
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

Rauon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Altercation 23 The bloody nightmare is here(British accent)

The white dragon of supremacy and the red dragon of domination were a combo that NO ONE wanted to be around when they fought!

As they flew into the skies at incredible speeds, their fight was unlike anything anyone could imagine.

With a single breath, A mountain in the distance crumbled to dust.

A clash between them reduced the corpse-filled forest beneath them into rubble!

But what can you expect when the two heavenly dragons are out for blood?

They hardly defended themselves other than against the attacks that remade the map around them!

Thanks to how brutal this fight was, one question plagued the minds of the people who had heard of their legends...

What made them hate each other so much?

Sure, Ddraig had a reputation for looking for capable enemies, while Albion often enjoyed 'peace' and loved sweets.

It was unknown what was the cause of their confrontation.

Some assumed it was over a lover.

Others believed it was territory disputes.

One of the hilarious ones whispered something related to Albion's love for sweets, stating that Ddraig stole a sweet roll from the white dragon's secret stash! (a/n I'm surprised no one commented on the little reference here~)

When the two found out about this, the last one mentioned caused a country to disappear for some reason.

Whether it was true or from embarrassment didn't matter at the moment, and it was the best time to enjoy the splendor of two of the most powerful beings in the world as they sought to best each other.



Both sides used their powers to double the user's abilities as the other divided the target's skills and added the split power unto themselves up to a certain point.

With how strong their bodies were, their limits were at an exaggerated level!

Angels, demons, Fallen angels lying in ambush, magicians that hid in the darkness, or the monsters that sought the flesh of the fallen, NONE of them were safe from the aftershocks of each attack these two dragons unleashed.

Even the two most powerful beings, Such as the God almighty or Lucifer, decided to stop the war and retreat due to the dangers that staying would bring upon them!

However, there was one thing that they had forgotten about dragons...

They were very proud and arrogant and often passed the time by PLAYING with the lives of those weaker than them.

So even if the two heavenly dragons fought each other, Some habits were hard to get rid of!


With a claw aimed at the retreating angel army, they became targets for his ability as they lost half of their total strength!

But that wasn't enough.


Magical pressure from the dragon of domination before he tried firing another dragon breath at his adversary; however, a shield formed in front of the dragon of supremacy as a different skill got roared out!


A smug grin formed on the red dragon's, Ddraig, face as he added another skill to the breath before it struck the shield!


The breath gained a bluish hue as the white dragon, Albion, narrowly dodged the breath before his fist slammed into Ddraig's snout.

The sickening crunch that came from that strike reverberated throughout the battlefield. Still, the terrifying thing about it was that it didn't come from Ddraig but rather from the now-broken fist of Albion, who kicked the red dragon away and then fired a breath that slammed him into the ground.

Ddraig's Immense durability allowed him to shrug off a powered-up punch, and he could care even less for the breath that made his scales steam for a little bit.

But their sudden appearance had ruined the plans of two other factions that wished to rid the world of two specific individuals.

As long as God existed, angels would eventually overwhelm the other groups in numbers.

Should Lucifer continue to rule over devils, countless promising devils would be unable to grow and force their race to stagnate, even more so when the fool constantly challenged beings that he couldn't even fight against himself!

Each with their own plans that failed miserably, the magicians were the first to contact the others about the item that could extract souls!

The fallen angel Azazel offered another item that could temporarily seal targets in place for a certain amount of time.

Angels and devils agreed, already prepared to hold the two dragons in place.

However, a baleful shriek was soon heard as the woman's voice, laced with madness and complex emotions, spoke.

"hOw dArE YoU!"

"̵̢̛͎̤̝̦͔̹͂͆̒͝H̷̫̰̺̹͕͕̫̺̀̌Ơ̸̧̩̥̩͕͚͎̥͚͗̈́̒͂̎͛̀̕W̸͆͐͜ ̸̨́̏̍͝͠Ď̶̛̗̩̪̬̘̜̐̿̔̄̒̎̀́Ȁ̵̖̮̖͆̑̈́͝ͅR̸̨̧̡̭̼̟̪̭͖̥͆͛̓͊̎̀E̶̢̯̓͒̿̒͂͂͝ ̵̪͉̽̃̏͂̅̿̊́̂͝Ỵ̶̰̯̗̖̓̑̃͛̐̏̊̚͘Ǫ̷̥͈͔͈͚̀̄̿̎̈́̌̄̀̕U̷̧̙̣͍̪̺͓̱̝̖͂ ̴̨̛̛̩̖́̋̿̽̈́́̓K̶̡̓̌̓̚͜I̷͕͚͔̪͗̎̑̅̀͂̆͝͠Ĺ̷̮̱̭̘͛͛̇̉̾̇͘̚͠Ḽ̴̛͇̉̀̇͊̍̀͠ ̷͎̪̮̅̈͒͑̈́̕͠F̷̢̧̥̖̜̝̖̱̟̊̿͜Ȧ̷̧̜̠̩͇͙̖̈́͂̋̔T̵̝̥͕̱̳͕̭̋̉̔̐̀͝ͅH̷̦̟̝̠̓͐Ȩ̸͔̪̰̘̅̑̉̉̒̏̊̏̽͠ͅR̴̗̝̺̀̀̿̔̈́̚͘!̷̲̯̰͉̹̪͍̦̊!̵̛͕̜̟͎̳̣͕͚͕̀̿̇̇͜!̷̭͓̝̗̯͈̫̘̋̋͐̚̚̕͜"̶̦̙̬̖͕̟̤͎͐

Let's move back to a few minutes ago before a certain gorgon went ballistic.


Joseph grunted from the pain of being forced out of the Jack o' lantern that got erased from the world, but it was something easy for him to recover from.

He didn't like that two of the heavenly dragons had shown up on this battlefield that he had meticulously prepared for!

They were like unpredictable storms that ruined anything that got in their way.

This made him resecure his little shield embedded in his arm. It was something that would keep him from receiving actual death regardless of what happened to him.

But there was one problem with his actions: it had released a peculiar energy signature that distracted the white dragon that was above, and dragons tend to be pretty petty about anything, ESPECIALLY when they are having a good fight.

So Albion delivered a punch to Ddraig's snout to distract him before kicking the red dragon toward a specific area.

He then used his breath to accelerate his descent to the ground which quickly got enveloped in white flames.

Needless to say, Joseph suffered from some horrific burns before getting squashed into a patty!

A certain white-haired gorgon floated in the sky, unable to comprehend what had just happened. She was just about to chase after the retreating angels, yet her connection with her master, no, her father, was now lost...


It was as if the girl was suffering from a mental breakdown.

Mary's widened eyes dulled while her mind collapsed from the scene that got burned into her mind.

Her father's flattened and mutilated corpse stuck to the spiky scales of the red dragon that rose from the ground.

Like a mantra, Mary started to mutter in disbelief since her blind loyalty caused by the man's skill made her care for him dearly.

"No, no, no, no!"

She clawed the sides of her cheek, causing her maroon-colored blood to ooze out from the fresh wounds that Mary had inflicted upon herself in hopes of awakening from this nightmare.

Sadly for the misinformed Gorgon, this was the cruel reality!

The girl's face warped from multiple emotions that went out of control: sadness, despair, emptiness, loneliness until finally, Hatred!

A cold shiver when down the spines of the devils closest to Mary, like an apex predator had been released from its cage.

There were no signs of this change physically but something within her lurched at the growing hatred.

Mary's hair covered most of her face at the moment, but the wind helped reveal a grudgeful glare aimed right at the red dragon that resumed his battle with Albion!

She had only been born so long ago, and what remained of the man that mary looked like the 'world' to her was still plastered on Ddraig's back.

if it wasn't still attached and remained on the ground, Mary most likely would've collected the corpse and escaped.

But that wasn't the case here.

Not only was it stuck to the back of the red dragon's body like the hundreds of more rotting corpses, But her love and loyalty to Joseph, regardless of how stupid and suicidal the next actions would be, prevented her from simply ESCAPING now like what Morgana had been telling her to do!

But don't forget, before being a mighty hunter and warrior, she was a child that was a month or so old, so how would Mary be able to control herself?

She had paid the price for trying to become more human for her father, to be closer to him.

Thus all she could do was charge forward and hope to retrieve the body, even if it meant her demise!


Ddraig looked at the newcomer with the typical arrogance a mighty dragon would have before swiping at the strange monster with his tail. However, upon contact, he felt a drop in his power!

Albion sensed this then looked towards the monster that looked like a spider that got up from the crater that its body had made.

The sudden spike in power was another disturbing thing. Remember, Ddraig was a dragon that surpassed the five dragon kings, so the amount of strength that the Gorgon had stolen from the BOOSTED dragon was no joke!

Everyone there sensed it.

But this was just the beginning. With Mary's abilities all significantly enhanced, there was one innate trait that began to awaken from its slumber, something she was initially before becoming a gorgon.

An unnatural amount of drool dripped from her mouth as her injuries recovered ridiculously.

She was hungry.

Right now, in mary's eyes. as her emotions disturbed the sleeping beast that slumbered in her mind. The Gorgon couldn't help but see the two dragons as roasted chickens flying in the air.

You can't blame her for this misconception. Memories and imagination born from stories and dreams collected from her mother affected her perception of the two dragons that felt excited and threatened by the Gorgon.

It was no longer Mary who controlled her body but rather the bestial instincts that Joseph had suppressed as his body was getting remade elsewhere.

Without him to subconsciously control it, the monster that was much more horrifying than zergs and a gorgon was now wide awake and starving.

Right now, what controlled Mary was the Eldritch gorgon, which had complete control of its body and hyper evolution speed and the zerg abilities that absorbed the traits of those it consumed.

In a single blink of an eye, Gorgon had chosen its target to grow even further.

It was making use of the Gas of chaotic dream.

The whole time Mary had been using the wrong way, including the gorgon eyes that weren't used very often and with the help of laige the gorgon quickly came up with a plan to weaken even faster rather than blindly charging forward.

Using the three, would accelerate the effects of the said gas and could create an illusion that made its prey perceive things in a delayed manner!

As long as she connected to webs until the tips and used them to hit anything, it was possible to steal 3.5% of the stats of a victim, this made the eldritch quite disappointed that its descendant failed to even think of it.

But no matter just hitting the two dragons, that had been affected by its perception slowing fumes and poison, at least 20 or more times will give it the advantage it needed.

By the way, it was possible for the Eldritch gorgon to control hundreds of webs made into whips as if they were snakes!

Within seconds both dragons were weakened before they were able to perceive it earlier, So right now, The eldritch had already taken a bite out of the two without them even realizing it yet, While Ddraig had a tougher hide the same couldn't be said for his tongue~.

What made an Eldritch gorgon even scarier was the fact that they often played with their prey as they broke down both physically and mentally!

But then again those two were dragons so these cheat tricks would only work for so long.

Before you all say anything, this is Ddraig and Albion here, so don't think for a second that it'll be THAT easy.

Rauoncreators' thoughts