactics into that of a berserker.

He was willing to use his own life to cripple an enemy to give them a fighting chance!

This made Michael and others ignore the other satans then focus their attention on the strange monster.

But, the devils sensed this, so they decided to hinder their efforts while firing their magic spells at the distracted archangels, causing Cassiel to handle this problem by himself!


*Fwoosh* *Fwoosh*


The jack o' lantern slugged a few Fireballs at his opponent, that seemed to be enjoying himself as those attacks that were meant for him struck down the opposing army instead!

Raziel's power over illusions 'made' the Construct not sense the baiting actions of the Archangel, which lessened the burden of the angel army.

However, he didn't realize that Jack o' lantern could see with its flames regardless of the amount or range from it.

Taking down more troops to power up its creator?

Sure it'll do that just fine. Its main job WAS to distract and bring about as much damage to the enemies as possible, while it failed to attract the other archangels to its location.

Having one of them was good enough as well, significantly when its power grew according to its creator's full magic.



Cassiel blocked the gorgon's claws with the magic shield!

The amount of force behind her hits caused sparks of mana to scatter as the defensive magic struggled to keep her at bay.

The effects it brought about were like watching some kind of light show as some of them looked like stars flying through the sky.

After six more strikes, the magic shield shattered as a surprised looked formed on Cassiel's face.

It was a magic spell that managed to hold against the fire breath of Yu-long, yet it got smashed to pieces by an unknown variant!

This fact reconfirmed his belief that she was a threat.

Thus he pulled away from the gorgon while holding his hand high.

Cassiel was unleashing his ability to control iron from the ground, from the air, and from the dead.

He acted on instinct as his opponent's strength had increased yet again.

The Archangel wasn't sure what the cause was, but right now, Cassiel believed it was related to what happened to his magic shield because after it blocked her attack, it was somehow weakened by a barely noticeable degree!

"Since you can eat magic! Let's see how you can handle Iron gutting you like the beast that you are!"

He spoke loudly in hopes that his siblings would hear this important detail, but with the sounds of magic clashing behind him, there was a high chance that they didn't, and His opponent wasn't going to let him have it easy.

Her arm's spread out widely as thick webs 'grew' outward to the armies that continued to fight in a frenzy, then Mary made a twisting gesture before a few million soldiers on both sides fell into bloody pieces!

Again, her strength spiked up once more.

At the same time, the survivors of the two armies decided to retreat fully due to the sudden number of casualties, as all of the collected iron wrapped around him, fully encasing him in gear that made him look like a colossal metal-winged monster.

The deaths of the angel army pained his heart and steeled his resolve to kill the abomination that created wings made of the web to keep her afloat in the air.


With a single word, hundreds of tendrils made from iron struck at the gorgon that blocked the attack with thousands of strands of the web while sporting a mocking sneer.

The iron tendrils screeched loudly as they heavily pushed forth trying to overpower Mary.

But some bad habits are hard to get rid of when a child succeeds in delivering her trap.

A child-like giggle was heard behind Cassiel before a cold shiver ran down his spine!

He summoned forth a large shield made from iron as the second Mary immediately fired a torrent of acid spit that sizzled audibly upon getting in contact with the protection the Archangel had erected.

The sudden appearance of the second gorgon caught Cassiel off guard, but the energy this one gave off made him assume that she was a temporary clone that should disappear after a certain amount of time.

This was true in both cases.

The one that attacked him was a clone, but there was one thing that he didn't consider if there was one clone attacking him...

...What are the odds of there being another waiting for the perfect opening that he was giving?

Since a good portion got used for attacking the main body, more than half to protect him from the deadly attack left a 'decent' amount to defend his body!

In mere seconds Cassiel thought of this before he tried to fly higher in hopes of escaping the possibility.

Something had a tight grip on his head, from behind, with a claw digging into one of his eyes as the Archangel soon heard a bloodthirsty whisper.

"̸͖̠̈̾̐I̷̻͖͖̩̝̙̅̉̅̔͗̇̚ ̷̝̾͒̍̐͛́̈Ḡ̸̢̗̱̯̰̩̊̋̍ͅo̶̼̣̗͕͎̺͔͎̲͊̚ͅT̶̨̧̠̳͓͕̙̭̠͋͛͛̅͒͘͜ ̷̞̩̮̣͙͒Y̶̝̐̈́̓̌̉͑̅̇̎͠ǫ̶̨̫̥̳̳̳̫́̈͜͝ͅŬ̵͙̻̹̫̯̤̜̯͛̀̎͐͊͗̽͠~̵͔́̾̏̑̑!̴̮͂̊͠"̴̢̡͔͔̤̭͂͊

"Lord, please grant this lamb salv-"

Cassiel prayed with a heavy heart while retracting whatever iron he could toward his body.

Regardless of it getting covered in acid, this next attack was far more dangerous than that!

A loud explosion occurred, causing even the super devils and other archangels to struggle not to get sent flying away by the windblast and shockwave that made their ears ring.

"No! NO! Cassiel!"

A feminine voice yelled out in fear before one of the satans got pushed back a few hundred meters.

"Michael! Hold them off for a bit! Cassiel needs my help!"

Gabriel, who held better reaction speeds than her siblings, quickly flew downward almost immediately after yelling out to her brother.

She flew into the rising smoke, then seconds later, a barely alive Cassiel was in her grasp as the Archangel flew back in retreat!

Michael looked at the state of his fellow kin in shock, as did the satans that felt newfound fear for the gorgon that they cared little for earlier.

But the actions of Gabriel had further angered a certain monster girl who almost hunted down one of the twelve archangels.

Her screams of fury echoed out.

"WhErE Do yOu tHiNk yOu aRe gOiNg!?"

A wave of spider web chased after Gabriel like they were millions of flying snakes.

Cheaters, all of these winged bastards were cheaters!

The naive gorgon believed that her trophy got stolen from her!

While she did hope to catch the escaping archangels that decided to retreat, a bestial howl that sent fear into everyone who heard it made her retract her attack before a giant red and white blur came crashing down from the skies as two words shook the world.



The two dragon emperors had arrived, and their entrance also included a breath of pure magic; one struck two of the unlucky Satans while the other vaporized Raziel and the jack-o' lantern!