
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

Rauon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Altercation 21 Bloody Mary version 2.0?

In the middle of the devil army was a practically naked young woman with white hair made from silk.

In her hand was a Shilluk made from copper that made blood rain with every stab and swing of the weapon!

She lacked skill with the said Shilluk, but that was quickly made up with brute force and her other skills that were currently active.

But even then, her excellent control over her new body made it seem like she was dancing in the middle of this gruesome slaughter!

The Devils and angels couldn't help but gawk in awe at the strange yet unique beauty she held in battle despite their kin being slaughtered in front of them.


It was unknown who had actually said that, however, that certainly spurred them into entering the range of her swift and deadly attacks!

Even after saying that, what can these devils and angels do against a girl that grew stronger with every hit of her Shilluk?

Mary understood that as well, causing her to giggle in a child-like manner, fully enjoying this 'contribution' she was making to her master, which would've been adorable if it weren't because she was covered in blood and held a ripped-off wing in her mouth that was getting gnawed on, with a fallen devil's head on the one hand!

As she fought, the gorgon engorged herself on the parts that were solid enough to get snagged.

After satisfying some of her bloodlusts and feeling much calmer now, Mary released a heated breath as her body was growing accustomed to the changes as Laige began to creep more of her body with a copper-like film.

Mary wasn't trying to be erotic or anything, and it was just that the feeling of getting stronger at an incredible rate tends to feel like a good workout.

Especially in areas that you usually don't use!

There was another thing that the TWO ARMIES had failed to realize as higher-tiered beings fought and killed each other.

Mary wasn't flying.

She supported herself with the countless webs that had attached themselves to the flying fools during their distraction.

It was very subtle but having almost 10 million flyers to support her weight made things much too easy~.

So with the same web that helped her stay in the air, Mary charged into the fray with a ferocious grin as her ever-growing strength allowed her to break through as if they were toys before the stronger ones joined.

This was good because if they joined in sooner, they'd be able to kill her, but the effects of Laige were something that they had yet to see or experience!


The mana construct, made from flames, molten earth, and metal, had begun its assault to support the daughter of its creator.

A crimson bolt made from its body took form in its hand before throwing the weapon towards the flying angels with all its MIGHT!

But the joke was on them because the projectile changed its course mere moments before it could've slammed into the angel army.

The Jack o' lantern's target was God himself!

This caused disarray to occur within their group as most of them could not move fast enough to block the attack for their beloved lord.

Those that managed to do so were too weak even to hinder it, making their sacrifices meaningless as they exploded into bloody mists!

The only thing that stopped it was an angel that wore a turban on his head, his brown hair flailed about from the force of the projectile, yet it seemed like the force behind it wasn't enough to make him flinch.

"Michael, You wouldn't mind if I deal with the problem down there while you guys deal with that strange girl, right?"

The one he spoke to was one of the twelve archangels, the current leader that was second only to their beloved lord, and they had their specialties and always did what they deemed in the best interest of their father.

The Blonde Angel nodded at the 'request' of his brother, knowing full well of how mischievous he can be when something catches his fancy.

Micheal's specialty was leadership and spiritual stability that affected all under his command, making him an excellent leader.

At the same time, Raziel specialized in secrets and mysteries that made the archangel a force to be reckoned with if you can break free from the mystery that he 'places' you in.

Even Micheal would rather fight his brother Lucifer for a whole week rather than go through THAT experience again!


Mary released a low growl as her mana and physical prowess had grown with the number of raining corpses, tens of weaker devils and angels were getting pulled towards her like a piece of metal near a strong magnet.

Those that were pulled towards her, got rendered immobile and unable to retaliate in any way!

To her, their flesh and blood were the perfect guinea pigs to receive praise from her master, completely unaware that she had ruined some of his plans and put herself in a lot of danger.

But Joseph had continued to spoil the little minx and allowed Mary to enjoy herself, thinking about it now, the man hasn't scolded the girl for any of her misbehavior but he was too busy to even care about that now.

Using the corpses that had been falling, more than half of them were condemned with the rest saved only to be butchered again!

Joseph was making full use of his marks and a with both nearing 50 thousand, you could say that he had ground much more powerful compared to when he first appeared in front of the army.

Thus while letting Mary indulge in her slaughter-fest, the man will reap as many benefits from the corpses as possible~.

"BoRiNg, YoU GuYs aRe tOo wEaK!"

Her voice was less distorted now, but still heavily laced with bloodlust, Mary thought of her current as inadequate as well for her master's plans.

She needed, no, the girl CRAVED FOR STRONGER ENEMIES!

With her weapon resting on her shoulder, Mary looked around while dodging the attacks of the peons and occasionally kicking them away due to their attempt in grabbing her.

She belonged to master, ONLY HE MAY TOUCH HER!

A particularly arrogant and blonde devil caught her attention before sporting a very 'satisfied' smile.

The girl had found someone who can 'donate' their strength to Laige.

While it grew increasingly difficult to wield the weapon with every hit the enemies received, it bolstered her growth!

The target of her craving frowned in confusion, well he did have a good reason for feeling that way.

For one, Mary was currently at the level of a high-class magical being, so why did she make him feel threatened for a moment there?

Lucifer, who was at the level of a peak super devil, 'fearing' a being of a high-class being.

How embarrassing would that be?

Since she made him feel that way, there was only one ending for her in his eyes, death.

Since his children were sent to deal with other nuisances, It might be best for him to end this in one attack a red orb made from compressed devil magic formed right above his head before it flew toward the girl who seemed to smile even wider as the attack came closer at break-neck speeds!

Laige, the bringer of weakness, took control of Mary's arm before striking the magic orb.

The effects of this collision were not good for the two armies around Mary, arcs of devil magic, blade-like winds, and sound waves.

These three effects decimated or brutalized those that were struck by them!

Some were turned into melted insides, torn up pieces of flesh, scorched figures, all of the victims continued to rain down to the ground, but once that collision died down one of the 12 archangels appeared right above Mary with a burning mace that slammed down to the top of her head!



The hit echoed out with the sound of something crunching as the girl's figure got sent crashing into the ground.

There was no sound of pain from Mary so most assumed that she was dead.

The attacker was a middle-aged-looking man that sported a full brown beard and mustache, He was Cassiel, the angel of tears, the angel of temperance, or the angel who presides over the deaths of kings.

Unlike his siblings, The Archangel truly felt the girl was a threat that needed to be eliminated, not only that, he didn't think that it'd be that easy to kill her.

Micheal, Gabriel, and Uriel soon joined his side with one of them about to ask him why he had assaulted a high-class being?

But their appearance caused the other three super devils to join lucifer's side, with the fallen mary finally getting serious.

She rose to her feet, within the crater, unnaturally as her mangled body repaired itself at an incredible rate and in a disturbing manner, Her dull grey eyes gained a red glow, the upper part of her head had been crushed but the girl was unphased by this fact!

"Aunt Laige, Looks like I'll need your help as They ruined my fun!"

In fact, it seemed as if she wasn't hurt at all!

The reason for that was due to one important detail that her species had, They formed an overwhelmingly tough SECONDARY exoskeleton armor, it absorbed the brunt of the attack of her enemy since they were cheating(In her mind), it was about time she went all out!

Mary's next action was bizarre, she raised the Shilluk then swallowed it whole.

A dust cloud appeared around the girl as her body started to form cracks as her arms split into two, her lower body expanded in size as an insect's thorax burst out, with her legs turning into four pairs of armored appendages that were made for hunting and battle!

Her magic and physical prowess had grown suddenly to levels that made all of the super-class beings turn their attention to her!

Mary looked like a certain Arachne, her eight eyes glared at the flying enemies while growling venomously, This time...

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